
Interview of François Bancilhon, CEO of Mandriva

#includeResource("Skel.ArticleHeader") Many news have been circulating over the web concerning Gael Duval's departure from Mandriva. Users and community members are concerned by the lay off of a key founder and would like to understand what happened and what is the impact. So let us start with the Gael situation: did you fire Gael?

Gael was not fired. This term would imply something wrong on his part, which was not the case. He was laid off.

Why was he laid off?

The company lost money in the October-December 2005 quarter. This means that we spent more money that we generated. We can do this temporarily, because we have cash in the bank, but doing this over a long period of time would permanently damage the company. So we had to make the reasonable but hard decision to cut expenses. The expenses cuts were done in a way we estimate will not keep us from generating revenue. Everyone works very hard at Mandriva and fulfills a useful task. So, when you have to cut, it means you need to cut people who were doing a good job and a useful one, so it is painful for everyone, but you have to make the hard choice.

Why is Gael suing the company?

You need to ask this to Gael. France has labor laws that give strong protection to employees and make lay offs long, expensive and complicated (but not impossible). Many employees (about 1 out of 4) sue their employer after a lay off, most of the time to get the employer to pay extra cash on top of the “regular” severance package (about 5 months for people with some seniority).

Was there a disagreement between Gael and the company management?

Not that I am aware of. We had and still have within the company and the management lively debates about the strategy and its implementation. Gael was part of some of these debates, even though he was remoted. I don't think we agreed on everything, but I never got the impression we had fundamental disagreements. I've always valued his opinion, and I still do.

Gael mentions a new project, Ulteo. Were you aware of it?

Yes indeed. Gael brought this to me about a year ago I think (I might be wrong on the date). I looked at it carefully, we discussed it for some time with Gael and Jacques Le Marois. Our joint conclusion was that it would make more sense in a separate entity, which would have a partnership with Mandriva. I started looking for someone who could help Gael on this project on the business side and found a potential candidate. Then Gael came back and said he wanted to work further on the technology before discussing this and we left it there.

Let us now turn to the company strategy: is Gael's departure a sign of a shift in strategy?

Absolutely not. We believe the current strategy is sound.

So let us try to understand that strategy better. Many users have a hard time understanding your strategy and finding their way in your product offering. Are you aware of this?

Yes, we need to make our story more readable, we have some action in process to improve that situation.

So help up clarify it: who are the target customers of Mandriva?

We have two quite different targets: individual users and organizations. For these two targets, we have different products and offering, different sales channels and different strategies. As we move forward, we will try to distinguish more the organizations taking care of both segments.

The individual users made the original target users of the company, this is what MandrakeSoft was servicing, and we have a large numbers of individual users worldwide. We are fully committed to these users and to delivering exciting technology to them. We address them through retail stores and distributors worldwide, through e-commerce, through the club and through OEM agreements with large hardware vendors such as HP, Dell, IBM or NEC and local players such as Positivo in Brazil. The products are Free Mandriva, Discovery, PowerPack and PowerPack+ and the key service is Mandriva On Line. For these users, we have recently announced Mandriva One and Mandriva Kiosk, from which we expect a lot. We are committed to our individual users. A large part of the Mandriva team is dedicated to the individual user market both in terms of engineering, services, marketing and communication.

About 3 years ago, we announced our decision to start developing a new business line for organizations (enterprises and government agencies). Thus we have put in place a new product line (Corporate Server and Corporate Desktop), we have put in place a consulting, training and support organization. We address this market essentially through our direct sales organization in France, Brazil and the US. We have announced for this market the new administration tool, Pulse and put in place our Corporate Club offer. We also offer specialized and embedded services.

Is one of these targets being developed at the expense of the other? I don't think so, I believe on the contrary that they complement each other: they have some common r&d investment in the kernel and on hardware certification. We also find often that they feed each other: some individual users have learned about Mandriva from their enterprise and in many enterprise sales situations, we are meeting some of our individual users.

Is Mandriva going away from providing a free version of its products?

There is continuous rumor that we want to depart from the open source model, that we want to charge for things that were free, that we want to drop individual customers. So let me restate what I have said many times: First, everything we develop and distribute is distributed under GPL. Second, we remain committed to provide a complete free distro (Free Mandriva and soon Mandriva One) and to make its update free.

However, and we've always been clear on this, we want to be profitable, so we need to generate revenues. We do this by providing, besides the free products some commercial products and some services that we charge for. As we provide more technology and products, we try to bring both more free stuff and more commercial stuff.

