#Club |
get_the_pwp_subscription=Get the PWP Download Subscription! |
Previous=Previous |
Next=Next |
you_are_a_member=You are a member of the Club |
Protocol=Protocol |
City=City |
Country=Country |
Austria=Austria |
Brazil=Brazil |
Canada=Canada |
CzechRepublic=Czech Republic |
Denmark=Denmark |
Estonia=Estonia |
Finland=Finland |
France=France |
Germany=Germany |
Greece=Greece |
Ireland=Ireland |
Italy=Italy |
Japan=Japan |
Netherlands=Netherlands |
Poland=Poland |
Portugal=Portugal |
Romania=Romania |
Slovakia=Slovakia |
SouthAfrica=South Africa |
Spain=Spain |
Sweden=Sweden |
Switzerland=Switzerland |
Turkey=Turkey |
UnitedKingdom=United Kingdom |
UnitedStates=United States |
AllCountries=All countries |
CreateTip=Create the tip! |
AddYourTip=Add your tip! |
TipTitle=Tip title (use CamelCase) |
ItemsTagged=Items tagged {0} |
UrpmiMediaConfigurationCommand=URPMI Media Configuration Command |
UrpmiMsg1=Please copy and paste the following command in a terminal, replace the string "PASSWORD" with your Club password and run it as root: |
UrpmiMsg2=In case you encounter problems downloading RPMs from this media, add the urpmi option --wget. Once you have run the urpmi.addmedia command, all the packages from this software repository will be listed in the Mandriva package manager. |
UrpmiMsg3=URPMI media removal command |
UrpmiMsg4=If you want to remove an urpmi media for this mirror, copy and paste the following command in a terminal, and run it (as root). |
UrpmiMsg5=Sorry, you have to be loggued in to view the URPMI configuration command for the requested RPM source. Click here to login. |
NoHostForThisRequest=No host found for this request. |
MonthlyPaymentIsSet=Monthly payment is set |
KB=Knowledge Base |
NoEntryFound=Sorry, no entry has been found while searching for {0} |
Tips=Tips |
CorpoClubTeaser=Enterprises: please browse the Mandriva Corporate Club! |
#PrivateMessages |
PrivateMessage=Private Message |
createPrivateMessage=Create a private message |
pmSubject=Subject |
pmFrom=From |
pmTo=To |
#Survey |
survey=Survey |
results=Results |
unsatisfied=Unsatisfied |
satisfied=Satisfied |
verysatisfied=Very Satisfied |
mixed=Mixed |
oneperday=One time per day |
oneperweek=One time per week |
onepermonth=One time per month |
ateachrelease=At each release |
general_navigation=What do you think of the navigation on the website ? |
general_interface=What do you think of the website interface ? |
general_promotional=What do you think of the club promotional offers ? |
general_services=What do you think of the club services ? |
general_comment=Your remarks : |
visit_frequency=How often do you visit the club website ? |
#Queries |
noresults=No results for this query |
back=Back |
reset=Reset |
orderBy=Order by |
filter=Filter |
mysqlDateFormat=Format : yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
helpQueryNumberMin=Exact value or min border |
helpQueryNumberMax=Max border |
#Firefly dashboard |
dashboard=Dashboard |
#User |
AuthenticationPrincipal=Email address |
Password=Password |
FirstName=First name |
LastName=Last name |
MainLanguage=Main language |
Email=Email |
Signature=Signature |
Description=Description |
Newsletter=Newsletter |
AccountExpirationInfo=Your subscription expires in {0} days. |
ManageYourCreditCardInfo=Manage your credit card details |
RenewNow=Renew now! |
MandrivaClub=Mandriva Club |
login=Sign-in |
register=Create an account! |
publishedBy=Published by {0} on {1} |
translatedBy=Translated by {0} on {1} |
youAreAXMember=You are a {0} member of the Club |
Articles=Articles |
home=Home |
downloads=Downloads |
rpmsFarm=RPM Farm |
LinuxEvents=Linux Events |
forum=Forum |
knowledgeBase=Knowledge Base |
clubChat=Club Chat |
whatsNew=What's New |
search=Search |
didYouKnow=Tips of the day |
quoteOfTheDay=Quote of the day |
memberOfTheMonth=Member of the month |
articleOfTheDay=The wiki page of the day |
#key=moreMembers |
msgid "More members..." |
msgstr "More members..." |
moreTips=More tips... |
moreQuotes=More quotes... |
moreArticles=More articles... |
sponsorship=Sponsorship |
recentChanges=Recent changes |
faq=FAQ |
Help=Help |
clubTeamSpace=Club Team Space |
contributorSpace=Contributor Space |
readMore=Read more... |
olderArticles=Older articles |
newerArticles=Newer articles |
ArticleTopics=Article Topics |
Club=Club |
CommercialSoftware=Commercial Software |
