
Using The Shell I

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The Ultimate Power Tool

Every once in while you get to hear the litany that 'the command line' is 'out of date', 'arcane' and so on. And that people and operating systems should get rid off it.

The truth is: you can use Linux without knowing anything about the shell. You can boot your system directly into X and shut it down from there. You can use the Mandrake Control Center and Webmin to configure all and every aspect of your system.

It is my conviction, however, that using Linux without the shell is like driving your car in first gear only. Sure, it's easier at a first glance and you get where you want most of the time. But it's slow and takes the fun out of driving.
And that's it: the command line is fun. It's like the biggest collection of building blocks you've ever seen. And these blocks can do the most amazing things and what's more, you can make them cooperate, thus achieving highly complex tasks within a few lines. This is because in Unix the shell isn't just a simple command interpreter like DOS in Windows, but a fully fledged programming environment.

That isn't to say it is easy learning your ways around the shell. Well, it's learning, so what do you expect? ;-) But believe me that it can be highly rewarding. And you will be regarded as a Unix wizard by most outsiders in a rather short period of time grin.

In order to get some ideas what a shell is anyway, a little background knowledge might be useful

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Terminals, xterms And Shells

Back in the days when Unix was born, the now dominant breed of 'personal computers' was completely unknown. The machines then referred to as 'computers' were bulky brutes using tapes and magnetic memory (hence the term 'core' for system memory). With the PDP-11 by DEC (now Compaq) introduced in 1970, a 'small' (thus called 'mini') and rather cheap computer appeared on the market and turned almost instantly into a big hit with universities, most of which were for the first time able to buy a computer (the PDP-11 was a real bargain at 10000$).

The operating systems for these machines were written in assembler, machine code, thus being highly efficient but also being totally and utterly unportable. Each computer vendor sold his operating system along with his machines.
The awkwardness of this situation was soon realized and attempts were started to create an operating system which could be run on more than one brand of machines. 1969 Ken Thompson wrote the first code of what was to become known as Unix (a pun on MULTICS, an earlier project Thompson had been working on). However, things really got started when Dennis Ritchie came up with a new programming language for this new operating system, called 'C'.
Although Unix was less efficient than the vendor supplied operating systems, it had three decisive advantages: it could be ported to any machine you happened to have around, the included 'C' language made programming by several magnitudes easier and it was free. Soon, universities all over America began equipping their machines with Unix.


So Unix was (and is) an operating system running on a wide variety of machines. What about the people who used these machines? These people connected to these machines via 'dumb' terminals, i.e. machines consisting of a keyboard, a monitor and enough electronics to hold a connection to the central computer. What users at these terminals did was basically TeleTYping, thus the string 'tty' for terminal device files or the name of the 'getty' command.

You may ask yourself what all this has got to do with the topic at hand. Well, the vendors of these terminals couldn't agree on a standard. That is, each brand of terminals had its own keyboard layout, its own method of displaying characters on the screen, its own ideas what signals sent and received represented what characters or control codes and so on.
In order to cope with this chaos, a central file containing all the different and differing terminal capabilities was created, the termcap. Open '/etc/termcap' in a text viewer and stand amazed (or frightened ;-)).

Linux terminals mostly use either 'vt100' or 'linux' as their terminal type.

On a Mandrivalinux system you can access windows which emulate such terminals via the key sequence CTRL+ALT+F1 to CTRL+ALT+F6. ALT-F7 brings you back to the current X session (see below). They are 'special files' in /dev : /dev/tty1 to /dev/tty6.


In the early Eighties, the X Window System, a graphical subsystem for Unix, was developed. XFree86 was forked from this system in the early 90s in order to write a version more stable on the then fledgeling Intel-based Unix clones like FreeBSD, NetBSD or Linux. Later, forked from XFree86. is by now the default graphical system for Mandriva.