For instance, in the new Mandriva One + Kiosk offering, there is free stuff (Mandriva One) and stuff we will charge for, or make part of the Club (Kiosk). Look back at the three past years: we have never turned a free product or service into something we charge for. I'm not asking anyone to just take my word, I just say: please look at our track record.

People get the sense that some of your products are free, but that you want to charge for updates. Do you charge for updates?

We do not: for Free Mandriva, Mandriva One, Discovery, Power Pack and Power Pack+, updates are freely available and provided by us. We provide on top of this Mandriva On Line, which is a service that makes the updates easier: an icon on your desktop gives you the status (green you're up to date, red you're not), when the icon is red, you can ask for update by a simple click. We charge 20€ annually for this service. What you pay is the ease of use, not the updates.

What is Mandriva One?

Mandriva One is a Mandriva 2006-based distro, which holds on a single CD and which is both live and install. It's coming out any day now. It will first go to club members (because we like to give them an advance peek at things), then it will be free for all.

What is Mandriva Kiosk?

We have found that non technical users find it difficult sometimes to install new products and new versions of products. So the Kiosk is a response to this. The Kiosk will have a library of Bundles (a bundle is a set of RPMs that make a consistent application) and downloading and installing a bundle is done in a single click. Kiosk will be available as a paid service and will be free for Club Members silver and above.

Are you a company out to make profits?

Yes absolutely; our goal is to be profitable and growing so that we can develop great products, provide great services, and pay our employees. There is however one important difference with an ordinary company: in a standard company, you have to keep happy your customers, your employees and your shareholders. We do this at Mandriva, but we also have to keep happy our contributors, the community and our “free” users.

Main - Interview of François Bancilhon, CEO of Mandriva
Version 1.61 last modified by Émilie Ngo-Van Do (admin) on 18/10/2006 at 16:45

Comments (56)

b | 16.03.2006 at 06:18 PM
This is just the last straw, IMO. Many apparently illogical decisions have been taken in the past months (Club unmantained, anyone?). Not to mention the activity of the "department" where Gael was in that now will be most likely scrapped. And then the PR can't say anything because of their policy, they like people not knowing anything thinking they'll get happier? That's more nonsense.

vgay | 16.03.2006 at 07:11 PM
Je suis un vieux de la vieille comme utilisateur de Mandrake, depuis 1998 (5.x si ma mémoire est bonne). Cette affaire fini de me dégouter. Dans un passé récent c'est ce club qui, selon Mandrake, avait sorti la société de l'impasse dans laquelle elle s'était fourvoyée. Aujourd'hui encore on recommence à prioriser l'action en direction des entreprise au détriment des utilisateurs. Tout le monde veux être calife à la place du calife, c'est à dire redhat ou novel. Et bien tant pis, je prédis un avenir sombre à Mandriva et vais voir ailleurs si le mot communauté a encore un sens.


jda | 16.03.2006 at 07:29 PM
jouer sur 'fired' et 'laid off' c'est moche… en tout cas c'est indigne d'un dirigeant de se cacher derrière les mots. vous l'excluez des forces vives de l'entreprise, c'est tant pis pour vous… vous vous privez d'un de vos meilleurs ambassadeurs … je restais en partie parce que sa vision des choses m'avait plu il y a quelques années ; je ne renouvellerais pas car votre mauvaise foi fait bien état de ce qu'est devenu Mandriva. je pensais récemment que les choses avaient bougé, et malheureusement j'avais raison elles ont bougé, mais pas dans le bon ses. au revoir.

jeansagi | 16.03.2006 at 07:34 PM
This is pity… really pity.

To me, and that's my own opinion, you don't fire (or laid-off if it sounds prettier) the founder of the company.

You need to have very good reasons and make it public, not dubious.

For me, and again this is my own opinion, Mandriva really needs to "visually" improve itself in the next 173 days ;) that it is the time I have left for my Silver fo finish.


awilliamson | 16.03.2006 at 08:44 PM
As I said on the forums, the Community department is not being scrapped. The major project of the department was the Inside e-magazine including CWN: Warly will take over editing CWN and I will take over editing Inside, we aim to start working on a new issue of both soon. The other projects of the department have been handed to another employee.

guillemet | 16.03.2006 at 08:52 PM
Mr Brancillon ; avez vous compris que la sortie de crise de 2002 a pu se faire grace à la contribution d'idéologues ? ce n'est pas pour les maigres avantages du club… alors vous n'avez plus qu'a compter sur les lois du marché ! bon courage ps j'attendais d'être renfloué pour me ré-incrire au club… merci j'ai économisé entre 60 et 120 €, mais j'ai perdu la distribution linux qui me permettait de ne pas compter sur microsoft.

gillux1963 | 16.03.2006 at 11:30 PM
Adieu Mandriva

javierrivera | 17.03.2006 at 12:04 AM
First I would like to thank you for addresing us, the club, so fast. Believe it or not, most of the leaders of companies that I know won't do it.