Newsletters=Newsletters |
Interviews=Interviews |
Distro=Distro |
Company=Company |
Documentation=Documentation |
AuthenticationFailed=The authentication has failed. Possible reasons are that you have not typed correctly your password, or that your account has expired or that there's a problem with browser cookies. Check that your browser accepts cookies indeed, and/or clear the Club cookies and log in again. |
LostAccount=Lost account? |
SecurityUpdates=Security Updates |
SiteMap=Site Map |
ClubMembers=Club Members |
WhosNew=Who's New? |
MembershipLevel=Membership level |
RegistrationDate=Registration date |
DocumentsCreatedBy=Documents created by {0} |
DocumentsTranslatedBy=Documents translated by {0} |
LostAccountForm=Lost Account |
PleaseEnterYourClubEmailAddress=Please enter below the email address you are using for the Mandriva Club. |
UseLostAccountForm=Please use this form if you have lost your account information. |
EmailNotFound=The entered email address could not be found in the Mandriva Club database. Are you sure it is the email address you use for the Club indeed? |
YourAccount=Your account on Mandriva Club |
AccountInfoHasBeenSent=Your account information has been sent to the address {0}. |
ErrorWhileSendingAccountInfo=An error occurred while sending you the account information. Please contact the administrator. |
YourMessageHasBeenSent=Thank you. Your message has been sent and will be soon be acted upon. |
ErrorSending=Sorry, an error occurred while trying to send the message. Please inform the administrator about this (). |
ClickHereToLogin=Click here to login |
NotACorporateMemberYet=Professional user? Subscribe to the Corporate Club ! |
NotAMemberYet=Join the community, be part of the Club: it's free! |
commentsnb={0} comments |
sortByDate=Sort by date |
sortByThread=Sort by thread |
SearchInThisSite=Search in this site |
Multilingualism=Multilingualism |
Translate=Translate |
TranslationOf=Translation of {1} |
TargetLanguage=Target language |
Reply=Reply |
SignInForComments=Please sign-in to view the comments. |
#Contact |
PleaseReadThisBeforeContactingUs=Please read this before contacting us.
IfYouHaveNotFoundAnAnswer=If you have not found a solution to your problem in the FAQ? or if you want to send us suggestions or bug reports, then fill in the form below. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible! |
MandrivaClubContactForm=Mandriva Club Contact Form |
PleaseProvideUsWithAnEmailAddress=Please provide us with an email address in the form below. |
YourEmailAddress=Your email address |
YourPseudo=Your pseudo |
YourMembershipLevel=Your membership level |
Subject=Subject |
LoginProblem=Login problem |
BitTorrentProblem=BitTorrent problem |
Suggestion=Suggestion |
ClubMembershipOrderProblem=Club membership order problem |
ClubWebSiteBugReport=Club web site bug report |
OtherSubject=Other subject |
ETraining=E-Training |
PlanetMandriva=Planet Mandriva |
Chat=Chat |
ECards=Send welcome cards to your friends |
ManageYourMembership=Renew your subscription |
RegionalSpaces=Regional Spaces |
LatinAmerica=Latin America |
China=China |
NewbieArea=Newbie Area |
#Languages |
en=English |
af=Afrikaans |
sq=Albanian |
am=Amharic |
ar=Arabic |
hy=Armenian |
az=Azerbaijani |
eu=Basque |
be=Belarussian |
bn=Bengali |
bs=Bosnian |
pt_BR=Brazilian Portuguese |
br=Britton |
bg=Bulgarian |
ca=Catalan |
zh_CN=Chinese, simplified |
zh_TW=Chinese, traditional |
hr=Croatian |
cs=Czech |
da=Danish |
nl=Dutch |
eo=Esperanto |
et=Estonian |
fa=Farsi |
tl=Filipino |
fi=Finnish |
fr=French |
fur=Furlan |
gl=Galician |
ka=Georgian |
de=German |
el=Greek |
he=Hebrew |
hi=Hindi |
hu=Hungarian |
is=Icelandic |
id=Indonesian |
ga=Irish |
it=Italian |
ja=Japanese |
kn=Kannada |
ko=Korean |
ky=Kirghiz |
ku=Kurdish |
lo=Lao |
ltg=Latgalian |
lv=Latvian |
lt=Lithuanian |
mk=Macedonian |
mn=Mongolian |
ms=Malay |
mt=Maltese |
nb=Norwegian Bokmaal |
nn=Norwegian Nynorsk |
pa_IN=Punjabi, gurmukhi script |
pl=Polish |
pt=Portuguese |
ro=Romanian |
ru=Russian |
sc=Sardinian |
sr=Serbian |
sk=Slovak |
sl=Slovenian |
es=Spanish |
sv=Swedish |
tg=Tajik |
ta=Tamil |
th=Thai |
tr=Turkish |
tk=Turkmen |
uk=Ukrainian |
ur=Urdu |
uz=Uzbek |
vi=Vietnamese |
wa=Walloon |
cy=Welsh |
nor=Norwegian |
#DrakNGo |
drakngo.addApplication=Add an application |
drakngo.howToPublish=How to publish |
