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Windows est aux systèmes d'exploitation ce que le gruyère est au fromage… La saveur en moins…
Tuxedo Penguin (2003) The Bankiz Tribune? Essai
Les ordinateurs sont comme les climatiseurs. Ils fonctionnent mieux si on n'ouvre pas les fenêtres!
Yves Specht (traduction) (2007) ??? Climatiseurs
Set your attitude and your day's path is chosen
JTamez (2007) Attitude
640 Ko de mémoire devrait suffir à tout le monde.
Bill Gates (1981) 640Ko De Memoire Devrait Suffir ATout Le Monde
To survive, is inself a victory
unknown (unknown) Survive
Le livre, comme livre, appartient à l'auteur, mais comme pensée, il appartient - le mot n'est pas trop vaste - au genre humain. Toutes les intelligences y ont droit. Si l'un des deux droits, le droit de l'écrivain et le droit de l'esprit humain, devait être sacrifié, ce serait, certes, le droit de l'écrivain, car l'intérêt public est notre préoccupation unique, et tous, je le déclare, doivent passer avant nous.
Victor Hugo (1878) Discours d’ouverture du congrè...? Les Droits Dauteur Selon Victor Hugo
Faut pas prendre les gens pour des cons, mais faut pas oublier qu'ils le sont.
Audiard () Michel Audiard
"si ton travail est difficile et tes résultats sont minces, n’oublie pas qu’un jour, le grand chêne a été un gland comme toi..."
jiemach (2006) la tseu ...il y a longtemps? Si Ton Travail Est Difficile Et Tes Resultats Sont Minces N???oublie Pas Qu???un Jour Le Grand Chene AEte Un Gland Comme Toi?
Linux, c'est comme le sexe, c'est mieux quand c'est libre.
Linus Torwalds (2005) Agenda L'Etudiant? Linux Cest Comme Le Sexe Ces Mieux Quand Cest Libre
If you have a plan and know your tools then you need not fear the result of any project
J Tamez (2006) If You Have APlan And Know Your Tools Then You Need Not Fear The Result Of Any Project
All the best people in life seem to like LINUX.
Steve Wozniak (2001) http://www.woz.org/letters/general/01.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Steve Wozniak
Ŝajnas ke la plej bonaj personoj en la vivo ŝatas Linukson.
Steve Wozniak (2001) http://www.woz.org/letters/general/01.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Steve Wozniak
No, jo no estic en això per a destruir Microsoft. En tot cas, això serà només un efecte secundari totalment involuntari.
Linus Torvalds () Linus MS
Inventer quelque chose de totalement nouveau et de différent simplement parce que vous voulez faire quelque chose de nouveau et de différent est, à mon avis, le summum de la stupidité et de la vanité. Linux donne d'excellents résultats justement parce que Linux ne jette pas le bébé avec l'eau du bain, ce que tendent à faire tant de projets.
Linus Torvalds (2004) http://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/informatique/0,39040745,39195990,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linus Torvalds
Om iets uit te vinden wat geheel nieuw en afwijkend is alleen omdat het nieuw en afwijkend is, is naam mijn mening het toppunt van stupiditeit en egotripperij. Linux bereikt geweldige dingen, juist omdat Linux niet het kind met het badwater weggooit, zoals zoveel projecten lijken te willen doen.
Linus Torvalds (2004) http://news.com.com/Torvalds+A+Solaris+skeptic/2008-1082_3-5498799.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linus Torvalds
Sono preuccupato del rapporto fra Internet e mio figlio. Anche se per ora è troppo giovane per collegarsi sono preuccupato che fra 10 o 15 anni venga da me e mi chieda "Papà ma tu dov'eri quando hanno bandito la libertà di stampa da Internet ?"
Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation () http://freenet.sourceforge.net/" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Free Net Cite
Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen an angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.
Linus Torvald () Penguin
Linux est pour la firme de Redmond ce qu'est James Bond pour les méchants dans les films : le dernier obstacle avant la domination mondiale.
~~ ~~(2004) Der Spiegel- James Bond
J'aurais pu gagner de l'argent de cette manière, et peut-être m'amuser en écrivant du code. Mais je savais qu'à la fin de ma carrière, j'aurais regardé en arrière des années à construire des murs pour diviser les gens, et senti que je venais de passer ma vie à faire du monde un endroit pire où vivre.
Richard Stallman (2002) http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/freedom/index.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Stallman Vie
I could have made money this way, and perhaps amused myself writing code. But I knew that at the end of my career, I would look back on years of building walls to divide people, and feel I had spent my life making the world a worse place.
Richard Stallman (2002) http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/freedom/index.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Stallman Life
We are doing a proper job and saving someone else from having to do the same job in a corporate setting.
