
System Services II


  • Annotated List of Common Services (a-h)
Section index - KB index

Annotated List of System Services (a-h)

This list tries to cover all the scripts in '/etc/init.d'.
It depends on your scale of installation how many of these services are available on your system.

In this list services are either 'optional', 'common' or 'essential'. 'Optional' means you can turn this service safely off without loosing vital functionality, 'common' means that this service isn't vital but usually enabled, and 'essential' means you should not turn it off, unless you know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it.


Needed for arabic languages to be displayed correctly.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: acon. Doc: Files in '/usr/share/doc/acon-{...}'


This service loads the kernel modules necessary for ACPI support. It reads the level of the machine's ACPI support from dmidecode and loads the appropriate modules. Without this service, you will not get basic ACPI support for things such as battery power monitoring. Pertinence: Common. Package: acpi. Doc: Files in /usr/share/doc/acpi-0.07.


ACPI (Advanced Configuration Power Interface) is the successor to APM (Advanced Power Management). 'acpid' is maintained by the ACPI4Linux project. acpid is a daemon for notifying userspace programs of ACPI events. Practically speaking, this allows you to invoke arbitrary programs or actions when events monitored by ACPI take place. These events include things like the machine going from AC to battery power (or vice versa), the battery charge dropping below a certain level, or the machine's lid being closed or opened.
Pertinence: Common. Package: acpid. Doc: manpage, files in /usr/share/doc/acpid-1.0.4.


Control script for ADSL (Asyncronous Digital Subscriber Line) connections via PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: rp-pppoe. Doc:

man pppoe
man pppoe.conf


This is the daemon for the afbackup client / server backup system. It provides a server to which several clients may send backups.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: afbackup. Doc:


This starts and stops the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound driver. If you don't want sound (or your card uses an OSS driver), turn it off.
Pertinence: Common. Package: initscripts. Doc:


amavisd-new is a high-performance and reliable interface between mailer (MTA) and one or more content checkers: virus scanners, and/or Mail::SpamAssassin Perl module. Pertinence: Optional. Package: amavisd-new. Doc:


The Automounter Daemon. Useful for automatically mounting (hey1.1 ) network file systems or removable media. Since removable media are handled by 'udev' and 'hal' in Mandriva and 'amd' does have its handling quirks, you will possibly only need it for mounting network shares (NFS and the like). Do not run this if you don't need it as it poses a potential security hole.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: am-utils. Doc: MU on 'automount', man pages.


The cousin of the 'cron'-daemon. 'cron' runs tasks like system maintenance at certain times, but skips them if the system isn't running at that time. That's where 'anacron' comes in: it checks delayed 'cron'-tasks at boot-time and executes them. If your machine doesn't run all the time, you should leave it enabled.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: anacron. Doc:

man anacron
, MUO on using anacron


apcupsd manages UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) hardware manufactured by APC (American Power Conversion).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: apcupsd. Doc: The APCUPSD Users Manual


The Advanced Power Management BIOS Daemon. Usually you will only need it if your computer runs on battery, i.e. a laptop. Some laptop BIOSes do not take kindly to apmd, causing massive installation problems.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: apmd. Doc:

man apmd


arpd replies to any ARP request for an IP address matching the specified destination net with the hardware MAC address of the specified interface, but only after determining if another host already claims it. Pertinence: Optional. Package: arpd. Doc:

man arpd


Keeps track of MAC / IP address pairings. This is a useful security and adminstration tool for machines which act as DHCP servers. It can be used to keep track of clients requesting IP addresses for security or maintenance purposes, and can inform the administrator if the MAC address associated with a given IP address changes. If you do not run a machine acting as a DHCP server, you will not need this service.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: arpwatch. Doc:

man arpsnmp


Asterisk is an open-source PBX (PBX stands for private branch exchange; PBXes are the telephone line networks used mainly by medium and large size companies).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: asterisk. Doc:

man asterisk


The At Daemon. Manages scheduled ('at a certain time') jobs. Related to 'crond'.
Pertinence: Common. Package: at. Doc:

man atd
man at
, MUO article on 'at'.


