Mandriva Linux 2006 now available for Club members!
#includeResource("Skel.ArticleHeader") 2006 is the ultimate version of Mandriva Linux. It is the fruit of the convergence of three technologies: Mandriva, Conectiva and Lycoris. Mandriva Linux 2006 is also more easy-to-use, more user-friendly and more powerful. It is ideal for the needs of all customers, from the beginner to the SOHO user.
or Join the Club!
New features in 2006:
Desktop Search tool, Interactive Firewall, new package manager: Smart, DeltaRPM updates,Auto-installation server (PowerPack+)
Changes in Mandriva Linux 2006:
- New installer feature
- New software: Graphical desktops: KDE 3.4 & GNOME 2.10, Core & main components: Kernel 2.6.12, gcc 4.0, 6.9, glibc 2.3.5, 1.1.5, Kolab2 (groupware server), Akregator (RSS feed reader), Full version third-party products: Opera (web browser), Skype(TM) (Voice over IP with free calls), Mindawn (online music service), Adobe®Reader(TM)7.0, RealPlayer(TM) 10, Flash(TM)Player 7- Improved performance: Boot time reduction
- Better look-and-feel and ergonomics
Hardware and technology support
Wi-Fi and Intel® Centrino(TM) Mobile technology support Mandriva Linux shines on Intel® Centrino(TM) Mobile technology! THE ONLY LINUX DISTRIBUTION CERTIFIED FOR INTEL®CENTRINO(TM)
If you are a Mandriva Club member you can download now! If you are not yet a member of the Club join the club and download now!
- Standard members get access to the 4 CDs version
- Silver members get access to CDs for Discovery, PowerPack and the live CD, and the DVD edition of the PowerPack
- Gold members and above will get all these versions plus the Powerpack+ version on CD and DVD
In addition to an extended choice of software, all 2006 Official versions come with many pre-packaged commercial plugins such as Flash & Java players, NVIDIA and ATI drivers and many others.
To get all the benefits of the Club and to download the brand new Mandriva Linux 2006 join the club and start your downloads now!
Cheers. The Mandriva Online team.
Version 1.145 last modified by Arkub on 19/10/2006 at 03:10
- Lost account?
- Join the community, be part of the Club: it's free!
- Get the PWP Download Subscription!
Comments (142)
When will the transparency torrents be avaliable?
I have written several mails about the fault of transparent proxy torrents in the downloads section. All with the enough time to have them activated to this moment, when 2006 is made avalaible for club members.
We have always the same problem. I'm very angry. This is incredible.
I was waiting for this moment to reinstall my home PC and "port" my wife from win2000 to linux…
Anyway, thank you very much Arkub.
P.D.: Oh, yeah!. First Post ;P.
status: finishing in 4:37:00 (2.5%) dl speed: 709.8 KB/s ul speed: 801.3 KB/s sharing: 0.947 (103.8 MB up / 109.7 MB down) seeds: 30 seen now, plus 0 distributed copies (1:99.9%, 2:99.5%, 3:93.2%) peers: 38 seen now
the Release Notes gives useful notes about changes and so forth, and the Errata gives details of known problems. I'd particularly draw people's attention to the Errata note on 99% CPU usage caused by logrotate.
the Release Notes gives useful notes about changes and so forth, and the Errata gives details of known problems. I'd particularly draw people's attention to the Errata note on 99% CPU usage caused by logrotate.
I can't find any on teh pages that the announcemnet links to.
(I'm assuming the iso images are there...)
I seem to have two problems. 1) I am now getting 0 length files. At first I got what appeared to be proper files. I have tried downloading with both Konqueror on HTTP and Mozilla on HTTP and HTTPS
2) I am getting "got bad file info -". The header file looks ok. The non 0-length files I managed to download (the i586 DVD torrent) with both Konq and Moz appear to be identical (diff and md5sum).
Help! :>
a) The *-Powerpack-2006-DVD.i586.torrent is actually an xml-formatted Java error message
b) The *-PowerPack-2006-DVD.x86_64.torrent is a bittorent file, but attempting to use it gives:
These errors occurred during execution:--… 21:58:04? got bad file info -
les adresses ftp et http fournies depuis jeudi à 21 h sont toujours inaccessibles
dur dur
Desde la anunciada fusion he perdido servicios que antes gozaba. La cosa va complicada. He enviado varios mails y no me responden.