Theo de Raadt, leader of the OpenBSD project (2005) http://www.theepochtimes.com/news/5-7-5/30084.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Theode Raadt
I think, fundamentally, open source does tend to be more stable software. It’s the right way to do things. I compare it to science vs. witchcraft. In science, the whole system builds on people looking at other people’s results and building on top of them. In witchcraft, somebody had a small secret and guarded it -- but never allowed others to really understand it and build on it.
Linus Torvalds (2004) http://stanforth.org/geekview/2004/20040818-linus-torvalds-benevolent-dictatorship.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linus Opensource
Si vous désirez voyager autour du monde et être invité à discourir un peu partout, il suffit d'écrire une version d'Unix.
Linus Torvalds () Linus Unix
People are breaking away from the tradition of the individual artist, saying there's another way to build upon the work of others.
Walt Scacchi (2004) http://news.com.com/2008-7344-5133553.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? People Are Breaking Away
If you use a GNU/Linux distribution that is easy to install & configure, you're considered an idiot. If you use one that takes days to install and configure, you're considered smart. THAT'S BACKWARDS!
To get a few microseconds of extra speed, or a few MB less memory usage...DUMB. Multiply number of extra hours taken by your hourly worth = extra memory and faster CPU, and even an extra HD. Then you'll have a FASTER system with EXTRA memory. (This only applies to people who don't work for free.)
Travis Tennies (2005) MyBrain KB
On raconte que la Chine est le pays où Windows est moins cher que Linux: il faut un CD pour Windows et deux pour Linux !
François Bancilhon (2005) http://bloghebdoexpert6.vnunetblog.fr/" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? FB-China
There is no end to the great things we can accomplish if we don't worry about who gets the credit.
Anon () Anon
Il n'y a pas de limite aux grandes choses que nous pouvons accomplir si nous ne nous soucions pas de qui l'a fait.
Anonyme () Anon
There's only really one metric to me for future software development, which is - do you write less code to get the same thing done?
Bill Gates (2005) http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/2005/09/15.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Gates Software Metrics
In short, "pthreads" is a rough approximation of the theory of magnetism. While rfork/clone/sproc is Maxwell's equations. One can tell you how much force a magnet excerts on a charged particle in motion. The other one tries to explain how the universe works.
Linus Torvalds (2000) http://www.elegant-software.com/software/punditry/linus.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linus Threads
I actually worry a lot that as I get "popular" I'll be able to get away with saying stupider stuff than I would have dared say before. This sort of thing happens to a lot of people, and I would really like to avoid it.
Paul Graham Lisp guru (2005) http://lemonodor.com/archives/001091.html#c8508" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Paul Graham
Engager des gens intelligents pour leur dire ce qu'ils doivent faire n'a aucun sens; nous avons engagés des gens intelligents pour qu'ils puissent nous dire ce que nous devons faire.
Steve Jobs (2004) http://pisani.blog.lemonde.fr/pisani/2004/11/que_faire_des_e.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Steve Jobs
La coopération vous emmène plus loin que quand vous vous contentez de baiser votre voisin.
Miguel de Icaza (Gnome/ Ximian / Mono) (2005) http://standblog.org/blog/2005/01/24/93113958-logiciels-libre-et-business-le-cas-linux" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Miguelde Icaza
Kunlabori kondukas vin pli fore ol friponi.
Miguel de Icaza (Gnome/ Ximian / Mono) (2005) http://standblog.org/blog/2005/01/24/93113958-logiciels-libre-et-business-le-cas-linux" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Miguelde Icaza
We must think of applications as being GNU/Linux applications rather than splitting the communities. If someone releases KFoo, I want the community to enjoy the new software rather than screaming for somebody to make a conceptual fork and call it GFoo. And vice versa. Technically, there is no reason why e.g. the Gimp couldn't be used as a component in a KDE applications like KOffice.
Matthias Ettrich (2004) http://www.kde.nl/people/ettrich.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Matthias KDE
Ni devas vidi programarojn kiel GNU/Linux-ajn programarojn anstataŭ dividi la komunumon. Se iu disdonas KAĵo-n, mi deziras ke la komunumo ŝatas tiun novan programaron anstataŭ petegi por forko kun la nomo "GAĵo". Kaj inverse. Teknike, ne estas ia kialo por ke, ekzemple, la GIMP-o ne estu uzata kiel parto de KDE-a programaro kiel KOffice.
Matthias Ettrich (2004) http://www.kde.nl/people/ettrich.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Matthias KDE
Nous devons penser les applications comme des applications GNU/Linux, plutôt que de diviser la communauté. Si quelqu'un crée KTruc, j'aimerais que la communauté apprécie le nouveau logiciel au lieu de supplier pour que quelqu'un fasse un rejeton du projet qui s'appelerait GTruc. Et vice versa. Techniquement, il n'y a aucune raison pour que GIMP, par exemple, ne puisse pas être utilisé comme composant dans une application KDE telle que KOffice.