Anyway, I'm still having doubts about Mandriva ability to please both markets, corporate and SOHO, while other distros are specializing in one. Yes, I also have a grand strategic view of Mandriva ;).

Time will show…

awilliamson | 17.03.2006 at 02:38 AM
Who's specialising in one? Red Hat have RHEL and Fedora Core, Novell have OpenSUSE / SUSE and Novell Desktop Linux (and other corporate products), even Ubuntu is planning a server edition…

javierrivera | 17.03.2006 at 08:50 AM
Fedora is not Red Hat ;). Red Hat, the business, is clearly specialiced. Fedora is a community driven project, that forms the base of Red Hat Linux. But as a company, Red Hat is clearly on the corporate market.

A server is not only a corporate product, Ubuntu has a very clear orientation.

It's not only about the product itself. Not only about the bits on the CD, after all Linux is Linux. I can build a nice corporate Linux with Ubuntu and a real pretty desktop with Red Hat. I can even add the MCC to Red Hat. No, it's about all the other things, too. The revenue model, comunication, community, commercial effords, image, distance to the client. This is the real difference between distros. You are suffering it now, Adam. A lot of the nice geeks in this club are somewhat upset with Mandriva, most of this unrest is not about the product itself, but about comunication. You (Mandriva, not Adam personally) are quite often called liars in this forums. Probably changing a Developer from the corporate product to the SOHO one will not change a thing. But maybe taking two corporate salesman out of the streets, and adding a webmaster and an "Adam plus" to the forums will.

Ubuntu is just somewhat Debian, but it looks like "Linux for humans"...

But as I said, I'm just another geek with another perfect strategic view for Mandriva's world domination ;).

Let's wait and see what Francois does ;).

P.D.: A preview feature to add comments could be great ;), specially to people with a english as bad as mine.

javierrivera | 17.03.2006 at 08:52 AM
Arrrggg!!!!. This thing doesn't support nice paragraphs...

The above nice rant is now an illegible mess.

sitor | 17.03.2006 at 11:02 AM
Oh, these people were not fired but laid off? Then all is OK. What a sinical way to start such an article. Yeah, that will really give the community back it believes in Mandriva! I sincerely hope that Mandriva indeed still cares about the community and that they will show it in the future. These events seem to show the opposite though. For the moment I will act as nothing happened. Some people that are still at Mandriva deserve out loyalty as well. But if the 2007 release is not perfect quality, the community and specifically the club members are not tended properly, I think Mandriva will loose a lot (in terms of support, member base, and thus also financially). I really hope that this is the last of these kind of stupid decisions that we have to see from Mandriva.

Kind Regards,


harm | 17.03.2006 at 11:03 AM
I understand Bancilhon's worries about keeping a company alive and prosperous. It's like a caravan leaving wounded and weakened behind to be able to survive, except that this caravan has allready been saved once by the community and there wont be a second time. Mandriva will survive for a while but eventually dwindle to non-existance or, at the best a local software provider if it adheres to standard business practice. This is not rejuvination but the beginning of a continual round of "lay-offs", until the last person turns out the lights.

peco | 17.03.2006 at 12:32 PM

peco | 17.03.2006 at 12:44 PM
I'm afraid about the Management of Mandriva. Did you think about what could happen if you laid off/fire the co-founder? Ok. I'll carefully see the next decission you, management, do. No more gifts. I'm part of the Club and I'm supporting Mandriva because its Community around. Letting out people like Gaël, you are letting out part of these community.

If you are in troubles about money, and you think that the CLUB is a good solution. IMPROVE IT!!!!.

Music?, earlier downloads?. Please no more jokes. Make business. Generate services and people will respond.

Take a look to Mac services (email, ldap, cvs, disk, etc.)

PHARDFR | 17.03.2006 at 12:45 PM
Mandriva is not Red Hat or Novell, unfortunately. By the way, Novell or Red Hat are innovative! Red Hat for security, and Novell for improvement (Xgl). But Mandriva is always in late. (No innovation: KDE 3.4.3, gnome 2.12, always in release -1 in front of other distros...) I am really disapointed for x86_64 distro for example compare with suse 10.0 distro. I am a silver club member, and i haven't no major release til the lauch of mandriva 2006… (Even the Christmas edition is not for me....) Personally, i think Mandriva will become a commercial entity, and the club users is not a number 1 priority… This is why i will not subscribe myself for another year of silver club member; i prefer to donate 120 € for ubuntu or for another distro… Bye, bye !

reddazz | 17.03.2006 at 08:19 PM

reddazz | 17.03.2006 at 08:25 PM
Mandriva seems to be attracting a lot of bad publicity lately. Anyway the article says that Mandrivas strategy is sound, if indeed it is, how come its not making a profit and is losing a lot of community support.