The first and foremost use of X was running multiple 'virtual' terminals on it. X even came with such an application, 'xterm'. Therefore you'll find that 'xterm' and 'virtual terminal' are often used synonymously. When you read 'open an xterm', you don't actually have to install and use the 'xterm' program, any other terminal emulator, like rxvt, konsole, aterm, eterm, wterm, etc, will do, too.

A terminal emulator (another name for 'virtual terminal') connects to the system via a pseudo tty device file and uses its own display standard. This might lead to a slightly different behavior of some keys or applications on different terminal emulators, depending on how good these emulators emulate the 'xterm' display standard.

On Mandriva, you can get access to these emulators through the KDE Main Menu : System * Terminals. They are special files in /dev/pts ('pts' = 'Pseudo-TerminalS') : /dev/pts/1, /dev/pts2 etc.


In order to run programs on a terminal, a shell is needed. The shell is that part of an operating system which communicates with the user and allows communication between commands.

The first 'real' Unix shell, 'sh', was written around 1975 by Steve Bourne, and is thus also called the 'Bourne shell'. Soon others developed, some based on the original Bourne shell like (pd)'ksh' or 'zsh', which are often used as the standard shell on proprietary Unixes, or the shells which implemented features from the 'C' programming language, like 'csh' or 'tcsh'.

In Linux, the standard shell is 'bash', the GNU Bourne-Again Shell (well, Unix humor ...). It is very powerful (some would say, bloated), the compressed (!!) man page alone weighs some 50 KB.

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First Steps On The Shell

First of all, a little note: you should not use the shell as 'root' for everyday tasks, especially if you are just beginning to use it. You can't damage the system accidentally (or even intentionally) when being a user; as 'root', however, a simple typo can have unforeseen and severe consequences.

The first thing you see after logging in or opening an xterm window is the prompt. The standard prompt on Mandrivalinux consists of your user name, the name of the machine you are logged into (if none is set, 'localhost' is used), the directory where you are (the 'working directory') and the prompt sign:

{tom@belbo tom}$

I'm logged in as user 'tom' on my machine which I've called 'belbo' and I'm in my home directory, '/home/tom'. The prompt for 'root' looks like this:

{root@belbo root}#

You see that apart from the different name, the prompt sign has changed from a '$' to a '#'. It is traditional on Bourne shells to end a user's prompt with '$' and root's prompt with '#'.

Every aspect of the prompt is customizable, you will read about that later on.

To run a command, you type the name of the command after the prompt and then hit the <ENTER> key. The shell searches for the command in its search path (more on that later, too), runs the command, prints the output of the command (if any) on the terminal and presents you with a new prompt when the command is finished:

{tom@belbo tom}$ whoami
{tom@belbo tom}$

By the way, it does not matter where the cursor is when you hit the <ENTER> key, the shell will always read the complete line.

Basic commands are 'ls' (list directory), 'cp' (copy), 'mv' (move / rename), 'cd' (change directory), each coming with a wealth of options listed in their respective man page (man ls, man mv etc).
When you press <TAB>, then a list of all available commands is displayed, when you enter some characters and press <TAB> afterwards, then a list of all commands starting with these characters is displayed.

Before you start off into shell land, a quick introduction into terminology. Commands take options and/or arguments:

mv -i file dir

'-i' is an option to the 'mv' command, whereas 'file' and 'dir' are arguments. Available options are explained in detail in the command's man page (man mv in this example), whereas arguments are supplied by you. Options modify how a command works, whereas arguments determine on which data the command should be performed.

So far, this looks very much like the DOS shell almost everyone hates and despises (and rightfully so). Time to introduce some mechanisms which make your shell life a much more pleasurable experience.

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Next Item: The very first shell commands to experiment

Related Resources:

Jerry Peek: 'Why Use a Command Line Instead of Windows?'
Eric S. Raymond: 'A Brief History of Hackerdom'

Revision / Modified: Feb. 28, 2002
Author: Tom Berger
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Version 1.28 last modified by ptyxs on 12/03/2006 at 18:55


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