Matthias Ettrich (2004) http://www.kde.nl/people/ettrich.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Matthias KDE
"Interoperability is always at the max within a closed system ruled by proprietary standards," said Duval. "Mac OS is an excellent example too. But the current IT world is open and heterogeneous."
Gaël Duval (2005) http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39186059,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Gael Interop
"L'interopérabilité est toujours optimale dans un système fermé régi par des standards propriétaires. Mac OS en est un excellent exemple. Mais aujourd'hui le monde de l'informatique est ouvert et hétérogène."
Gaël Duval (2005) http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39186059,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Gael Interop
"La povo konektigi aparatojn ĉiam plej altas per fermataj sistemoj funkciante kun patentitaj normoj," diris Duval. "MacOS estas bonega ekzemplo. Sed la nuna komputada mondo estas malfermata kaj heterogena."
Gaël Duval (2005) http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39186059,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Gael Interop
"If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside."
Robert X. Cringely () http://www.infoworld.com" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? PCAnd Car Analogies
Se aŭtomobilo estus evoluinta kiel komputilo, unu Rolls-Royce kostus hodiaŭ 100 eŭroj, ĝi veturus unu milionon da kilometroj pere de unu litro da benzino, kaj eksplodus ĉiujare, mortiĝante ĉiujn siajn pasaĝerojn.
Robert X. Cringely () http://www.infoworld.com" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? PCAnd Car Analogies
Si l'automobile avait évolué comme l'ordinateur, une Rolls-Royce coûterait aujourd'hui 100 euros, pourrait parcourir un million de kilomètres avec un litre d'essence, et exploserait une fois par an en tuant tous ses occupants.
Robert X. Cringely () http://www.infoworld.com" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? PCAnd Car Analogies
Se l'automobile avesse seguito lo stesso ciclo di sviluppo del computer, una Rolls-Royce oggi costerebbe 100 euro, farebbe un milione di kilometri con un litro di benzina ed esploderebbe una volta all'anno, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti.
Robert X. Cringely () http://www.infoworld.com" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? PCAnd Car Analogies
"Linus is a good developer, but is a terrible engineer," said Cox. "I'm sure he would agree with that."
Alan Cox (2005) http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39189593,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Alan Cox
"Linus estas bona programisto, sed malbonega inĝeniero," diris Cox. "Mi estas certa ke li samopinias."
Alan Cox (2005) http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39189593,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Alan Cox
the "French Cafe technique" in "How Samba was written"
Imagine you wanted to learn French, and there were no books, courses etc available to teach you. You might decide to learn by flying to France and sitting in a French Cafe and just listening to the conversations around you. You take copious notes on what the customers say to the waiter and what food arrives. [...]
We use the same technique to learn about protocol additions that Microsoft makes.
Andrew Tridgell (2003) http://samba.org/ftp/tridge/misc/french_cafe.txt" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? The French Cafe Technique
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay, founder of Smalltalk (1971) http://www.smalltalk.org/alankay.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Alan Kay
La meilleure façon de prédire l'avenir est de l'inventer.
Alan Kay, créateur de Smalltalk (1971) http://www.smalltalk.org/alankay.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Alan Kay
La plej bona maniero por antaŭvidi la estontecon estas inventi ĝin.
Alan Kay, kreinto de Smalltalk (1971) http://www.smalltalk.org/alankay.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Alan Kay
Le futur est là. Il n'est simplement pas encore distribué massivement.
William Gibson () http://lwn.net/talks/ols2005/mgp00003.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? William Gibson
Personally I like having RAD languages like python and ruby available, but I wouldn't want my core desktop applications to use them.
Matthias Ettrich (2005) http://www.fosdem.org/2005/index/interviews/interviews_ettrich" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Matthias Ettrich
I just hate the actual sitting down and doing the programming, it’s very boring and very tedious. The end result is cool and that is what I like doing.
Rasmus Lerdorf (2003) http://www.builderau.com.au/webdev/scripting/0,39024692,20271606,00.htm" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Rasmus Ledorf
[It was] no longer a mere submission to the forces of economic imperialism, but a cannibalistic response of swallowing what they gave us, processing it, and making it something new and different. We saw the cultivating of new habits and manners from the outside as a way of nourishing ourselves, not just intoxicating ourselves.
Gilberto Gil (2004) http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.11/linux.html?pg=3" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Tropicalismo Gg
We pledge allegiance to the penguin, and the intellectual property regime for which he stands. One nation, under Linux, with free music and open source software for all. Welcome to Brazil!
