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Desktop Publishing DTP


  • Scribus


Scribus is the most recommended software for desktop publishing. It supports the PDF format, is based on XML and has an EPS (Encapsulated Postscript), PS (Postscript) and SVG (Inkscape) import function. It supports CMYK separation, transparency, UCR and postscript preview. It has been designed using a plugin system. One of its plugins is a 'Get-Text-Import-API' to insert a formatted text into a text frame. Soon a plugin for Open Office Writer will be available.

The Scribus Online Documenation Page, the Scribus Homepage and the Scribus Wiki will give you more details.

KB - 歡迎使用 Mandriva 俱樂部知識庫 > Utils & Application Software > Desktop Publishing DTP
要顯示的版本 1.4 last modified by Flink on 03/04/2006 at 09:28




建立者: vwke on 2005/07/28 14:03
(c) Mandriva 2007