¿ Que beneficio tiene ser un standard member?
Entreguen informacion, nosotros queremos ayudar.
Fuerza Jose
For me this works OK. Much better then trying to get into an overloaded FTP server. Maybe it will become even better if next time there would be even more early seeders (I don't dare to do this at work, and at home I have too limited capacity (I'm limited to 10GB up + down for a whole month, so if I would become early seeder, I would fast run out of my 10GB and not be able to surf anymore).
Now I'l start burning.
le chevalier qui freeze.
This time it is much better for people like me who cannot use Bittorrent. I requested a http/ftp acces yesterday evening around 6 pm. Within an hour I've got an email with a username and a password and links to the download servers. In about six hours I was able to download the seven isos for the Powerpack edition. So, at least for me there is no reason to complain: All servers had the right iso images and the download speed was excellent.
I have just requested the HTTP/FTP access to the 2006 version and every single link it has given me refers to 2005 ISO's!
And i only found these links by reading these comments not by being directed to them in your email to Silver Members!
What is the point of being a Silver Memeber if even your email advising 2006 is available wont give correct links.
So .... tell me … where is the refund link page - this is the most appalling service i have ever got and continues to get worse as the years go on.
Either you guys hire some people who can actually speak English as their mother tongue anbd know what it means to only speak English or get out of the English language web page business entirely!
i am not (again) impressed with this atrocious disregard for non-French speaking people.
va sur la faq bittorrent sur le forum du club.
??? I requested HTTP/FTP access yesterday and I've got three links for downloading the Powerpack iso images for silver members. All servers contained the 2006 isos (and LE2005 or 10.1 isos) and the download speed was excellent.
I hope it speeds up a lot more during the day.
Thanks for this great job. The 2006 is the best distribution i have never seen. (thanks to mandriva, thanks to contributors)
Thanks for the new communication effort. That is !
We get the message that the Club home page is being replaced temporarily with the Download Module but I cannot navigate my way anywhere except a chance to joint the Club...which I have already done.
We get the message that the Club home page is being replaced temporarily with the Download Module but I cannot navigate my way anywhere except a chance to joint the Club...which I have already done.
Where is the CBQ script control package??? on Conectiva Linux 10 we has this package, and who use them( as me ) will have problems after upgrade.... please verify this....
La surcharge du serveur est telle que je n'arrive même pas à voir les liens de téléchargement ! Un peu de patience s'impose !
open ports router bittorrent
and add the brand name of your router.
Secondly, the upload you'll want to set as high as you can go and still leave yourself a confortable (at least 2-3k) amount of bandwith. So if your connection allows up to 30kBps up (about 256 kbps) then you may want to set your upload to 25kBps. You have to acknowledge packets to get the next ones quickly! Hope this helps!
j'ai aussi limité l'upload à 200
au tout debut le debit était de 5 KB puis est passé à 60KB avant que je n'ouvre les ports.
good luck
ls -h -all
Please can you state which editor program that you used.
for me all goes well, only one problem, when I install powerpack 2006, I have problems with libqt3-devel, it doesn't install. any suggestion?
Use the url and select your torrent file as you did before. The created torrent file will be different to the non-working one from Magic ??
If yes, find it in the mirrors (main or contrib). You may want to add the media and contrib mirrors as urpmi media. Cheers.
Un grand merci a tous les contributeurs Mandriva ;-)
Only one problem...I have screen problems in the respect that there is an oblong vertical black block that follows my cursor; verry annoying. Anyone have this problem?
Also, I'd explicitly like to only have the GPL distro. I pay for the Mandrakeclub in order to support Mandriva - but I don't want to have any of the proprietary stuff installed.
J'ai déjà upgradé 2 machines avec la MDV 2006 (1 portable et 1 desktop), machines qui étaient sous MDK LE 2005.
J'ai eu quelques soucis.
