
Mandriva Linux Documentation

Mandriva Linux 2008

Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring Official Documentation: This complete guide will introduce you to, or improve your expertise in Mandriva Linux Spring 2008. It will guide you through your entire Linux experience and will help you make the best use of your favorite distribution.

From the initial simple installation to the most sophisticated fine tuning, everything is in this reference guide, which covers, among others, the following topics:

  • Installation of a Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring
  • Discover the graphic interface
  • Use of the Internet
  • Office under Linux
  • Multimedia applications
  • Configuration tools - Advanced administration - Compiling new kernels
  • ...

Official documentation of older versions of Mandriva Linux

Community e-mag

There used to be a community magazine called Mandriva Linux Inside. It was edited and partially written by Adam Williamson. As Adam became busier with his other work the magazine ceased.

This is when the German community decided to step up and released the international version of their community magazine Magdriva. You can download the issues released so far from their ftp server.


Mandriva also has a wiki available in multiple languages.

Official documentation of older versions of Mandriva Linux

Community e-mag

There used to be a community magazine called Mandriva Linux Inside. It was edited and partially written by Adam Williamson. As Adam became busier with his other work the magazine ceased.

This is when the German community decided to step up and released the international version of their community magazine Magdriva. You can download the issues released so far from their ftp server.


Mandriva also has a wiki available in multiple languages.

KB - Welcome to Mandriva Club Knowledge Base > Mandriva Linux Documentation
Version 1.70 last modified by Arkub on 09/04/2008 at 12:49


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Creator: Admin on 2005/03/22 16:56
(c) Mandriva 2007