
Flash player

Flash Player allows you to play interactive animation inside your browser 1.1 You just need to install the latest ~FlashPlayer RPM.

There is as usual two ways to proceed.

  • 1. You may use the command line terminal
As root type :
#urpmi ~FlashPlayer

Issue : If it is not found, Maybe you didn't add the Commercial application FTP source only available for Club members.
In order to sort out that problem, please copy paste the command available thanks to our Mirror-list module in your terminal :

Warning : You must be a standard member at least.
  • 2. You may look for the RPM in RPMDrake (the urpmi GUI)
Note : You may have the same issue seen previously.

Then Enjoy 1.1

Name Macromedia Flash Player
License(s) Proprietary License

Short description Macromedia Flash Player

KB - Flash player
Version 1.25 last modified by jjmari on 02/01/2007 at 22:16


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Creator: fafane on 2004/07/07 18:31
(c) Mandriva 2007