This small daemon enables powersaving mode on modern Athlon processors so long as ACPI is enabled. When the machine is idle, an instruction will be sent to the processor setting it into an idle mode which reduces power consumption and heat output.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: athcool. Doc:

man athcool

auth2.init, codasrv.init, update.init, venus.init

These scripts are parts of the server package for the Coda File System, a distributed file system for networks, except for 'venus.init', which belongs to the client package.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: coda-debug-server (venus.init: coda-debug-client). Doc: The Coda HOWTO


This daemon sits between a mailserver and the network. When someone attempts to send a mail to the mailserver, authd examines its rulebook and allows the mail through to the server, or not, accordingly. It used to be used for access control and as an impromptu spam filter. With the onset of more sophisticated spam filters like SpamAssassin and the introduction of access control within mailservers authd is becoming less used, although it still allows more fine grained access control than most mailservers do on their own. Pertinence: Optional. Package: authd. Doc:


Controls the automount daemon (amd). Usually not enabled. You might need it if you want to mount network-shares automatically.
Pertinence: Optional. Doc:

man autofs
man automount

bacula-dir, bacula-fd, bacula-sd

These are the daemons for the bacula network backup system. Like afbackup, this is a backup system allowing backups across a network to be controlled from a single server.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bacula-dir, bacula-fd, bacula-sd. Doc:


Daemon which monitors the bind DNS server and produces (via rrdtool) graphs of the server's activity.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bindgraph. Doc:


This service starts several daemons necessary for basic bluetooth functionality, such as discovery and authentication of other bluetooth devices. Not necessary if you have no bluetooth adapter.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bluez-utils. Doc:


Bmc-watchdog is used to set up, manage, and monitor BMC (Baseboard Management Controller) Watchdog Timers so that system administrators or developers can take advantage of the various system timeout functions available. Typically, the the bmc-watchdog tool is executed as a daemon and will set up and manage the BMC Watchdog Timer so a machine will be reset after the OS has crashed. The BMC Watchdog Timer is a part of the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) specification and is only available on IPMI-compliant systems.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: freeipmi-utils. Doc:

man bmc-watchdog


Control script for the Boa Webserver, a lightweight alternative to Apache.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: boa. Doc: on home page.


Needed to provide boot-information to disk-less clients. Usually not enabled.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bootparamd. Doc:

man bootparamd


bpalogin is a client for logging into the Australian 'Big Pond' cable ISP. The bpalogin service will establish the connection automatically at boot time. If you don't use Big Pond as your ISP, you don't need this.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bpalogin. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/bpalogin-2.0.2.

bpowerd, bpowerfail

Power Control Program for Best Patriot UPS.
Pertinence: Optional. Package bpowerd. Doc:

man bpowerd


This service sets up network bridging at boot time. Network bridging is a technique for combining two separate network segments into a single large network. If you don't need to do this, you don't need the service. If you don't know what this is, you don't need to do it.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: bridge-utils. Doc:,

man brutl


Canna is a Japanese text input system. It is not the default input system on Mandriva, so even Japanese speaking users will not want to enable this service unless they are sure they wish to alter the default input setup.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: canna. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/canna-3.7p3.


CapiSuite is an ISDN telecommunication suite providing easy to use telecommunication functions which can be controlled from Python scripts. Currently, mainly voice functions and fax sending/receiving are supported. If you do not have an ISDN connection, you do not need this service.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: capisuite. Doc:

man capisuite


A configuration tool for setting traffic bandwidth parameters.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: shapecfg. Doc: Look in '/usr/share/doc/shapecfg-{version}'.