#Blogs |
WelcomeToMandrivaClubBlogs=Welcome To Mandriva Club Blog Space! |
OpenYourBlogMessage=For opening your blog on the Club, please contact the Club Team via the contact form. |
#Downloads |
downloads.home=Downloads |
downloads.mirrorFinder=Mirror Finder |
MirrorFinderModule=Mirror Finder Module |
Architecture=Architecture |
DistributionVersion=Distribution version |
ResourceType=Resource type |
SearchCorrespondingMirrors=Search corresponding mirrors! |
contrib=Contributions |
#key=distrib |
msgid "Mandriva Linux distribution software" |
msgstr "Mandriva Linux distribution software" |
updates=Software Updates |
unsupported=Unsupported software |
plf-free=PLF free software |
plf-nonfree=PLF non free software |
jpackage=JPackage software |
club.commercial=Club commercial software |
club.club=Club software |
club.contrib=Club contributions |
club.testing=Club contributions in testing stage |
#Downloads.BitTorrent |
downloads.torrents=Torrents |
downloads.myTorrents=My Torrents |
DownloadIsosWithBitTorrent=Download Mandriva Linux ISOs with BitTorrent |
MembershipRequiredForTorrents=Sorry, you need to buy a Powerpack subscription to gain access to the Powerpack torrents. Please see the following page for information on the Powerpack subscription: http://store.mandriva.com/product_info.php?products_id=73 |
AsAXMemberYouCanDownload=As a {0} Club member you have the privilege to download following Mandriva Linux products: |
IfYouCannotUseBitTorrent=If you cannot use BitTorrent, please ask for a HTTP or FTP access using our request form?. |
MirrorsHostingRpms=Mirrors hosting RPMs for {0} {1} {2} |
PleaseDoNotDisseminateMirrorUrls=Please do not copy the list of servers you'll find here on publicly available web sites or mailing-lists as they are intended for Club members only. |
MirrorFolderUpdateWarning=Warning! The mirrors folder tree has been reorganized. Please have a look at Warly's article on this topic. |
Host=Host |
Localisation=Localisation |
UrpmiSetup=URPMI set up |
#RpmsFarm |
rpmsFarm.votingBooth=RPM Voting Booth |
rpmsFarm.rpmsTesting=RPM Testing |
rpmsFarm.releasedRpms=Released RPMs |
rpmsFarm.rpmSearch=RPM Search |
rpmsFarm.controlCenter=Control Center |
rpmsFarm.newRpmRequest=New RPM Request |
rpmsFarm.faq=RPM Farm FAQ |
rpmsFarm.volunteersFaq=Volunteers FAQ |
rpmsFarm.recentChanges=RPM changes |
WelcomeToTheRpmsFarm=Welcome To The Mandriva Club RPM Farm! |
RpmsFarmIntro=What is the RPMs farm? Some explanations: there are some nice Mandriva Linux aficionados out there who build RPMs. Club members are given {0} votes each week to vote for the RPMs they wish the packagers to focus on. Votes are not lost when not being used: they remain available for later use, with the limit of at most {1} cumulated votes. If you would like another application to be added to the list of requested RPMs so that other Club members can vote for it, please go to the New Rpm Request? page. |
UserVoteStatus=You are logged in as {0}, and you have {1} votes left. |
YourMembershipLevelIs=Your membership level is {0}. |
SoftwareOrLib=Software/Lib |
Description=Description |
#key=Votes |
msgid "Votes" |
msgstr "Votes" |
Packager=Packager |
#key=Date |
msgid "Date" |
msgstr "Date" |
#Forums |
MandrivaClubForum=Mandriva Club Forum |
Wishes=Wishes |
NewsAndFuture=News And Future |
ClubPlatform=Club Platform |
Troll=Troll |
Hardware=Hardware |
Software=Software |
PrintingScanning=Printing, Scanning, Photo |
Multimedia=Multimedia |
Security=Security |
Laptops=Laptops |
64bArchitectures=64 bits Architectures |
Cooker=Cooker |
Documentation=Documentation |
Translation=Translation |
Programming=Programming |
#Forum labels |
NewDiscussion=New discussion |
GoBang=Go! |
BackToForum=Go back to forum {0} |
Topic=Topic |
Author=Author |
Replies=Replies |
LastPostDate=Last post date |
#KnowledgeBase |
OfficialDocumentation=Official Documentation |
AllPages=View All Pages |
WritingConventions=Writing Conventions |
MainEntryPoints=Main Entry Points |
TagBasedNavigation=Tag Based Navigation |
#corporateClub |
news=News |
events=Events |
maintenance=Maintenance |
technology=Technology |
partners=Partners |
knowledgeBase=Knowledge Base |
customers=Customers |
services=Services |
contact=Contact |
Document data
- Lost account?
- Join the community, be part of the Club: it's free!
- Get the PWP Download Subscription!