The club is more or less worthless and the firing or laying off of someone who was seen as a friendly guy and drove Mandrake in the right direction until the corporate guys took over, will do more harm to Mandriva. Personally I have stuck with this distro through loyallty but its now waning. Other distros offer better features, upgrade cycles and you don't have to pay a dime. We pay to be club members, but what do we get buggy releases, yet they are laying off engineers. I would have thought that keeping engineers and improving the quality of releases would bring in more profits. Anyway when my club membership expires, its goodbye to Mandriva from me after 7 years.

Rgis_Chabernaud_279 | 17.03.2006 at 09:28 PM
Je suis également un vieux de la vieille , fidèle à Mandrake depuis le début et encore sous LE2005 aujourd'hui, mais celà fait plusieurs mois et versions déjà que l'esprit de Mandrake (de Gaël Duval et des initiateurs du projet) me semblait en perdition avec Mandriva. Le rêve est passé ! Aujourd'hui ça tourne à l'ordinaire et demain à quoi Mr Bancilhon & Co ? En virant Gaël (mais je n'oublie pas les autres) vous venez de couper définitivement le lien qui nous rattachait encore à Mandrake. C'est un mauvais choix ! "Mandrivadanslemur" et je ne le regrette pas, à mon grand désespoir.

Nikoo | 17.03.2006 at 10:35 PM
Personnellement, je ne suis pas très heureux du départ de Gael non plus.

Par contre, personne ne peut critiquer entièrement Mandriva pour la logique commerciale de fonctionnement qu'ils adoptent. Il faut bien qu'ils se développent et gagnent de l'argent, tout comme RedHat.

La seule chose qui me fait penser que Mandriva a intérêt a bien gérer ce qu'elle fait si elle ne veut pas couler, c'est le manque de clarté dans leur avancée et surtout, le manque de finition de leurs offres, ou produits.

Ex : Les pb d'accès aux mirroirs du club en septembre dernier. Avec les pb de download d'OpenOffice 2.0, alors que la version officielle était disponible sur le site Le fait que les utilisateurs 64bits soient lésés en termes de paquets. Le fait que la multitude de produits (Discovery, basée sur lycoris), Official, Corporate soit basée sur quelque chose de pas assez éprouvé : on voit bien qu'il faut au moins 6 à 8 mois avant que la version Official soit corrigée de ces erreurs de jeunesse (ce fut moins laborieux avec la 2006, je l'accorde). Cette fameuse discovery, totalement dénuée d'intérêt en elle-même vu la pauvreté du contenu. Pourquoi ne pas avoir généralisé le travail de lycoris à toute la gamme de produit ? Ceci entraîne une hétérogénéité aux yeux de l'acheteur qui entraîne un manque de visibilité.

De mauvais choix pour la distrib : kat, au lieu de beagle. Shorewall, au lieu de firestarter.

De bonnes idées, mais pas avec les bonnes personnes, ou alors mal fagottées : exemple : partenariat pour l'installation de la distrib sur ordi portable. Pourquoi HP, alors qu'ASUS, Dell, Sony, IBM, font vraiment de bons ordis portables reconnus par le public et le professionel. Et puis pourquoi des config aussi pourries sur ces ordinateurs HP ? Idem pour les ordis de bureau : les config ne sont pas attirantes du tout.

Je pense que tous ces choix, avec le marketing qu'il y a derrière, sont un peu embêtants.

Alors, que le but principal de la societe devrait être de fournir une Official solide, intégrant ou pas lycoris, sur laquelle baser le reste de la gamme.

Bref, j'espère que Mandriva saura corriger tout ces points noirs, qui ne sont pas des erreurs de jeunesse, mais des pb de choix, alors que la base du produit, elle, est actuellement solide. De toute manière, la concurrence ne manque pas : Ubuntu, Kubuntu, si ces distribs deviennent plus matures, et sinon, SuSE (pas testé encore, mais connue pour la robustesse de ses outils et de sa base).

Je souhaite enfin à Mandriva de nous sortir réellement une version 2007 du feu de Dieu, avec un logiciel d'indexation de contenu entièrement fonctionnel, ReiserFS4, dernier noyau, Komposé utilisant composite (on peut rêver), une GUI pour firewall aussi efficace que firestarter, Smart intégré, la visio sous Skype (???) etc...