Dans mon cas, il a fallu que je désactive dkms (que je n'ai jamais beaucoup apprécié). Sur mon desktop avec une carte graphique Nvidia 6600 GT, je me suis trompé de driver à l'installation et je me suis retrouvé avec le nvidia_legacy 7174 (au lieu du nvidia 7676). Et depuis que le "legacy" est installé, impossible de l'enlever :
rpm -e nvidia_legacy-kernel-2.6.12-12mdksmp-7174-1mdk erreur: %preun(nvidia_legacy-kernel-2.6.12-12mdksmp-7174-1mdk.i586) scriptlet failed, exit status 127
Et dkms s'est entêté à vouloir utiliser le 7174, même après réinstallation du 7676. Je n'avais alors aucune accélération matérielle 3D de ma carte graphique récente. J'ai fini par dégager DKMS, ce que j'avais aussi fait précédemment sur la LE 2005. J'ai réinstallé le driver Nvidia 7676 directement à partir du fichier récupéré chez (ce que je recommande). J'ai désinstallé dkms (urpme dkms), après avoir également recompilé mon kernel (pour que le driver Nvidia puisse s'installer, le kernel devant avoir été compilé avec la même version de GCC que celle de l'install du driver Nvidia).
Je n'ai pas encore réglé le problème de l'accélération graphique sur mon autre machine : un portable IBM T42P avec une ATI Fire GL… Je n'arrive plus non plus à avoir le Wifi avec WPA (via la carte wifi de la freebox), ce qui marchait impecc avec la LE 2005. Mon voyant wifi clignote mais le "wpa_gui" montre que la connection n'arrive pas à ce stabiliser (ou est d'ailleurs passé le /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf ?)
J'ai aussi quelques soucis avec squid :
[root@ ~?]# /etc/init.d/squid status squid est arrêté squid: ERROR: No running copy [root@~?]# /etc/init.d/squid restart Arrêt de squid : ÉCHEC? init_cache_dir /var/spool/squid… /etc/init.d/squid: line 54: 16446 Abandon $SQUID -z -F -D >>/var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1 Lancement de squid : /etc/init.d/squid: line 53: 16448 Abandon $SQUID $SQUID_OPTS >>/var/log/squid/squid.out 2>&1 ÉCHEC?
Là aussi, ça marchait bien sur la LE2005.
Autre problème : KAT. C'est une vraie cochonnerie. Je m'explique. Après son installation et avoir essayé de créer un catalogue, une merde noire s'est installée sur mon disque dur. J'ai du rebooter avec le DVD MDV 2006 et passer en mode "rescue" pour faire un "fsck.ext3 /dev/hda6" pour récupérer mon système. J'ai aussitôt désinstallé KAT. Vous pouvez jeter ce chaton-là avec l'eau du bain ...
En définitive, je ne suis pas très impressionné par cette nouvelle version de ma distribution préférée et je regrette pour le moment ma LE 2005. J'espère que la 2006 n'est pas une mauvaise série comme parfois il en sortait chez l'ex-Mandrake et que les choses vont s'arranger afin d'avoir un desktop plus stable et plus robuste.
Mesdames-Messieurs de chez Mandriva, arrangez nous tout cela rapidement SVP.
1) Any idea when the "Club Commercial" urpmi site for this distro will actually go online? I get an "Error 403" when I try to add this medium via urpmi.
2) I guess the fact that your Mirror Finder doesn't list any "Update" sites means that you've decided this distro is perfect? ;-)
jacques briand
jacques briand
jacques briand
The last entry is about mozilla-based software that was installed during the installation of 2006. I un-installed/re-installed firefox and thunderbird and they are working fine now. Then I tried to view a pdf document in the browser and when Acrobat Reader came up it locked up my PC. I have now un-installed/re-installed Acrobat Reader and it works correctly. Looks like anything related to mozilla software is gonna act up until fix is in (or u re-install them).
If you go to the Bugzilla link in the article, there is an entry at the bottom:
Comment #33 From Frederic Crozat 2005-09-08 18:46 reply?
Bug should be fixed with nvu 1.0-3mdk, either on new install or by upgrading older broken install to this package (no need to uninstall / reinstall).
Not sure if this means it fixes all problems related to mozilla-related packages that are already installed, or not.
On the bright side, 2006 is now installed, and looks very good. I still need to get the 3D ATI drivers squared away as XOrg reports undefined symbols (MSI RS480M2 MoBo) but the 2x clock problems with the ATI chipset are fixed in the 2.6.12 kernel.
I'm seeding the DVD while I poke around and see whats new.