cfd, cfenvd, cfexecd, cfservd

The Configuration Engine provides software agents and a language for central configuration and administration of large scale networks.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: cfengine1, cfengine-cfenvd, cfengine-cfexecd, cfengine-cfservd. Doc: Example scripts in '/usr/share/doc/cfengine-{...}',

info cfengine-Reference
info cfengine-Tutorial


Keeps your system's time in step with the true time or keep a network of computers in time sync with each other.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: chrony. Doc: FAQ,

info chrony


This daemon is an interface between clamav and a mailserver. It is specifically designed to pass emails received by a mailserver through clamav for virus scanning.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: clamav-milter. Doc:

man clamav-milter


clamd is the basic daemon for the clamav anti-virus system. If you install and enable it, you or other programs can pass it content - files, emails and so on - to be scanned for viruses.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: clamd. Doc:

man clamd


This service is part of Mandriva's CLIC project which eases the setup of clusters. It retrieves a client's configuration from the CLIC server. Unless you are using CLIC, you do not need this service.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: clusterautosetup-client, clusterscripts-client. Doc:


ClusterNFS is a system allowing a single filesystem on a server to be used as the root filesystem for a large group of diskless clients. This service starts the clusternfs server. It will replace the normal nfs server on a system, although the replacement should be transparent, as NFS requests that clusternfs would not deal with in its own way are handled as normal.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: clusternfs. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/clusternfs-3.0.rc2,

man nfsd


Conserver is an application that allows multiple users to watch a serial console at the same time. It can log the data, allows users to take write-access of a console (one at a time), and has a variety of bells and whistles to accentuate that basic functionality. This service starts the conserver server.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: conserver-daemon. Doc:

man conserver

courier-imap, courier-authdaemond

IMAP mailserver that uses Maildirs. courier-authdaemond is the server that implements access control for the courier mailserver.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: courier-imap. Doc: Look in '/usr/share/doc/courier-imap-{version}/README.*'.


This is a monitoring tool for HP (Compaq) SmartArray controllers. If you have one, this may be useful.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: cpqarrayd. Doc:

man cpqarrayd


This starts the cpudyn tool, which will monitor CPU usage and reduce the CPU speed when full power is not required, in order to reduce power consumption and heat production. Works on any CPU supported by the kernel cpufreq driver, which must be loaded.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: cpudyn. Doc:

man cpudynd


This is a small script which simply loads the appropriate cpufreq module for the current system. Useful on modern systems capable of CPU speed scaling. Necessary for cpudyn or cpufreqd to work.
Pertinence: Optional in most cases, Essential on some modern laptops. Doc: n/a.


Similar functionality to cpudyn, but more complex and configurable. In addition to system usage, it takes remaining battery charge into account. Like cpudyn, relies on cpufreq support.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: cpufreqd. Doc:

man cpufreqd


The Cron Daemon. Manages repeated tasks ('chronological'). Related to 'atd'.
Pertinence: Essential. Package: vixie-cron. Doc:

man crond
man cron
, MUO article on 'cron'


Crossfire is the daemon for a role-playing graphical adventure game.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: crossfire-server. Doc:

man crossfire


CUPS is the standard printing service on Mandrake Linux.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: cups. Doc: /usr/share/doc/cups/documentation.html, MUO on using CUPS


The Cyrus IMAP mailserver. One of several IMAP mailservers available.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: cyrus-imapd. Doc: Files in /usr/share/doc/cyrus-imapd-2.2.12.


Dan's Guardian is a content filtering web proxy.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: DansGuardian. Doc: Look in '/usr/share/doc/~DansGuardian-{version}'


A server for streaming media files, released by Apple. Supports RTSP streaming of Quicktime video.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: DarwinStreamingServer. Doc: Files in /usr/share/doc/DarwinStreamingServer-

dc_client, dc_server

The main use for distcache is in supporting clusters of SSL/TLS-enabled servers (eg. secure web servers) in such a way that they can share a single network-based session cache. These services start the server and clients for a distcache system.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: distcache-client, distcache-server. Doc:

man dc_client
man dc_server
, files in /usr/share/doc/distcache-server-1.5.1.