Bon courage. P.S. je ne suis pas contre Kat, je souhaiterais juste qu'il soit aussi fonctionnel que Spotlight de MacOSX, ou Copernic Desktop Search sous Windows.

awilliamson | 17.03.2006 at 11:34 PM
F.B. simply wanted to make sure no-one thought Gael was dismissed because of any misconduct on his part, which is the implication of the word "fired". We're not saying it's somehow "all OK" because he was laid off rather than fired, just wanted to make sure we weren't giving the wrong impression. None of the people who left did anything wrong, hence using the word "fired" would be inappropriate.

kassad | 18.03.2006 at 02:22 AM
Another first time user of Mandrake here and one who pushed a lot the use of MDK/MDV in the entreprise who hire me. But now as most people what I see from MDV management and what I guess behind is clearly a move toward becoming a normal, business driven company. This is not bad to do business and gain money, every company need this, but we are speaking of an Open Source company here, or at least one who pretends to be so. And what we are seeing here is the business and profitability killing the OSS ideal who drove sucess and the users' interest. We are also seeing a man gathering power in his hands and who may not see Gael fit in his plans. Problem is that Gael is the incarnation of an OSS ideal. So a conflict here means a conflict or a misunderstanding of this ideal. If, as most people here are thinking, the adhesion to this OSS ideal was the key of Mandriva's success, then we will see it die.

For my part there is still the benefit of doubt. But Mandriva is on the razor's edge here. And it may well have already triped over. All weighted, I have the feeling FB have only seen Gael as a financial charge and missed the point on his real usefulness.

Too bad, all this leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

kassad | 18.03.2006 at 02:28 AM
Il manque vraiment des possibilités de mise en forme décentes et de modifier un de ses articles. Cela peut sembler le minimum et on le trouve dans beaucoup de forums.

luismago | 18.03.2006 at 04:00 AM
Well, I don't think that /laying off/firing/what you name it/ Gaël Duval were a good idea. Mandriva, as a corporation, looses lots of reputation with such a decision: founder of Mandriva laid off Mandriva! Please, that looks like a Fellini movie!

But the great mistake is the reaction that will take place (is taking place already, indeed) from the User Community of Mandriva. Gaël was considered as a user of the Community. He brought Mandrake, now Mandriva, to life, the CEO admits that he's working hard and doing a great job and what's the price for that? He's laid off.

I'm afraid that this mistake will not be forgiven by the Community. Maybe that's the beginning of the end of Mandriva. I wish I am wrong, but many things must change if you want your users to recover the confidence on Mandriva as a company. And the first one should be to bring back Gaël to Mandriva again.


medardus | 18.03.2006 at 11:12 AM
I was already fed up with this recent Mandriva's Corporate behaviour: but now it is too much! It's time to switch to another community where I can continue to have the same feeling I had some years ago: I'm not going to renew my membership.

Dear Mandriva, do not forget from where you come.

Barry Gilmour | 18.03.2006 at 05:39 PM
I agree! This is the last-straw! As an Australian-member, without access to wideband/broadband internet, like many of my countrymen, we need to be able to get our recurrent-fix of Mandriva via actual DVD or CD, however since the release of Mandriva-2006, our regional Australsian-distributor ELX hasn't been able to obtain commercial-Mandriva-2006 though they are listed by Mandriva as the Australsian-agent! Laying-off Gael sounds like it is in-keeping with recent policy within the company!

runarbraga | 18.03.2006 at 05:59 PM
I think it's a right decision. When corportations change their business models, are bought, overtaken etc., the founders are usually laid off. Because they have build up a company and have their visions and that's not always following the new business model. As for the club I don't think he's effective enough and not giving very convincing efforts for subscripers. So if Gael was the head over the club, something is missing in my opinion. Hope Mandriva finds it ground as it has so much to offer

lucho | 18.03.2006 at 07:30 PM
Well, Mandriva (I still can't swallow this new name :) is changing as the world does too. This is my wish list.

Living in the typical U.S. corporate world it is quite difficult to push Linux anywhere past the fringes. Yes, our external DNS runs Linux and an application or two may even require Linux, mostly Suse or Redhat. But the big segment is and will be for a long while MS Windows.

I am mostly familiar with Mandrake, and of course swear by it, and would like to see more of Mandrake, oops, Mandriva at my place of work, even when used for fringe, highly specialized functions. But, Mandriva has nearly no recognition in the corporate world.

I am even regarded as a kind of weird Linux fanatic for going for a 'non-corp- distribution' where most of my colleagues go for R & S. This is possibly a big uphill battle for Mandriva but it would be the first thing I would like to see about Mandriva.

