Club I18N
Kumpulan File
Kumpulan file-file yang utama tersedia pada halaman berikut: I18n Resources (ubah pilihan bahasanya untuk mendapatkan beberapa file). Referensi file adalah yang berbahasa Inggris.
File yang ada hanya bisa di terjemahkan oleh anggota VIP.
The format used is close to the "PO" format. Please translate only the "msgstr" parts, not the "msgid".
You can get the PO Template file at this page: I18n Tool.
Note on creating a new translation (VIP members only)
- Go to I18n Resources
- Hit the "Translate" button and choose the target language
- Edit the new document, and replace its content by the POT file that you can get at I18n Tool
- Begin the translation of the strings (translate only the "msgstr" elements, not the "msgid" elements)
All translations of the I18n Resources document are synchronized with the master one, which is the English one: when a new key is added (removed) from the English document, it is added (removed) to all translated documents. Also for now, comments or additionnal contents written in the translations will get overriden during the synchronisation. We will improve the tool for keeping comments in translated documents.
Notes on improving the translation process
- by way of frank:
- I propose that when the english original has been edited, the translated paged should receive a note "outdated".
- I like to keep the original english text at the top of the editor window until I am finished translating a page. Then the english original is deleted. This is not possible with the current system, because there already exists a german text. As I have discovered, this has already been done!
- Notes from Geceo :
- Since English is not well suited for I18nResources (because the context is missing and English is highly context-dependant), we should switch to Esperanto for the master file. That way, people would be able to understand what they are translating when they see something like "Download". Is it a verb or a noun? This problem would never happen with Esperanto.
- About Frank's idea to mark translated pages as "outdated", it would be VERY discouraging. If someone adds a comma, should the translated pages be marked as "outdated"? Your proposition would discourage the translators and would lead to the exclusive use of english in the club, just like on most web sites which are supposed to be "multi-lingual".
- Yes, you are absolutely right. Only the translators should see the outdated or changed or whatever remark. Another idea is to use a central page like it is used for the mandriva linux page. At least there has to be changed something, because if it is left the way it is, the translation progress will be rather time consuming and that would lead to an only for "english speaking members club" as well (Frank).
- Maybe it should be marked as outdated only for translators / VIP members or something.
- Yes, you are absolutely right. Only the translators should see the outdated or changed or whatever remark. Another idea is to use a central page like it is used for the mandriva linux page. At least there has to be changed something, because if it is left the way it is, the translation progress will be rather time consuming and that would lead to an only for "english speaking members club" as well (Frank).
Wersja 1.132 ostatnio modyfikowane przez erwiensamanthay Samantha w 26/09/2007 przy 23:54
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BTW why is French default language for comments. This should be English / language you choose.
1) Some authorized person has done it, right as the same moment I tried.
2) I have been able to do the change while not being authorized to do so, that that would mean a security problem in the web.
I tried to change this in the Spanish translation: #key=architecture msgid "Architecture" msgstr "Arquitecto"
by this: #key=architecture msgid "Architecture" msgstr "Arquitectura"
You can see here Changes a change: 28/08 21:37 done by s1516102. More or less, that at that hour I tried to do the change.
Perhaps it would be good if somebody checked this for a possible security problem.
The change you mentioned is this (I18n) document change (compare date at the end of this document and date in the Changes)
Perhaps I was not carefull enough before reporting this. Before reporting, I cleared the cache of konqueror from menu "Preferences" to be sure it was not my cache that lied me, and even I oppened a new konqueror window. After that, and even now, when I enter in this page I can see the change I wanted to do and that I tried to do pressing "More actions > Code" and editing it.
I am very sorry you wasted your time because of me.
P.D.: About the translation itself, "Architecture" should be translated in Spanish by "Arquitectura", not by "Arquitecto", as this means "Architect". Sorry again.