
Internet Connection Sharing Using a Connected Windows Computer


  • How To Use a Windows Connection With Linux
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How To Use a Windows Connection With Linux

This section is for people who have an already existing and working internet connection on a Windows computer and want to use the hardware of this computer to get into the internet with a Linux computer. First you connect your Windows computer to the Linux computer via a network. Then you need to install a proxy server on the Windows computer. It is yet not possible to use the internet connection sharing provided by Windows 2000 and Windows XP with Linux.

For example you can use the proxy server called Jana Server, which needs to be installed on the Windows computer.

In the setup configuration for the internet connection of the Linux client you fill in IP address of the Windows computer as your proxy. Make sure you have installed SAMBA on the Linux computer.

KB - Internet Connection Sharing Using a Connected Windows Computer
Version 1.4 last modified by Flink on 08/06/2004 at 13:56


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Creator: Flink on 2004/06/03 12:39
(c) Mandriva 2007