Did I miss a version? It would help to have an explanation of the diffferent content and also an explantion why the PowerPack DVD is smaller than the CDs...
otherwise keep up the good work! Anders
When the CD boots it says:
Your CPU does not support long mode. Use a 32bit distribution.
Any idea what this means?
I was actually able to get an "update_source" site added using drakconf's interface to rpmdrake.
Thanks. I need to get the dkms-madwifi package installed and configured for this machine (I have the atheros wifi chipset built in to this laptop). But, I found an old PCMCIA 802.11b card that is supported by the kernel, which is how I am getting on right now. ;-)
i'm a silver member
visible_hostname mon_nom_de_machine
avec "mon_nom_de_machine" correspondant évidemment à mon hostname.
Par ailleurs, "/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf" est bien toujours présent sur mon portable wifi, mais le service /etc/init.d/wpa_supplicant n'est plus présent sur la 2006. Mon wifi ne marche toujours pas.
Concernant ma carte graphique ATI Mobility fire GL T2, il semblerait que le driver d'ati (version 16.20) ne soit pas compatible avec Xorg version 6.9. Seule solution : ou attendre la prochaine version du driver d'ati, ou réinstaller Xorg 6.8 .... Il aurait été plus sage de la part de Mandriva de pouvoir proposer l'alternative à l'installation.
I loved the fact that the NVidia drivers and Acrobat reader were included.
ndiswrapper has been installed witht the proper driver for my Laptop HP 7260
The LED blinks very erratically, but never became a solid LED. Here is the scrip:
echo "Loading ndiswrapper..." modprobe ndiswrapper
echo "Setting mode Managed..." iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
echo " -- Setting ESSID" iwconfig wlan0 essid HomeNet
echo " --Setting to cchannel 11..." iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
echo " --Turning on managed mode..." iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
echo " --Setting encryption key" iwconfig wlan0 key restricted 7DC0E6358666EXXXXXXXXX
echo "Bringing up interface wlan0..." ifconfig wlan0 up
echo "Activating UP address via DHCP..." dhclient wlan0
ndiswrapper has been installed witht the proper driver for my Laptop HP 7260
The LED blinks very erratically, but never became a solid LED. Here is the scrip:
echo "Loading ndiswrapper..." modprobe ndiswrapper
echo "Setting mode Managed..." iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
echo " -- Setting ESSID" iwconfig wlan0 essid HomeNet
echo " --Setting to cchannel 11..." iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
echo " --Turning on managed mode..." iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
echo " --Setting encryption key" iwconfig wlan0 key restricted 7DC0E6358666EXXXXXXXXX
echo "Bringing up interface wlan0..." ifconfig wlan0 up
echo "Activating UP address via DHCP..." dhclient wlan0
ndiswrapper has been installed witht the proper driver for my Laptop HP 7260
The LED blinks very erratically, but never became a solid LED. Here is the scrip:
echo "Loading ndiswrapper..." modprobe ndiswrapper
echo "Setting mode Managed..." iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
echo " -- Setting ESSID" iwconfig wlan0 essid HomeNet
echo " --Setting to cchannel 11..." iwconfig wlan0 channel 11
echo " --Turning on managed mode..." iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
echo " --Setting encryption key" iwconfig wlan0 key restricted 7DC0E6358666EXXXXXXXXX
echo "Bringing up interface wlan0..." ifconfig wlan0 up
echo "Activating UP address via DHCP..." dhclient wlan0
The Alt-F3 log says it needs the ata_piix.ko driver which needs the libata.ko both of which are not in the image. The message says to try the image hdcdrom_usb.img which is not on the DVD, where could I get this image?
Alt-F# log line: PCI: device 8086 7111 0000 0000 is "Intel Corp.|82371AB PIIX4 IDE", driver is ata_piix
Skype ne fonctionne pas carte son se bloque au bout d'un appel la carte n'est pas reconnue par defaut la carte écran non plus ...
Bref, c'est le bordel cette release …
Discovery looks good, Powerpack looks good . For me everything works. Scanner, printer network, package management…
Il me reste encore le Wifi sous WPA à régler …
Use the command… md5sum -c filename.md5 check the md5s. Filename is the name of the md5 file. md5sum will check all the iso images md5 values from the filename.md5 file.