This is the daemon for the DCC spam detection system. DCC works co-operatively, by detecting that a given message has been sent to thousands of different servers and consequently concluding that it is spam.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dcc. Doc:

man dccd


This is another tool for updating IP information on dynamic IP services like dyndns.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ddclient. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/ddclient-3.6.6.


Devfsd is the device filesystem daemon (new in 2.4 kernel series) used for providing original style entries in /dev. From Mandrakelinux 10.1 onwards, devfs has been deprecated in favour of udev, so you should not enable this service on such releases unless you're sure you know what you're doing.
Pertinence: Essential (10.0 and earlier), Optional (10.1 and later). Package devfsd. Doc:

man devfsd


Used for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) servers located in a different subnet than their clients. This implementation uses IPsec for forwarding.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dhcprelay. Doc:

man dhcprelay


Used for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) servers located in a different subnet than their clients.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dhcp-relay. Doc:

man dhcrelay


Used for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) servers located in a different subnet than their clients.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dhcp-forwarder. Doc:

man dhcp-fwd


Needed on a machine which has to provide IP adresses to other machines.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dhcp-server. Doc:

man dhcpd.conf
man dhcpd

dhsd IP updater for the free DHS.ORG dynamic DNS service.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dhsd. Doc: Files in '/usr/share/doc/dhsd-{...}'


Daemon that provides on demand IP links via SLIP or PPP dialup links.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: diald. Doc:

man diald


A dictionary server.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dictd-server. Doc:

man dictd


This daemon is part of the distcc system, which allows the compilation of source code to be spread across many machines. This is the standalone daemon to be run on the slave machines.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: distcc-daemon-standalone. Doc:

man distccd


This service is part of the dkms dynamic kernel module compilation system. It checks the running kernel and the list of modules dkms is handling, and automatically compiles any which are not already compiled for the running kernel.
Pertinence: Common. Package: dkms-minimal. Doc:

man dkms


This is an old filesystem notification service. It allows a program to monitor a filesystem or a directory for changes. It is not commonly used on Mandriva systems; it has been superseded by the inotify kernel system and by the alternative fam and gamin userspace notification systems.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dnotify. Doc:

man dnotify


Control script for the gpppwrap multi-number/provider dialer.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: gpppwrap. Doc:

man gpppwrap


This is a daemon to monitor a machine running as a DNS server in order to prevent it from flood attacks.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dnsflood. Doc: /usr/share/doc/dnsflood-1.10/README


Dnsmasq is lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP, to a small network.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dnsmasq. Doc:

man dnsmasq


The dnsproxy daemon is a proxy for DNS queries. It forwards these queries to two previously configured nameservers: one for authoritative queries and another for recursive queries. The received answers are sent back to the client unchanged. No local caching is done.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dnsproxy. Doc:

man dnsproxy


Dovecot is an open source IMAP and POP3 mailserver, written with security primarily in mind. It can act as a drop-in replacement for the courier and uw IMAP servers.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dovecot. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/dovecot-0.99.14.


This service allows the drakxtools to be accessed via a webserver.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: drakxtools-http. Doc: n/a

dspam-mysql, dspam-pgsql

These services run the dspam spam filter at boot time. One of the two is used depending on whether the database system to be used is MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: dspam-mysql, dspam-pgsql. Doc:

man dspam


Echelog is a distributed client/server based monitoring system. Its primary purpose is to ensure a copy of a machine's log is preserved on the server in case of a severe problem (system failure or compromise). It also allows convenient monitoring of a large set of machines.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: echelog. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/echelog-0.6.2.


This is the daemon for the emifreq GNOME CPU speed / temperature monitoring applet. It allows the applet to change the CPU speed via the kernel cpufreq driver.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: emifreq-applet. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/emifreq-applet-0.18.


Exim is an MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) like sendmail or postfix, one of the main components of a mail server. Postfix is the default MTA for Mandriva, but some experienced users will prefer to use exim in place of it.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: exim. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/exim-4.50.


ez-ipupdate is a script for updating the IP address associated with any of several dynamic DNS services. Pertinence: Optional. Package: ez-ipupdate. Doc: Look in '/usr/share/doc/ez-ipupdate-{version}'.


