Welcome To The Club Contributors Group Space!
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How to help?
Internationalisation is managed in two different ways: either as resources in the file I18n Resources, or as full documents such as this one. We have to translate all resources of the I18n Resources in as many languages as possible. To give a hand, go to I18n Resources, edit the file in the language you want to translate, update the "msgstr" values and save the file.
For club translations, if you are a club member you can subscribe the mailing list by sending email:
to sympa@mandrivaclub.com
subject : sub club-translators
Suivie du developpement du contenu des wiki For don't have bolt pages, etc? it would be usefull to inform about subject who are under developpement or who have to be complet, above the move, add and idea of subjects.
Progress of KB
Progress of Contributors Group Space
Cleaning the KB articles
Some of them do not render well.
Cleaning the articles in the Main web
In the Main web, articles have to be cleaned. They have been imported from HTML, which does not always render well when mixed with the wiki syntax.
Newbie section
We will create a KB with contents targeted at Linux newbies.
Next Club Services
Version 1.155 last modified by Titpom on 06/11/2006 at 23:23