Wired Mag (2004) http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.11/linux.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? We Pledge Allegiance To The Penguin
In the production of all manner of cultural goods - from music to software to scientific knowledge itself - the logics of networks, digital media, and global interdependence are telling us to loosen up. They're urging us to stretch our notions of authorship and creativity, to let hybridity and flux seep into the tools with which we craft our cultures and ourselves.
Wired (2004) http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.11/linux.html?pg=2&topic=linux&topic_set=" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Wired Stretching Authorship Notions
Well, there is no such thing as an official position in Linux, is there? Linus has opinions, I have opinions, everybody else has opinions, and the only consistency here is that most of us are wrong most of the time.
Andrew Morton (2004) http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20040802115731932" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Andrew Morton
C'est la dernière fois que je présente un plan pour les technologies de l'information qui est diffusé sur Internet avec Windows Media Player.
Morten Andreas Meyer, ministre norvégien de la modernisation (2005) http://formats-ouverts.org/blog/2005/06/29/444-un-ministre-norvegien-annonce-lutilisation-de-standards-ouverts" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? No WMPin Norway
this is the last time I will present a plan for information technology being broadcast on the net in Windows Media
Morten Andreas Meyer, Norwegian Minister of Modernization (2005) http://www.andwest.com/blojsom/blog/tatle/agenda/2005/06/27/Norwegian_Minister_Proprietary_Standards_No_Longer_Acceptable_in_Communication_with_Government.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? No WMPin Norway
"We will add support for non-Windows virtual machines running on our Virtual Server, including Linux"
"We've worked closely with Sun - yes, Sun, the people we never worked closely with before"
Steve Ballmer (2005) http://www.internetnews.com/ent-news/article.php/3499286" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Ballmer Linux
"Nous ajouterons le support de machines virtuelles non-Windows à notre Virtual Server, Linux y compris." "Nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec Sun - Oui, Sun, les gens avec qui nous n'avons jamais travaillé de façon rapprochée avant !"
Steve Ballmer (2005) http://www.internetnews.com/ent-news/article.php/3499286" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Ballmer Linux
> Other than the fact Linux has a cool name, could someone explain why I should use Linux over BSD?
No. That's it. The cool name, that is. We worked very hard on creating a name that would appeal to the majority of people, and it certainly paid off: thousands of people are using linux just to be able to say "OS/2? Hah. I've got Linux. What a cool name". 386BSD made the mistake of putting a lot of numbers and weird abbreviations into the name, and is scaring away a lot of people just because it sounds too technical.
Linus Torvalds () Linuxcoolname
> Outre le fait que Linux a un nom sympa, qui pourrait m'expliquer pourquoi je devrais utiliser Linux plutôt que BSD ?
Non. C'est tout. Le nom sympa, c'est tout. Nous avons travaillé très dur pour créer un nom qui interpelle la majorité des gens, et ça a porté ses fruits : des milliers de gens utilisent Linux uniquement pour pouvoir dire "OS/2 ? Hah ! Moi, j'ai Linux. Quel nom sympa". 386BSD a fait l'erreur de mettre des chiffres et une abbrévation bizarre dans le nom, et cela effraie beaucoup de monde, tout simplement parce que ça paraît trop technique.
Linus Torvalds () Linuxcoolname
As some people may have noticed already, 2.6.12 is out there now.
Linus (2005) http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/6/18/2/index.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linus2612
Comme certains ont du le remarquer, le noyau 2.6.12 est à présent disponible.
Linus (2005) http://lkml.org/lkml/2005/6/18/2/index.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linus2612
Un programme informatique ressemble à un roman : c’est un grand assemblage de détails qui, en se combinant, intègrent à l’ensemble de nombreuses idées diverses.
RMS (2005) http://www.framasoft.net/article3904.html" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? RMS-VS-UE
To think of Linux as a product is to freeze an inherently dynamic thing in time and to close something that is inherently open. It cannot be done without losing something–and something significant at that.
No, Linux is not a product. It is a process.
Ian Murdock (2003) http://ianmurdock.com/?p=47" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Linux Is AProcess
For some context, I started this company as a project called Redmond Linux in June of 2000 to see whether a Linux-based OS could be made user-friendly enough for normal computer users - those used to Windows, or those who even had difficulty using Windows.
Joseph Cheek, CEO of Lycoris (2004) http://www.lycoris.org/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=126" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Joseph Cheek
Avec suffisamment de paires d'yeux, tous les bogues feront surface
Linus Torvalds () http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Torvalds#Citations" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Nobugs
What we're now looking for in the KDE 4 infrastructure is a general way of linking information and storing contextual information — that information can come from meta-data, usage patterns, explicit relationships and a host of other places.
Scott Wheeler (2005) http://dot.kde.org/1109163846/" href="/xwiki/bin/edit/%3Ca+href%3D%22ht../WebHome?parent=KB.Quotation">? Scott Wheeler Kde4