As a corollary, I would like to see more emphasis on the server side. And by this, I would strongly imply security. Mandriva has to adopt a security framework, whether it is SELinux, GRSecurity or whatever and truly commit to it. And of course, drag the community into it.

I do not know of other members' corp. experience but in my case, security is a BIG DEAL. (Windows has left a bad taste but we are hooked on it). And no, msec is good, but not good enough.

A third request would be to have better documentation of the mandriva contributed software. For example, I find msec documentation sub-standard.

So there you have it, better enterprise image, a la R & S, more commitment to security and better documentation.

Best wishes on your new course.

eldritch | 18.03.2006 at 10:27 PM
Mandrake was the distribution that got me off Windows, back with 5.2/Leeloo, and there are still many people I respect at Mandriva, so I will not leave the boat. Yet.

But it is one more 'Against' mark on Mandriva's tally, and I will begin investigating alternatives, just in case: the 2007 edition will make it or break it for me.

bubar | 19.03.2006 at 10:15 AM
aucun commentaire d aucune sorte. juste un point de detail sur firestarter.

Firestarter possede une interface graphique tres intuitive et permettant de configurer rapidement et tres efficacement un firewall complet. Il est de plus extrement rapide aux changements.

mais avoir une interface graphique lance en root en permanence sur son bureau est une tres tres mauvaise chose, clairement, en terme de securite. (du au serveur X, a sa gestion de la memoire vive). C est donc une tres mauvaise habitude que l on donnerai en exemple aux gens. Ensuite, detail, firestarter a une facheuse tendance a modifier des programmes tels que le client dhcp (dhcpc, pump ou dhclient) Ceci n enleve rien bien sur aux qualites du logiciel, dont j apprecie vraiment la simplicite, l efficacite et la rapidite de mise en oeuvre.

la meilleure chose serait d avoir les memes possibilites de configuration pour l appliquette de mandi. Mandi est rootless et fonctionne sur le bureau user tant que la securite du systeme lui permet. C est une approche qui me semble plus logique, en tout cas plus sure. Ce qui n enleve rien bien sur aux manques actuels de possibilite de configuration pour lui.

voila, bien informe, meilleur critique :)

Daniel_Bartholi_4133 | 19.03.2006 at 12:03 PM
I think it is refreshing that they let one management figure go, instead of dumping x number of regular employees, like usually happens.
I'm sure they feel this will enable them to go forward with the company, where too much management might have been slowing things down.
I just renewed my silver membership for the 3rd year, and am very satisfied. I run Mandriva on 2 pcs, and 4 servers, so I really like the flexibility upgrading and installing as often as I want, and have found the Mandriva personel to be fast and helpfull whenever I requested anything, like FTP access or something. Keep up the good work!

Pablo_6505 | 19.03.2006 at 03:56 PM
I suscribed silver member in 2005 and I did not find herre I really wanted. The site has very little updates. My jdk packages is only 1.4 and the package is not compatible with the Sun one.

Like particular member I wish to find easy install/update for games to my son, office apps to me, drivers (my nvidia install need manual install to finish successfull!!) and so on.

The update engine exists, the phorum exists but anyone generete content.

Well I'm reaaly dissapointed. I am not happy and I really wonder where Mandriva will go and if is it convenient for me.

jvallois | 19.03.2006 at 04:44 PM
Hum hum !

Je me demande si je ne vais pas étudier plus sérieusement Kubuntu…

patrick_darcy | 20.03.2006 at 05:55 AM
i think people need to chill out. if mandriva can make a profit and it seems at the moment they cant well then if they cant mandriva will surely be forked and it will become a community distro.

moving from a two release in one year cycle to to a one release per year cycle may have been a bad idea. it might have worked better for them if they had waited and grown the company. they are now making losses again. that is unfortujnate but like i said if they cant make a go of it and be profitable and seem to draw more and more bad pr upon themselves then lets prepare for the future when driva is forked and the community takes it over.

also i want to mention that i have noticed that intel is now advertising here. hopefully mandriva will not follow other companies, for example gateway and skype to either go out of business or to damage amd.

life goes on. sometimes we all have to take a look around us and see where our favorite company is and be readyh for whatever comes.

please dont let intel get their hooks into u and tell u to mess up the distro for amd processors. if u go there it will drop u out of the game.

