1 Docs III Summary: * Searching Text Files With 'grep' * Documentation Browsers [Section index | BasicsIndex] - [KB index | WebHome] 1 Searching Text Files With 'grep' If you are looking for a string in one or more text files, use 'grep'. 'grep' searches texts for a specific pattern.
Let's say you are searching for files in '/usr/src/linux/Documentation' which contain the string 'magic': $ ~~grep magic /usr/src/linux/Documentation/*~~
~~sysrq.txt:* How do I enable the magic SysRQ key?
sysrq.txt:* How do I use the magic SysRQ key?~~ The file 'sysrq.txt', among others, contains this string in the context of discussing the SysRQ feature. By default, 'grep' only searches the current directory, to tell it to search the subdirectories, too, make a: ~~grep -r~~ If you are expecting a lot of output, you should send it to a program like 'less' using a [pipe | BasicsBshell4#Redirection]: $ ~~grep magic /usr/src/linux/Documentation/* | less~~ Now you can scroll the output conveniently. An important thing to remember is that you have to provide a file filter (just add * for all files). If you forget this, 'grep' will just wait and thus block the terminal. If this happens to you, press ~~<~~CTRL c> and try again. Some of the more interesting command line options for 'grep': * ~~grep -i pattern files~~ makes the search case-insensitive. The default is case-sensitive search. * ~~grep -l pattern files~~ just lists the names of matching files. * ~~grep -L pattern files~~ lists the names of non-matching files. * ~~grep -w pattern files~~ only matches whole words, not substrings ('magic' vs. 'magical'). * ~~grep -number pattern files~~ determines how many {number} lines of context are displayed around a hit. * ~~grep 'pattern1 \| pattern2' files~~ lists lines which contain either pattern1 or pattern2. * ~~grep pattern1 files | grep pattern2~~ lists lines which contain pattern1 together with pattern2. There are also some special signs which help you to refine your search: * ~~\<~~ and ~~\>~~ match the beginning and the ending of a word.
Examples: * ~~grep 'man' *~~ finds 'Batman', 'manic', 'man' etc. * ~~grep ~~'\<~~man' *~~ finds 'manic' and 'man', but not 'Batman'. * ~~grep 'man~~\>~~' *~~ finds 'man' and 'Batman', but not 'manic'. * ~~grep '~~\<~~man~~\>~~'~~ only finds 'man', not 'Batman' or 'manic' or any other string. * '^' : means 'only words with the following string which are at the beginning of a line' * '$' : means 'only words with the proceeding string which are at the end of a line' * If you can't be bothered with command line options, there's also a graphical interface to 'grep', called [reXgrep | http://freshmeat.net/projects/rexgrep/?topic_id=861]. It offers a search engine like AND, OR, NOT syntax and some nice buttons :-). If you just need a clearer output, get [fungrep | http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aw096/fungrep.pl]. [section index | BasicsIndex] 1 Documentation Browsers * [pinfo | http://zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl/~pborys/stable-version/]: 'pinfo' runs in a terminal and displays man and info pages. It searches for an appropriate info page first and then for a corresponding man page. If it doesn't find either of them, it calls 'apropos'.
References are provided as links, and the output is nicely colorized. You can customize colorization. 'pinfo' also adds the much needed search function to 'info'. Included on the Mandrake Linux CDs. * KDE Help. If you happen to use KDE, you can use KDE's own help browser to search and display man and info pages. Note the syntax: ~~man:program_name~~, but ~~info:(program_name)~~. * Gnome Help Browser. The central help tool for the GNOME environment, which displays almost everything under the sun. The syntax for man and info pages is the same: ~~man:program_name~~ or ~~info:program name~~. * HTML Browsers. HTML is an increasingly popular help file format. It is much easier to write pages in than using 'man' or 'info' macros. You can bookmark the appropriate pages in your browser of choice, and use the browser's built-in search function. To search HTML pages with 'grep', use lynx' 'dump' option: ~~lynx -dump file1 file2 | grep pattern~~ * '~TkInfo', '~TkMan', 'Xinfo', 'Xman'. X programs to display and search 'man' or 'info' pages. [section index | BasicsIndex]
1.1 Related Resources:
[The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) | http://linuxdoc.org/]
[Mdk User Guide, II.7 | http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/doc/82/en/user.html/doc-where.html] Revision / Modified: April 20, 2002
Author: Tom Berger Legal: This page is covered by the [GNU Free Documentation License | http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.txt]. Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB and Mandrakesoft.
