

This page has been superseded by this page on the Mandriva Wiki. Please refer to it.

KB - BitTorrent
Version 1.119 last modified by awilliamson on 25/10/2007 at 19:59

Comments (28)

klingerl | 07.10.2005 at 10:49 AM
Among the ports that must be opened in a firewall in order to use BitTorrent, one should also add the 8080 port (to connect to tracker), which may not be opened by default.

Jean-Louis BAILLY | 08.10.2005 at 07:20 PM
Au niveau des media à rajouter, il est important de préciser qu'il faut choisir ceux de la distrib déjà installée et non pas ceux de la distrib que l'on veut télécharger. Exemple : si on tourne une Mandrake 10.1, il faut ajouter les media de la distrib, contrib, contrib club de la 10.1 (et surtout pas ceux de la 2006 qu'on veut télécharger par torrent).

newimr | 09.10.2005 at 06:38 PM
rajouté, merci.

newimr | 09.10.2005 at 06:42 PM
Done in the french version. It has been heavilly reorganised, we need en/us contributors to do the same.

Jesus_Arocho_828 | 09.10.2005 at 11:22 PM
Some of the links do not open.

rjbMandrake | 14.10.2005 at 03:08 AM

rjbMandrake | 14.10.2005 at 03:10 AM
Its a bit absurd that the page that is supposed to help people with problems using bittorrent is full of bugs and almost none of the links actually work.

Why am I paying for the Mandrake Club if the quality of the download facillity (the main reason I joined the club) is so full of bugs and doesn't seem to even work? It looks like the torrent link doesn't even work…

Ansgar_4660 | 26.10.2005 at 02:27 PM
Unfortunately, I need to second that. I spend a lot of money for the membership, so I expect a bit more than what the free sites offer. Please work on this.

cameron_smith | 05.11.2005 at 11:47 AM
I agree, this web page is terrible. I need to get the Transparency Proxy Torrent file, but when I click the relevant link, it no longer works - a classic 404 error. This is 2005, how primitive to have broken links. I regret paying for my club membership.

Warrick Fitzgerald | 08.11.2005 at 12:41 PM
Yup, another complaint her. I can't download the torrent and the login and password that are sent to me in order to download from httpftp does not work. As stated above this is b@!#it.

DominiqueGodon | 14.11.2005 at 04:16 PM

il y ades commentaires un pau acides tiens àdire pour ma part que tout fonctionne à merveille, pas de "broken links", un très bon download bittorrent en cours, bref, pas de p!


Craig_Louis_315 | 27.11.2005 at 09:01 AM
Add my criticism to those above. Broken links! I could understand if they were links out to other domains/sites. But these are links to locations. I would gladly help and fix them, but I'm really a newbie, and don't know the correct addresses.

JOSE CARLOS MARCUSSO JR | 21.12.2005 at 12:14 PM
broken links to bittorrent page: it shows me this: HTTP Status 404 - /xwiki1/bin/view/Downloads/MyTorrents
type Status report message /xwiki1/bin/view/Downloads/MyTorrents description The requested resource (/xwiki1/bin/view/Downloads/MyTorrents) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

Sander_Jonkers | 25.12.2005 at 08:28 AM
I think UPnP should be mentioned in this Bittorrent overview: UPnP will take care of the port forwarding (if your modem/router/NAT supports it). Both Azureus, the original Bittorrent client (version 4.3.4+) and utorrent support UPnP.

And UPnP makes changes the ports easier.

Sander_Jonkers | 25.12.2005 at 08:28 AM
I think UPnP should be mentioned in this Bittorrent overview: UPnP will take care of the port forwarding (if your modem/router/NAT supports it). Both Azureus, the original Bittorrent client (version 4.3.4+) and utorrent support UPnP.

050608-Y9VNX0-CE50 | 29.12.2005 at 07:09 PM
this page needs correction ( i think ...)

Just try typing this statement into the Rules file and try re-starting Shorewall .... Good Luck !!

"The correct syntax is explained in the file /etc/shorewall/rules itself… Put the following line in /etc/shorewall/rules net fw tcp 6881:6889,6969 (Don't forget to restart shorewall). I've also opened same ports in my DSL "router" (don't know if that was needed anyway, but it works now...)"

LynnWoods | 11.01.2006 at 01:59 PM
I thought Linux was going to be a reasonable replacement for WINDOZE but here is a page with instructions that do not make sence to a beginner and links given do not work!!!

David Simchen | 17.01.2006 at 08:39 AM
Just joined the club today. Wanted to download new iso's because I'm currently runnin Mandrake 10.0 offical. Followed directions on this post and my downloads are coming down. I added the BitTorrent RPM's with the software installer and got my .bittorrent file, configured Bittorrent creator and clicked on the BitTorrent GUI and it is working great. It is not downloading and uploading as fast as I thing it should, but I will tweak the configuration and pick up speed. My thanks to the community. Dave

Uwe_6571 | 02.03.2006 at 08:46 PM

Uwe_6571 | 02.03.2006 at 08:46 PM

sergei | 20.03.2006 at 02:31 PM
Hi, Could anyone, please, check the links on this page: half of them are not working

Dutch | 15.04.2006 at 09:18 PM

Dutch | 15.04.2006 at 09:21 PM
Edited all links and amended (or removed) links which pointed to non existent sites due to previous transfers from original.

Dutch | 18.04.2006 at 11:12 PM
General tidy-up after the transfers from old forums and tweaks - hopefully it will make more sense to newcomers!

Dutch | 18.04.2006 at 11:12 PM
General tidy-up after the transfers from old forums and tweaks - hopefully it will make more sense to newcomers!

Dutch | 18.04.2006 at 11:16 PM
And double-post fault reported! ;)

Christophe_1839 | 05.01.2007 at 05:04 PM
Débits quasi-nul en P2P et site FTP pas à jour !! Payer 120€ pour un service inexistant relève de l'escroquerie. A ce prix finalement, j'aurais mieux fait de me payer une licence XP PRO OEM. Je rappelle à Mandriva que FREE s'est fait condamné par la justice pour avoir vendu un service qui laissait beaucoup à désirer …

glyj | 22.04.2007 at 01:21 AM
avec azureus, quand on retélécharge le torrent (suite à changement d'IP), il procède à une revérification des fichiers … on ne peut pas éviter cela ?


en zh_CN pt_BR fr ar pt el de nl


Creator: Dutch on 2004/12/13 12:14
(c) Mandriva 2007