To create a new page, insert a Wiki link in a page (which will be called the "parent" page).
A Wiki link is either:
- The page name surrounded by square brackets: [Doc.WebHome] -> link to Doc.WebHome
- The texte and the name surrounded by square brackets: [link to the doc|Doc.WebHome] -> link to the doc
If you wish to add documents with too complex tags, you'd better provide a link to a web page rather than trying to add the text in the page, like this : The XWiki home page :
You shouldn't use HTML tags (see Conventions) even if it's possible.
要顯示的版本 1.13 last modified by yoho on 10/07/2006 at 17:30
要顯示的版本 1.13 last modified by yoho on 10/07/2006 at 17:30