
Merging Club Volunteer System into Cooker Contrib System

Project manager is Per Øyvind Karlsen. You are welcome to put your ideas and comments here.

The idea is to have a single entry point for contributions, making it easier to keep trace of the packages and the maintainers, and to promote the dissemination of relevant packages.

Comments (6)

yoho | 27.06.2005 at 12:42 AM
I have a question regarding this project : Club contributed packages will always be for the latest official build of Mandriva and cooker packages are… for cooker. So you need both… I don't get how you can merge the two.

Arkub | 27.06.2005 at 01:24 AM
Hi yoho, Indeed, I forgot something: the idea would be also to have macros for rebuilding the Cooker contrib RPMs for anterior versions of the distribution.

capi_x | 27.06.2005 at 12:53 PM
¿ ".? contrib RPMs for anterior versions .?" ? jeje this spanglish :)

pterjan | 23.07.2005 at 04:22 PM
A lot of club contributions are packages that already exist in cooker, rebuilding the src.rpm would be enough. Some other are new packages, and being only in the club won't be part of the next stable release, so also adding them to cooker is usefull.

marclijour | 03.08.2005 at 05:58 AM
The dependencies for your package (eg. certain library version) make it sometimes difficult to have it install successfully on older versions (where the library is missing!).

pirnaver | 17.08.2005 at 11:20 PM
There are som packages that probably will not be put in contrib.

Comercial / with patent problems / some P2P programs …



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