Mandriva: The Penguin

Many of you will remember the contest we held last year for ideas on how to promote Mandriva. One of the winning suggestions was to adopt a penguin. Well, we did! Through the International Penguin Conservation Work Group, we adopted a penguin and named it Mandriva.
Mandriva was adopted last year just before the egg-laying season, and laid two eggs. One of the chicks died when it was young, but the other one is doing well and is now venturing out of the nest on its own, and is described by Mike from IPCW as "fat and healthy"! There is a lot more information about Magellanic penguins (that's Mandriva's breed) and IPCW's work on their website, and you can even adopt a penguin of your own! Expect more progress reports on Mandriva as they come in. Here's some pictures of our very own penguin.
Version 1.15 last modified by yoho on 23/02/2006 at 17:24
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