bruno_belisle_922 | 20.03.2006 at 03:09 PM
Je sais ce n'est pas facile lorsqu'un membre important quitte , devons nous sous le coup d'une impulsion tout foutre en l'air ,c'est à nous les membres de poursuivre cet idéal que nous avons tous face à notre avenir , il ne faut surtout pas faire sauter la marmite voyons cela ferait exactement le jeu de nos ennemis souhaite. En restant unis nous représentons une force ,en se divisant par individualisme on s'isole , son esprit à permis à notre communuté d'exister merci M Duval ! Vous n'êtes plus des enfants maturez un peu.La vie nous donne des leçons apprenons -les , quand à la place on devrait faire une fête pour tous avoir été réunis, voyons le côté positif et réfléchissez à vos impulsions ,il y a des moyens d'agir tous ensemble mais ne nous divisons pas . Mandriva a ses problèmes mais on doit l'aider avec des commentaires positif , la négation n'ammene rien de bon elle fait fuir les gens et ils rient de nous, eh j'ai assez bêché avec vous autre !prend un ptit fort à ma santé dans ton café et sourit mon ami. Et surtout je vous aime tous surtout ceux qui on fait que mandriva a du son fonctionne et cela avec sinplement de votre bonne volonté , bonne journée mes amis. Bruno

sgrayban | 20.03.2006 at 06:19 PM
Real sad to learn this in such a cloak-n-dagger way. All I gotta say is karma baby karma.

Its very disturbing to find out that the creator of Mandrake was laid-off or how-ever they wish to put it. What's even more creepy is that they lay-off a peson like Gael and yet there are so many things that are just not right with the way the club members are treated here.

KDE 3.5 has been out for over a month and yet not one update for this. The cooker team blind sides everyone that uses apache and deceides they are going to rename and change how they are going to promote 2.0 and end up causing me and alot of other people grief because we don't want to use that version. I like 1.33 and 2006 broke everything related to that.

Just the lack of simple updates that should be timely for club members are 6 months to a year old by the time we get it. XORG is a good example that one. Other distro's beat Mandriva on updates literally by months ahead. Yet I have stayed with Mandrake for all these years.

This turn of management against the founder has me thinking here on just what Mandriva is intending to do now.

sgrayban | 20.03.2006 at 06:25 PM

I saw this comming a long time back when the club members were getting very old updates to almost everything.

This just didn't happen over night. Its been a on going issue for the last year and a half. Something was going to give and this was it.

Things started going bad after 10.1 was released. Look at the track record for members getting anything that was a timely update. Its gotten longer and longer for them.

heiden98 | 21.03.2006 at 01:43 AM
I don't want to contribute more to the general criticism of the club + the tools (like for this forum).
There are examples for what happens here: Steve Jobs was "laid off" by a former Pepsi Cola manager and soon after Apple was slipping seriously towards oblivion. You take the soul out of a product and people will start looking elsewhere. In the end it even commercially is the false move!
Not "fired"?
Why do the ties always get the power…

heiden98 | 21.03.2006 at 01:46 AM
By the way, try html markup like <br> it allows to structure your contribution :-)

vgay | 21.03.2006 at 04:05 AM
Je ne pense pas que Mr Brancillon lira tous ces commentaires mais sans doute en aura-t-il un résumé qu'il oubliera bien vite, drappé dans ses certitudes de "manager d'entreprise". Quand à moi le pas est franchi : j'ai maintenant une belle gentoo toute neuve sur mon PC et naturellement ne renouvellerai pas mon adhésion au club à échéance.

Au fait puis-je me faire rembourser les quelques mois qui restent ?


patrick_darcy | 21.03.2006 at 06:17 AM
they had a profitable business model. then as soon as things get better they change their model and begin to lose money.

intel may offer them to do more advertising for them and then if they accept and they have to because of their financial situation then intel will later move them to a "if u make mandrive support intel processors better than amd we will help u " mode.

they should not have changed from a bi yearly release to a yearly release.

when they did this they gave up half their income. not a good move probably every but especially if u dont have billions in the bank to cover your mistakes.

its strange , as soon as they became profitable the first moves they make are to make themselves unprofitable again.

franckd | 21.03.2006 at 10:05 AM
Toujours pas de traduction en Français? Je sais je pourrais, comme beaucoup d'autres ici, m'y coller; M. Bancilhon aurais aussi pu faire cet effort.Dommage, la réponse de Gaël, en français (et en anglais) laisse moins de place aux interprétations que mon anglais laborieux. Quant à mon commentaire personnel, je ne connais pas Gaël, ni le rôle qui lui avait été laissé dans l'entreprise, mais sans lui je n'aurais sans doute jamais su installer un autre système GNU/Linux, Depuis, j'ai appris et j'ai testé d'autres distrib (sans aller jusqu'à la Gentoo ;) ) , pourtant, je reste attaché à ma Mandriva, mais bon, pas prisonnier non plus… Je pense comme beaucoup ici que le mot "communauté" (ouvert) à plus de sens que celui de "club"(fermé) , attention aux dérives. Dérives qui en l'occurrence ne sont pas que sémantiques, puisque l' adhésion au club, est payante, et que le débat sur sa réelle valeur ajoutée, est un perpétuel sujet de discussion.sur ce site même.

peco | 21.03.2006 at 12:38 PM
As a Company you must make business.

