歡迎使用 Mandriva 俱樂部知識庫
最新消息: 俱樂部會員們,請點擊這裡來取得 PDF 版本的 Mandriva 2006 官方文件。
Mandriva Club knowledge base is a wiki based documentation site written collaboratively by Club members. The site is a wiki, meaning that every member, including you, can add or modify each page.
If you need information on how to use a wiki, please visit these pages : XWiki Syntax and Adding Pages. If you want to experiment without breaking anything, go to the Sand Box.
Mandriva Linux 文件資源
- 映像檔下載與光碟燒錄
- 小技巧
- 自動安裝
- Disk Druid
- Distribution Upgrade
- 從 FAT 分割區安裝
- Win98SE、Win2k 與 Mandrakelinux 的多重開機
- 磁碟分割
- 桌面環境 (X、KDE、GNOME、其他、視窗管理員)
- 文件
- 檔案與目錄 (目錄結構、權限)
- 安裝軟體 (URPMI、Rpmdrake、unpacking archives)
- Linux
- Mandrake Linux
- Misc
- 軟體
- 支援
- 使用 Shell
- 相容性與驅動程式
- 數位相機
- 硬體設定
- 硬體技巧
- IDE 硬碟
- 在筆記型電腦上使用 Mandriva Linux
- 在 Mandriva 上使用 nVidia (GeForce) 晶片
- 使用 CUPS 列印
- 可移除式儲存裝置 (USB、ZIP、光碟、IDE、磁碟陣列 RAID)
- Video Capture
- 無線網路 (Prism)
- 設定一個 FTP 伺服器
- Samba Quickies
- Server Applications (Apache)
- Distributing dynamical web sites on CD-Rom
- 撥號網路 (DSL、Cable、ISDN、數據機)
- 網際網路連線分享 (Windows)
- 本地端檔案分享 (AppleTalk、IPX、NFS、Samba)
- Mail The Unix Way (Postfix, Fetchmail, Procmail)
- Netips (Tips & Tricks)
- One-Pagers (MRTG, NIS, xinetd)
- Getting Answers
- Help on Error Messages
- Principles of Successful Troubleshooting
- Quick Hacks 8.2
- Quick Hacks 8.1
- Quick Hacks (Pre-8.0)
- Troubleshooting On MUO
Utils & Apps
- Desktop Publishing DTP (Scribus)
- Open Office
- 資料庫
- 電子郵件客戶端
- 網頁瀏覽器
- Emulators & Ports
- 遊戲
- 圖形與照片
- 安裝 Java
- Java 開發
- 多媒體
- 科學應用
- Gnome 桌面環境音效
- 時間工具
Administration advanced
- 啟動 Linux (包含移除 Linux)
- 核心議題
- Customizing X
- X 輸入裝置 (鍵盤、滑鼠)
- 啟動 X
- 校調 X
- X File
- X Fonts
- X Networking
- X Setup Troubles
Mandriva Versioning
A more general view of the index can be found on the General Index page.
All contents from the site http://kb.mandrivaclub.com have been imported into this place, with the history of modifications. However, the text describing each change has not been imported yet. It has been stored though. We will probably restore it in a next version of the platform.
Welcome to Mandriva Club Knowledge Base
要顯示的版本 1.13 last modified by shivahuang on 25/12/2005 at 17:43
要顯示的版本 1.13 last modified by shivahuang on 25/12/2005 at 17:43
回應 (13)
Knowledge base should have some kind of a license in any case.
I have to think Mandriva is actually hiding their tech support knowledgebase.
It's been so screwed up for so long they don't seem to know any better.
What crap...