
customized xorg.conf

A good trick to know for tweaking the xorg.conf file and test your customized configurations or some rare options: just create a backup version of the current xorg.conf by copying it to the /root folder and then do all your modifications on this xorg.conf, restarting X after every modification.
This modified xorg.conf will be read at every X start but, if problems arise, as there are big chances that you end up in a console, you'll just need to rename this file so it won't be read anymore, rolling back to the old one.

Console command to change from graphic mode with display manager into console mode (login as root):

  • service dm stop
Command to launch the graphic server with display manager (run it as root):
  • service dm start
Command to lauch the graphic server straight forward, without display manager:
  • startx
Shortcut to kill the graphic server and to automatically restart it if there is a problem. (Note: all the data are lost and the session is not saved):
Console commands to rename the customized xorg.conf file (as root):
  • cd
  • mv -v xorg.conf xorg.conf.1
KB - Tip > xorg.conf personnalisé
Version 1.2 last modified by luismago on 12/12/2006 at 23:36

Comments (1)

desmondarmstrong | 04.04.2008 at 11:26 PM
'startx' starts the kde desktop while 'startx gnome-session' starts the gnome desktop


fr es en nl pt


Creator: luismago on 2006/12/12 23:36
(c) Mandriva 2007