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ADSL Internet connection

  1. Either run drakconnect from a console, or, in the Control Center, run the tool "New internet connection".
  2. Choose "ADSL connection" -> Click Next.
  3. If you have more than one ethernet card, choose the one that is connected to the ADSL modem.
  4. Please choose your ADSL provider : I don't know what is this screen for. My provider is not listed (not even my country!) and choosing any one doesn't seem to make a difference.
  5. Please choose the connection type If in doubt, use PPPoE: that's the most common connection type. If later your connection doesn't work, ask your ISP which connection type they use.
  6. Connection configuration: You may leave blank the two DNS server addresses (they will be picked up automatically when the connection will be attempted. Your ISP should have given you your username and password.
  7. Answer the remaining simple Yes/No questions.
That's it.


see Connect Adsl Troubleshooting.

If you cannot make a connection with the above method, you may want to try using the Roaring Penguin tools below.

adsl-start / Roaring Penguin tools.

I using drakconnect cannot get you a connection, you can try this set of tools. Roaring Penguin has created a set of tools for adsl connection. This set of tools runs independently from whatever tools drakconnect uses. If you have ever tried to set up an adsl connection, they should be already installed on your system.

As root:

  1. use adsl-setup with the same basic information as above.
  2. use adsl-start, adsl-stop and adsl-status as necessary.
If needed, the configuration file for those tools is at /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf .

KB - ADSL Internet connection
Version 1.6 last modified by vwke on 11/08/2006 at 13:00




Creator: gnostic_dreamer on 2006/01/06 10:10
(c) Mandriva 2007