To create a new page, insert a Wiki link in a page (which will be called the "parent" page).

A Wiki link is either:

  • The page name surrounded by square brackets: [Doc.WebHome] -> link to Doc.WebHome
  • The texte and the name surrounded by square brackets: [link to the doc|Doc.WebHome] -> link to the doc
If the target page doesn't exist, a question mark will appear next to the Wiki link. If you click on it, you can create the new page and the paternity between the two pages will be saved. Once the page is created, the question mark on the parent page will be replaced by a normal wiki link.

If you wish to add documents with too complex tags, you'd better provide a link to a web page rather than trying to add the text in the page, like this : The XWiki home page :

You shouldn't use HTML tags (see Conventions) even if it's possible.


KB - AddingPages
要顯示的版本 1.13 last modified by yoho on 10/07/2006 at 17:30


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建立者: ybodson on 2004/03/24 18:56
(c) Mandriva 2007