How to play games on Mandriva Powerpack with Cedega

The Mandriva Linux 2008 Powerpack includes, among other commercial features, a one month subscription to Transgaming's Cedega.
Cedega is an application which lets you play some games under Linux, even though they were not originally written for this operating system.
To make Cedega work, you need an activation key which you should receive automatically upon registering your Powerpack product key. This comes with both download and boxed copies of the Powerpack.
If you are a Powerpack subscriber, use the Club contact form after logging in to the Club site to request a key.
Once you have received the activation key, open a Cedega account (if you don't have one already) and enter your key code in the Promotional Code or Serial Number box.
Now you have an account name and password for Cedega, launch Cedega in Mandriva. If this is the first time you have run it, a dialog box will open and allow you to enter your account name and password, download the Cedega engine and configure the software. If you have previously run Cedega, you can find these configuration steps again in the Transgaming menu.
As far as support for Cedega and for particular games with it goes, this is provided by Cedega. They have their own Mandriva forum and their own support system. Your subscription allows you to contact the official Cedega support system one time per month, as well as giving you access to the Cedega engine.
Version 1.2 last modified by awilliamson on 03/12/2007 at 21:05
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