Falling behind? Was: Teamwork vs control freaksArrg, yet again people on cooker are arguing again.. Also by looking at all the requests not being fulfilled on the RPMs Farm page one might think that I'm lazy and not doing my job, this isn't entirely correct.. ;) I was now just about to blog about the latest incident on the cooker list now, but then I felt like I'd rather not as it might be taken as personal attacks, which might be unprofessional.. Anyways, I sure hope things get's more opened up with more people working on same stuff forcing control freaks to get comfortable with teamwork rather than scaring away people wanting to help.. This issue is getting on a lot of people nerves, both mandriva employees and external contributors. : Another issue that became quite apparent to me today, 2006.0 is getting old and harder to backport packages to as they require a lot of new software. Eg. new mozilla wasn't compatible with older stuff linked against it, and one would have to build whole new gnome to have it working, but for that package I made it able to install alongside with old mozilla to have packages linked against the old one still working. That was a workaround that seemed to work fine for that package, but we're not as lucky with others, I see the rpms farm page filling up with packages and I feel kinda bad not being able to fulfill peoples request. Maybe I should investigate our new Kiosk service and see what I can be of service.. Today I've also done quite some work on rebuilding things for sparc and making it easier in the future if one were to do everything from the start, also benefiting other arcs! :) Also after mentioning Claudio's tech review on IRC, misc suggested that one could always try to following up on his advice even if it wasn't really my responsibility, and for starters I've fixed some bourn compliance issues he mentioned, that's at least a start, it's a shame that noone has taken his good advice into account. Oh well, today I've played even more civ4, what an addict I've become! (but even more l33t at it! :>) |