Fcron is deprecated since ML 8.1. Refer to the attic page for more details.


Daemon for the Fetchmail mail retriever.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: fetchmail-daemon. Doc: MUO on configuring fetchmail,

man fetchmail


~FireStarter is a GTK firewall tool.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: firestarter. Doc: Help section in the program.


The flow-capture daemon will receive and store NetFlow data from Cisco and Juniper routers to disk. Useful for admins monitoring such routers.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: flow-capture. Doc:

man flow-capture


The Fluendo Streaming Server, for delivering streaming media (audio and video).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: flumotion. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/flumotion-0.1.8.


This daemon enables the special functionality of Toshiba laptops, including the use of the fn-key combinations and control of the LCD brightness and fan speed. Needs ACPI to be enabled. Useful for owners of these laptops.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: fnfx. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/fnfx-0.3.


This service starts the recording server for the Freevo personal video recorder software. The recording server performs television recordings scheduled via the freevo client or web interface.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: freevo. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/freevo-1.5.3.


This service starts the web server for the Freevo personal video recorder software. The optional web server for Freevo allows recordings to be scheduled over the web as well as via the freevo client software.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: freevo. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/freevo-1.5.3.


Ftwall is a specialised filter for various Linux firewalls designed to filter traffic from the FastTrack peer-to-peer filesharing network used by clients like Kazaa.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ftwall. Doc:


Contains code blocks to be used by other service scripts.
Pertinence: Essential. Package: initscripts. Doc: Read the script ;-)


Firewall log analyzer, report generator and realtime response agent.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: fwlogwatch. Doc:

man fwlogwatch


This service starts the Glasnost server. Glasnost is a collaborative content management, e-voting and groupware system.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: glasnost. Doc:

gmond, gmetad, ganglia-script

These services are part of the Ganglia monitoring system for cluster and grid systems. Unless you are an HPC sysadmin, you don't need these.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: ganglia-core, ganglia-gmetad, ganglia-script. Doc:


The GNU Gatekeeper (GnuGk) is a full featured H.323 gatekeeper, available freely under GPL license. It is based on the Open H.323 stack. Both components together form the basis for a free IP telephony system (VOIP).
Pertinence: Optional. Package: gnugk. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/gnugk-2.2.2.


This service starts the GNUMP3d streaming server for MP3's, OGG Vorbis, and other streamable audio files.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: gnump3d. Doc:

man gnump3d


General Purpose Mouse Daemon. Necessary only if you want to use your mouse on the console (not xterms). If you only work within X, it's better to turn it off, since incompatibilities with X are known.
Pertinence: Common. Package: gpm. Doc:

man gpm


HAL is a Hardware Abstraction Layer. The purpose of HAL is to allow programs to interface with common hardware types in a generic manner. It is a vital component of Mandrakelinux 10.1, Mandriva Linux Limited Edition 2005 and later releases, and should not be disabled.
Pertinence: Essential. Package: hal. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/hal-0.4.8.


The half life daemon is a server for Half-Life worlds.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: halfd, hlds_ld. Doc: Look in '/usr/share/doc/halfd-{version}'


The script executed when the system gets halted or rebooted. This script is not meant to be executed directly from the commandline.
Pertinence: Essential. Package: initscripts. Doc: Read script.


