We summarize here some relevant suggestions we identify in forums, comments, or emails.
- Problem with comments for guests in Blogs
- Multilingual list of articles on home page so that one can see articles in one's preferred languages (not only one) (see this post by Christof)
- Add contextually the help on basic xwiki syntax to more places (inline edition etc.)
- As phpBB is more adapted for forums, why is the contributor's one not in phpBB ?
- Ok to hide comments on every page, but please, underline the "Comments" link :) I thought I was unable to read them, just because I didn't see it was a link to "unfold" the comments.
- What tag should we use for a line of code in the wiki ?
- What tag should we use for code inside text ?
- List of the members with details (last changes, last translations, blog, last comments, last forums etc...)
- Let bloggers write draft blogs that they publish them when they're ready.
- Organize Club chat with guests from FLOSS community.
- Add ability to send private message to a Club member.
- Don't display duplicate pages under "Recently Viewed Pages".
- Events notifications (e.g. club chat notification)
- More ...
- Colors switching in arrays
- Font issue in Internet Explorer / Windows
- Visited links are underlined and unvisited aren't : ugly
- Add a tool to see the list of the pages who link to a page like it was in the old wiki, for be sure we can acess to it with the index.
- Add RSS to read mandriva clubbers blog and articles
- Do we get notified when someone change a wiki page we have been contributing to or which we have translated?
- Do we get notified when someone has translated our page in a language we can understand (we should indicate languages we understand, I remember it was already the case with V1) ?
- Could there be a page where we see pages pending to be translated in a specific language ?
- I think any contributor should add a little comment with her change to justify her modification
- Changes made by the same contributor in less than 5 minutes should be aggregated
- We should see at the bottom of the page the last 3 contributors and the little comment they made along with their change
- It would be nice to have an ability to edit just a part of a page (look at DokuWiki if you don't know what I'm talking about).
- Email notification about changes / comments / replies would be nice. (Note by Arkub: this is a work in progress)
Comments (1)