Knowledge Base Home > Connect Index > Connect Adsl > Troubleshooting an ADSL connection.

Troubleshooting an ADSL connection.

Check the cables

Make sure all the cables are connected as appropriate.

Check basic information with your ISP.

Make sure you are using the proper protocol (PPPoE or an other one?). Confirm your user name and password. You can ask you ISP to check the status of the network: they should be able to check that the line is working from their server to the adsl modem you are using.

Run the config tool from the terminal.

Running any configuration tool from a terminal often provides more information. In this case, run drakconnect from the terminal.

In a typical setup session, this is the output you will have:

  1. drakconnect
error reading information on service tmdns: No such file or directory Loading /usr/share/shorewall/functions…
KB - Troubleshooting an ADSL connection.
Version 1.5 last modified by vwke on 11/08/2006 at 13:00




Creator: gnostic_dreamer on 2006/01/06 10:01
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