Note: DraknGo was now superceded by IRIS (IRIS Specification Area).
The objective of the project is to have an online catalogue of installable RPMs. The project has two constituents:
- Make a user-friendly internationalized catalogue of free software, with screenshots
- Provide the users (Club members only) with a link toward the right RPMs or media for installing the software, taking into account the Mandriva Linux version the user is running and the geographical location of the user (for choosing the closest source).
- DrivMeIn
- Mandriver
- RPMandriva
- RPMan
- RPMiner
- RPMClub
- Iris like http://iris.lycoris.com ? (There are already lots of "Iris" stuff on the web)
- Klik for Debian http://klik.atekon.de/
- Dreamstall
- AppTake
- DownloadToGo
- ZeroInstall
- Mandriva Just click!
- Visionstall or Visinstall (half vision half install)
- Clikity - because it's fun to say. If it's fun to say, it must be easy to do too.
- Paketilo ? (means "Tool-for-packages")
- Kluba instalilo ? ("Install-tool of the club")
- NestoRpm or NestorRPM (Nestor is the guy who does everything to serve you!)
- Provide guidelines for making the software catalogue
- See how to link the navigator to the graphical tool gurpmi
- Add the Plugin Finder Service in the module
Software catalogue guidelines
Each software is described by a wiki page in the knowledge base. A new module will be created, that will use the knowledge base content for presenting only software.
Software description parts:
- Title
- Tagline
- Description with logo
- Detailed features + screenshots
- Links toward documentation, help, forums
- Web reviews
Various Links
Project inited by Pierre Jarillon. We could have common data models.
- http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/03/msg00382.html
- See also: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=112226050500001&r=1&w=2
Ubuntu catalogue
Document data
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