Cooker is the Mandriva Linux development distribution. It evolves constantly, thus being called an "unstable distribution", and is regulary forked to produce a stable distribution for release. Think of it as a version of Mandrivalinux that is not meant for everyday use. See the Mandriva Linux cooker page for more details.
- List of package maintainers:
- The mailing-list:
- "weekly report of old packages, or broken dependencies are send, these packages have to be built in priority"
- register by sending an email to [email protected] with "SUB maintainers" in the subject line
Cooker and Java
License issues
Mandriva valid licenses:
Short Story: new to cooker
Once upon a time a Mandriva user felt the desire to play an active role in his community… (please fill in the blanks!)
- Getting the hands dirty
- Installing a Mandriva beta or release candidate and reporting to Bugzilla (
- Feeding Testzilla: (
- Installing permanently Cooker and maintaining it up to date (reporting bugs and cooperating with Cooker developers by testing patches and giving output)
- Compiling and packaging some software: a patch to a broken package can be sent to the Cooker mailing-list and to the maintainer (see above how to obtain the list); before that learn about RPM Packaging and to become an expert at RPM read the book Maximum RPM
- Providing more by uploading packages as a Club Volunteer (look for ideas in the maintainers mailing-list or on the RPM Farm web page here at the Club!)
- After the skills have been displayed, joining boldly the cooker team by getting an account with a [email protected] (see CookerHowTo above)
- Subscribe to the maintainers mailing-list (see above)
- Keeping informed in the process
- Bugzilla (see above) is a good place to start and to learn the basics about the packages, and the etiquette; also all the bugs new and old are listed there
- Mailing-lists (Changelog and cooker: see Cooker Home above) brings mountains of information
- And of course -the last but not least- this Wiki!
Ideas to effectively monitor the pulse of the Cooker process
What would be the best measurements to perform in order to get a faithful overview of the cooking activity at Mandriva? Some random ideas…
- Changelog output (new packages/over time)
- Activity on the cooker mailing-list (by packages)
- Bugzilla
- We need to gather information by package, and to track it over time ; groups of packages appear to be a necessity due to the large number of packages ; people could subscribe to a package-wise measurements source (this brings the question of formatting and publishing). See the Cooker Wiki for ongoing discussions.
A step forward
The process can be improved. For example by…
- providing/publishing a TODO list ordered by priority: packagers needing help (time pressure?), developers requesting testing for their patches, but also Club members -or Mandriva users at large- requesting new packages or needed updates.... (there is already this page: and it looks like the Club has already some voting area, it would be nice to display all this information in one location to get an overview of what's happening)
- We need an out-of-date package list somewhere (suggested by WarLy)
Version 1.55 last modified by grigoreguzu_0 on 06/12/2006 at 16:20
Version 1.55 last modified by grigoreguzu_0 on 06/12/2006 at 16:20