
Sebastian Trüg, key KDE contributor, is joining Mandriva!

#includeResource("Skel.ArticleHeader") We're happy to announce that Sebastian Trüg, author of K3b and old-time contributor to the KDE project has joined Mandriva for working on the NEPOMUK project and for keeping strengthening the power of the K Desktop Environment within Mandriva Linux.

You can read a short interview of Sebastian on his involvement into KDE at following URL: Within NEPOMUK, Sebastian will focus on bridging NEPOMUK approach and KDE technological platform, aiming at realizing a "Semantic KDE". Mandriva/NEPOMUK crew will post more on this soon...

Welcome to Mandriva, Sebastian!

Club Team

Main - Sebastian Trüg, key KDE contributor, is joining Mandriva!
要顯示的版本 1.33 last modified by Arkub on 16/10/2006 at 21:03

回應 (15)

jurerepinc | 17.08.2006 at 06:48 PM
Great to hear this. K3b is excellent and big thanks to Sebastian for working on it. And welcome to Mandriva community.

orychalk | 17.08.2006 at 08:18 PM
Bienvenue !!! :D

patrick_darcy | 17.08.2006 at 09:11 PM

javiermv | 18.08.2006 at 12:05 AM
These kind of news are which give real value to my club suscription.

I really like to see that in some way our club susciptions make money goes to free software developers.

Manoel_Pinho | 18.08.2006 at 12:14 AM
Bemvindo !

Peter_1136 | 18.08.2006 at 06:16 AM
My guess is that Sebastien essentially will be funded by EU NEPOMUK project, which Mandriva currently leads. The side benefit is he will take on Mandriva dev/support roles also.

It took me more than a year to step up and buy a Club subscription so maybe Mandriva's business model for club will always lag.

Finally do you recall when Sebastien had to raise funds recently to drive the 1.0 release of K3B? Giving him a FOSS job is actually the best possible support he could have got. I think Mandriva does not get half or even one quater the amount of credit it deserves for supporting FOSS.

Peter_1136 | 18.08.2006 at 06:36 AM
>I always liked compiling everything >myself and always hated rpm. This >combined with my lust for >bleeding-edge software...

If Trueg likes bleeding edge software he will love Cooker/urpmi ! (hint, hint)

HERVE_LETOQUEUX | 18.08.2006 at 10:59 AM
quote : " Which distribution do you use? Why? Gentoo, because it's the best. These guys do a great job and created a distribution which fits my needs perfectly. I always liked compiling everything myself and always hated rpm. This combined with my lust for bleeding-edge software (at least three "emerge sync" a week) leaves only Gentoo."

I find this really funny, I don't know why!!! :D

judland_sk | 18.08.2006 at 08:30 PM
I find this funny, also. I guess the pay-cheque from Mandriva is enough for him to "like" RPM based distros. for the time being. ;)

All my best for him. I hope he does very well with Mandriva.

ch0ulth | 19.08.2006 at 12:41 PM
Willkommen an Bord!


luismago | 19.08.2006 at 05:47 PM
Bienvenido a Mandriva, Sebastian.

kilikopela | 19.08.2006 at 07:22 PM
"which Mandriva currently leads" -> you're wrong. Mandriva is not officialy participant, it's EDGE-IT a subsidiary company. And the coordinating organization is DFKI GmbH (a german research center). See the Nepomuk project page ;)

vasmuppa8u | 25.08.2006 at 08:59 PM
Good to see mandriva paying attention to KDE. Their vanilla KDE was getting boring. I would like to see more integration of KDE with the system.

Also, improve the KDE menus.

Sebastian, thanks. Hope you have a fruitful association with Mandriva.

jjmari | 20.09.2006 at 01:59 AM
Bienvenido Sebastiàn Trûg, gracias por K3b es sensacional.


en nl de es fr cs ca


建立者: Arkub on 2006/08/17 18:17
(c) Mandriva 2007