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RH: Linux Desktop like Teen Sex

Matthew Szulik, CEO of RedHat, gives us this great quote via The Register UK. … continue reading

Comment-allez vous vs. Ça va?

Which to use? … continue reading

Of Linux, the Bible, the Reformation, and Pioneers

A couple of years ago I engaged a former Microsoft Program Manager in a conversation. He was now working for a startup using Linux, and when he found out that I was heavily involved in Linux, he asked me what I liked best about it.

"I like the fact that it is so adaptable," was my reply. "You can take it, tweak it, bend it to your whim, and then send those changes out to the world so that … continue reading

Where to post pics?

So an old friend e-mailed me today asking if I knew a good place to post photo albums online. he said he had about 25M of pics to upload. I don't really know any, so I suggested flickr. Anyone know some better ones?

Also I have an account on now ( but the IS team tells me that I can't upload RPMs. Where can I host RPMs? Anyone have a … continue reading

Downloading Discovery/LX 2006

I spent all day on my slow DSL connection trying to download the Discovery/LX 2006 product that we have been working on for the past several months. It's finally been released to club members! yay!

but DSL has been too slow and flaky, so I am borrowing a T1 to finish. 1 1/2 hours to go!

I installed at 800x600, decided it was too small, and quickly switched to 1024x768. The trash can didn't move right. (Or, in other words, why to test as a new employee)

It's ideal to spend a little time testing shipping products as a new employee, even if it isn't in your specific job description, because you have a fresh perspective on the products. … continue reading

Work at Rue D'Aboukir

So the product was supposed to be frozen yesterday, but it hasn't happened yet. i found a bug today in the installer just now. the good thing about me being here is that i walked down the two floors to pixel, who is the installer dev, told him about it, and he said he would fix it. much easier than filing a bug on, which is barely back up.

the d'aboukir office is an old … continue reading

My First Blog Entry

The Mandriva Club now has blogs! Hey I'm up for one. … continue reading

New blog entry

New blog entry:

Note: a WikiName is required, only with alphanumeric characters. Examples: RamblingsAboutHurd, MyReviewOfMandrakelinux2006 ...

Blog (en)
Creator: Arkub  Date: 2005/09/15 16:25
Last Author: Arkub  Date: 2005/09/15 16:25
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