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Work at Rue D'Aboukir

So the product was supposed to be frozen yesterday, but it hasn't happened yet. i found a bug today in the installer just now. the good thing about me being here is that i walked down the two floors to pixel, who is the installer dev, told him about it, and he said he would fix it. much easier than filing a bug on, which is barely back up.

the d'aboukir office is an old building (are there any others in paris?) close to the center of paris. in most cities the center of the city is where all of the skyscrapers are, but paris is not that way. it has all of the historic buildings instead.

the elevator died yesterday, and my pseudo office is on the fourth floor (which in the US we would call the fifth floor). the elevator will be fixed in a week. i'm getting good exercise going up and down the stairs.

WarLy is going to have new cd's for me soon. yay warly!

the wrinkle is that i have been asked to consider brazil instead of paris. i fly back to PA tomorrow and work on getting visas for brazil so i can visit. you can't just fly to brazil without a visa, even as a tourist. this is apparently because the US requires brazilians to have a piece of paper saying that they are allowed to visit, so brazil does the same thing for americans. so far, from the internet, brazil (curitiba) looks nicer and less expensive, although without the famous Paris culture of which I was looking forward to sample in large doses.

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Cheek.WorkAtRueDaboukir en Last Author: Cheek  Date: 2005/09/22 16:02
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