As an OpenSource company your business will come, directly or indirectly, by the community. Pls, if you not agree with this. Think twice!

From here, COMMON SENSE.

1) Add services to the Club in order to give more support from here (adding new members). One LiveCD for already Mandriva users, isn't the way!. I really do not understand wich kind of service you think you are offering us.

2) Improve the QUALITY trying to distinguish your products from the others (OpenSuSE, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc).

Pls, do not stay like know… It seems that you are waiting the people forget what you are doing… Wake up Mandriva! We bet for you!

Olivier Blin | 21.03.2006 at 01:04 PM
Right, firestarter doesn't integrate well with current tools and initscripts, and may break some configuration. Furthermore, it doesn't use a backend such a shorewall, so it's quite difficult to handle that in our configuration tools or in the installer to preset rules, and it can't run without a graphical server.

Olivier Blin | 21.03.2006 at 01:08 PM
We've chosen RSBAC, which is present in our kernels since LE 2005. Some configuration have to be written yet.

Area66 | 21.03.2006 at 11:36 PM
Simply time to fork.

Mandrake and progeny were/are a Red Hat fork.

Gael ran around handing out home burnt Cd's, back in the early days… FB just tossed that kind of commitment out the window.

So now you know why Mandriva is losing money… FB does not make wise choices.

333 days left on silver, so I'll see how it goes.
But I think we'll also fork, that is the beauty of FOSS.
We can both fork, and continue to watch, even support Mandriva, while we find which we like best.


dexter11 | 22.03.2006 at 09:21 AM
Instead of forking you better join to an already existing fork like PCLinuxOS

ourcraft | 22.03.2006 at 05:00 PM
It is time for a new CEO. If I had stock in this company, I would try to dump the people who have made this series of foolish mistakes, or I would dump the stock. It is obviously better to dump the leadership, because you are saving a wonderful team, doing good work, and you protect your investment.

I do not in any way have enough information to give even suggestions of the full path out of this mess, but the first step is to remove Bancilhon. Sorry sir, but your time is up.

andino | 23.03.2006 at 04:04 PM
I think it is just absurd to take money for a service like "easy" updates when most of other distributions offer this for free. Not even Microsoft takes money for automatic updates!

BrentJohnson | 25.03.2006 at 01:24 PM
I don't know what I was expecting when I bought into the Club last weekend. I guess I expected everything I'm not able to get through this channel… easy upgrades to KDE, OpenOffice, Firefox, etc. I thought we would possibly get discounts on "Commercial" software like CrossOver Office or Pixel32 or Turboprint. So I am terribly disappointed in my purchase after coming from Debian's huge repos of easy-to-install software. Then I read this. And being a complete outsider and not knowing much about background, all I can say is maybe someone in this company realized Mandriva is so far behind that it was time to make some radical changes that will hopefully propel Mandriva forward again. The software is in a sad state, the company apparently is, so I can only see that this might be a small small small step in the right direction.

Laurent Morin | 27.03.2006 at 01:32 PM
Pour ma part c'est aussi le départ en attendant le nouveau projet de Gaël Duval je vais jouer un peu avec les autres distributions, c'est triste et dommage !

towy71 | 28.03.2006 at 12:57 AM
I am sad about the loss of Gael and fear that it presages other dubious changes.
I joined club to help Mandrake turn a corner because it was the first distro that I managed to truly use. However the acquisition of Connectiva and subsequent, more corporate way of doing things made me look elsewhere.
When my ordinary membership lapses I shan't be renewing and I have ceased recommending it to my friends.

sergei | 28.03.2006 at 08:36 PM
It would be nice to have Gael's comments now: what has actually happened between him and the senior management and what in his view is happenning with Mandriva… Any chance to give him the tribune here?

brunogr | 08.04.2006 at 11:20 PM
When I first heard about they lay off, I was shocked. But less so when I realised Gaël Duval was not longer busy with development, but with marketing / strategy. And I as it seems he has a lot of responsability in the 2 mistakes of the company (the process that led to the awful name "Mandriva" ; the inclusion of the awful program "kat" in the first version of Mandriva 2006), in the end it may have been a good and courageous decision to fire him in this financial hard time.


en de ja fr it zh_TW


Creator: scalpo on 2006/03/16 17:43
(c) Mandriva 2007