~HardDrake is the standard hardware configuration recognition and configuration program. This script performs a hardware check on each boot ('kudzu mode'). You might want to turn this off if your hardware configuration does not change on a regular basis. This will save you some seconds on boot time.
Pertinence: Common. Package: harddrake. Doc: ML user manual.

heartbeat, ldirectord

heartbeat is part of the High-Availability Linux Project, used for clusters.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: heartbeat. Doc: In '/usr/share/doc/heartbeat-{...}/doc'


This service attempts to invoke the hddtemp temperature monitoring program as if it were a daemon. Since it is not a daemon and should simply be called when you wish to read a hard drive's temperature, I would advise leaving this service disabled. It appears not to work, in any case.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: hddtemp. Doc:

man hddtemp


Hiawatha is an advanced and secure webserver for Unix. It has been written with 'being secure' as its main goal. This resulted in a webserver which has for example DoS protection, connection control and traffic throttling.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: hiawatha. Doc:

man hiawatha


Honeyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on a network. The hosts can be configured to run arbitrary services, and their personality can be adapted so that they appear to be running certain operating systems. Honeyd enables a single host to claim multiple addresses on a LAN for network simulation. Honeyd improves cyber security by providing mechanisms for threat detection and assessment. It also deters adversaries by hiding real systems in the middle of virtual systems.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: honeyd. Doc:

man honeyd


This service extends the functionality of the hostap wireless driver, allowing cards which use this driver to use an external RADIUS authentication server for MAC address based access control, dynamic WEP keying and RADIUS accounting.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: hostapd. Doc: files in /usr/share/doc/hostapd-0.3.7.


Hotplug is a system to allow the immediate use of hotpluggable devices (such as USB and PC Card peripherals). It is used by default for some hardware in Mandrakelinux / Mandriva versions from 9.0 onwards. It is also used to load the firmware for certain wireless network cards.
Pertinence: Common. Package: hotplug. Doc:

man hotplug


Script for the CUPS HP OfficeJet, PSC, LaserJet, and PhotoSmart printer / scanner driver. hpoj is mostly deprecated in favour of hplip. The Mandriva printer configuration tools should take care of installing and enabling the appropriate services for you.
Pertinence: optional. Package: hplip. Doc: hpoj documentation index


Script for the CUPS HP OfficeJet, PSC, LaserJet, and PhotoSmart printer / scanner driver. hpoj is mostly deprecated in favour of hplip. The Mandriva printer configuration tools should take care of installing and enabling the appropriate services for you.
Pertinence: optional. Package: hpoj. Doc: hpoj documentation index

httpd, httpd-naat

The daemon necessary to run the Apache web-server. In ML, it runs as a standalone service and not via '(x)inetd'. If you do not intend to run a web-server, turn it off: it uses a considerable amount of system resources (more than 15 MB of system memory) and makes your box vulnerable to outside attacks if not configured properly (via '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'). Httpd-naat is the special configured version for firewall use.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: apache-conf, httpd-naat. Doc:

man httpd


Replicator is a replicating HTTP proxy server. Files that are downloaded through the proxy are transparently stored in a private cache, so an exact copy of accessed remote files is created on the local machine. It is in essence a general purpose proxy server, but very well suited for maintaining a cache of Mandriva Linux packages.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: http-replicator. Doc: /usr/share/doc/http-replicator-3.0/README


htpd is a daemon that manages the time using "HTP" (the HTTP Time Protocol) to set the system clock periodically from remote web servers.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: htp-server. Doc:

man htpd


This service starts the httptunnel daemon. httptunnel creates a bidirectional virtual data path tunneled in HTTP requests. The HTTP requests can be sent via an HTTP proxy if so desired. This can be useful for users behind restrictive firewalls. If WWW access is allowed through a HTTP proxy, it's possible to use httptunnel and, say, telnet or PPP to connect to a computer outside the firewall.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: httptunnel. Doc:

man hts


Control script for the ~HylaFAX fax server.
Pertinence: Optional. Package: hylafax-server. Doc: The ~HylaFAX HOW-TO

section index

Next Item: System Services i-n

Related Resources:

~SysAdminGuide, 9

man init

Revision / Modified: June 8, 2005
Author: Tom Berger, Todd Lyons, Adam Williamson

Legal: This page is covered by the GNU Free Documentation License. Standard disclaimers of warranty apply. Copyright LSTB and Mandrakesoft.

KB - System Services II
Version 1.5 last modified by awilliamson on 09/06/2005 at 06:47


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Creator: AdminWiki on 2004/03/22 09:44
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