Let's say you are searching for files in '/usr/src/linux/Documentation' which contain the string 'magic': $ ~~grep magic /usr/src/linux/Documentation/*~~
~~sysrq.txt:* How do I enable the magic SysRQ key?
sysrq.txt:* How do I use the magic SysRQ key?~~ The file 'sysrq.txt', among others, contains this string in the context of discussing the SysRQ feature. By default, 'grep' only searches the current directory, to tell it to search the subdirectories, too, make a: ~~grep -r~~ If you are expecting a lot of output, you should send it to a program like 'less' using a [pipe | BasicsBshell4#Redirection]: $ ~~grep magic /usr/src/linux/Documentation/* | less~~ Now you can scroll the output conveniently. An important thing to remember is that you have to provide a file filter (just add * for all files). If you forget this, 'grep' will just wait and thus block the terminal. If this happens to you, press ~~<~~CTRL c> and try again. Some of the more interesting command line options for 'grep': * ~~grep -i pattern files~~ makes the search case-insensitive. The default is case-sensitive search. * ~~grep -l pattern files~~ just lists the names of matching files. * ~~grep -L pattern files~~ lists the names of non-matching files. * ~~grep -w pattern files~~ only matches whole words, not substrings ('magic' vs. 'magical'). * ~~grep -number pattern files~~ determines how many {number} lines of context are displayed around a hit. * ~~grep 'pattern1 \| pattern2' files~~ lists lines which contain either pattern1 or pattern2. * ~~grep pattern1 files | grep pattern2~~ lists lines which contain pattern1 together with pattern2. There are also some special signs which help you to refine your search: * ~~\<~~ and ~~\>~~ match the beginning and the ending of a word.
Examples: * ~~grep 'man' *~~ finds 'Batman', 'manic', 'man' etc. * ~~grep ~~'\<~~man' *~~ finds 'manic' and 'man', but not 'Batman'. * ~~grep 'man~~\>~~' *~~ finds 'man' and 'Batman', but not 'manic'. * ~~grep '~~\<~~man~~\>~~'~~ only finds 'man', not 'Batman' or 'manic' or any other string. * '^' : means 'only words with the following string which are at the beginning of a line' * '$' : means 'only words with the proceeding string which are at the end of a line' * If you can't be bothered with command line options, there's also a graphical interface to 'grep', called [reXgrep | http://freshmeat.net/projects/rexgrep/?topic_id=861]. It offers a search engine like AND, OR, NOT syntax and some nice buttons :-). If you just need a clearer output, get [fungrep | http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aw096/fungrep.pl]. [section index | BasicsIndex] 1 Documentation Browsers * [pinfo | http://zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl/~pborys/stable-version/]: 'pinfo' runs in a terminal and displays man and info pages. It searches for an appropriate info page first and then for a corresponding man page. If it doesn't find either of them, it calls 'apropos'.
References are provided as links, and the output is nicely colorized. You can customize colorization. 'pinfo' also adds the much needed search function to 'info'. Included on the Mandrake Linux CDs. * KDE Help. If you happen to use KDE, you can use KDE's own help browser to search and display man and info pages. Note the syntax: ~~man:program_name~~, but ~~info:(program_name)~~. * Gnome Help Browser. The central help tool for the GNOME environment, which displays almost everything under the sun. The syntax for man and info pages is the same: ~~man:program_name~~ or ~~info:program name~~. * HTML Browsers. HTML is an increasingly popular help file format. It is much easier to write pages in than using 'man' or 'info' macros. You can bookmark the appropriate pages in your browser of choice, and use the browser's built-in search function. To search HTML pages with 'grep', use lynx' 'dump' option: ~~lynx -dump file1 file2 | grep pattern~~ * '~TkInfo', '~TkMan', 'Xinfo', 'Xman'. X programs to display and search 'man' or 'info' pages. [section index | BasicsIndex]
1.1 Related Resources:
info grep
[The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) | http://linuxdoc.org/]
[Mdk User Guide, II.7 | http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/doc/82/en/user.html/doc-where.html] Revision / Modified: April 20, 2002
Author: Tom Berger Legal: This page is covered by the [GNU Free Documentation License | http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.txt]. Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB and Mandrakesoft.
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Version 1.12 last modified by ptyxs on 14/10/2006 at 10:34
Version 1.12 last modified by ptyxs on 14/10/2006 at 10:34