
Mandrake Laptops: Airis - Cinet

This file contains a list of laptops on which Mandrake Linux has been successfully installed on. All entries have been submitted by Mandrake users.

Ratings ('Marks') range from 1, worst, to 4:

  • 1-Barely working
  • 2-Partially working
  • 3-Mostly working
  • 4-Perfectly working.
On this page:


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
215/220 8.0 Mandrake 8.0 is working fine in this laptop. Installation went through automatically. Everything totally detected. Previously I had the 7.0 and 7.1 releases working great. 4


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
AJP 2200C 8.0 SIS 630 Video card does not work with mandrake 8.0 because of the dual output option. 3


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Roadster 7.1 Monitor, modem, and USB issues in installation. Other than that, it's a thing of beauty 3


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
2250 7.1 none 4 8200 7.2, 8.0 Worked perfectly right from install. All hardware was found and configured correctly, I hardly had to do anything. Very impressive1.1 4
same 8.1 Not a single problem installing, everything was correctly found and configured. 4
same 8.1 Surprisingly terrible after how well 8.0 ran on it. It couldn't set up the PCMCIA network card and the floppy drive was completely unuseable. 2


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
1556 Mandriva 2006 works perfectly 4
Everything works apart from the flash card reader. Getting suspend to RAM working was a challenge, but succeeded eventually. See URL.


Laptop Date Release Comments
iBook   8.0RC1 none- 2
iBook   8.0 none- 4
iBook   8.0 I formatted the whole HD as free space using Mac partitioning tool, booted from the Mandrake-PPC CD, typed install-text at the prompt and the install went smoothly. At start up, it hung at detecting usb devices.Using I for interactive boot I declined usb services and was up. I've got no sound and have not checked the modem. Networking setup perfectly, and the OS looks great-3
iBook 466 SE   8.0 Video not working in XClient. Working on a fix. 3
iBook 2000 8.0 Install ok, but no sound, nor XFree4 working. The only working video is Xpmac in 8 bits :( 2
iBook 2001 8.0 20 minutes to boot up. Can't activate built-in modem.
PB G3/400   8.0RC1 none- 2
PB G3/500   8.0 none 3
same   8.0 none 2
PB G3 Lombard   8.0 Mandrake is great. You should include pmud in you PPC distro though for laptop users. 3
same   8.0 Haven't got power management working yet. 3<
PB G3 Pismo   8.0RC1 no hardware acceleration in XFree86. didn't support my German keyboard (neither XFree86 nor console). didn't let me switch consoles without a hard crash / lock-up. 2
same   8.0 Only trying on this one since I can't get the video right on my trusty iMac. 4
same   8.0 Really COOL Linux Distrib1.1 1(?) same 8.0 Best and easiest to install distro I've found1 It only gets a 3 tho because I still can't get ~OpenGL (DRI) working right (and therefore (among other things) can't play tuxracer1.1 ). I would give it a 4 otherwise. 3
PB G4 Ti   8.0 none 4
same   8.0 Not a painless install - but not far from it. Had to use text install and still can't get X to use the right hand inch of the screen. Oh and /mnt/cdrom can't be accessed. 3-4 same 8.0 Having used Mandrake on my Intel system for years, I was pleasantly surprised to learn they released a PPC version. It's running great on my ~PowerBook G4 (dual boot w/ Mac OS 9.2.1, 256MB ram, etc.) 4
  • iBook
Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
iBook 8.0RC1 none 2 same 8.0 none 4 same 8.0 I formatted the whole HD as free space using Mac partitioning tool, booted from the Mandrake-PPC CD, typed install-text at the prompt and the install went smoothly. At
start up, it hung at detecting usb devices.Using I for interactive boot I declined usb services and was up. I've got no sound and have not checked the modem. Networking
setup perfectly, and the OS looks great1.1 3
iBook 466 SE 8.0 Video not working in XClient. Working on a fix. 3
iBook 2000 8.0 Install ok, but no sound, nor XFree4 working. The only working video is Xpmac in 8 bits :( 2
iBook 2001 8.0 20 minutes to boot up. Can't activate built-in modem. 2
  • ~PowerBook
PB G3/400 8.0RC1 none 2
PB G3/500 8.0 none 3 same 8.0 none 2 PB G3 Lombard 8.0 Mandrake is great. You should include pmud in you PPC distro though for laptop users. 3 same 8.0 Haven't got power management working yet. 3
PB G3 Pismo 8.0RC1 no hardware acceleration in XFree86. didn't support my German keyboard (neither XFree86 nor console). didn't let me switch consoles without a hard crash / lock-up. 2
same 8.0 Only trying on this one since I can't get the video right on my trusty iMac. 4
same 8.0 Really COOL Linux Distrib1.1 1(?) same 8.0 Best and easiest to install distro I've found1 It only gets a 3 tho because I still can't get ~OpenGL (DRI) working right (and therefore (among other things) can't play tuxracer1.1 ). I would give it a 4 otherwise. 3
PB G4 Ti 8.0 none 4
same 8.0 Not a painless install - but not far from it. Had to use text install and still can't get X to use the right hand inch of the screen. Oh and /mnt/cdrom can't be accessed. 3-4 same 8.0 Having used Mandrake on my Intel system for years, I was pleasantly surprised to learn they released a PPC version. It's running great on my ~PowerBook G4 (dual boot w/ Mac OS 9.2.1, 256MB ram, etc.) 4 same 8.0 none 4 same 8.0 none 4 same 8.0 none 1


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Ascentia M 7.2, 8.0 Some small video artifacts at times. But the exact video card is not shown in the setup. It still performs pretty well. 3-4


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
A1000 8.0 none 4
A1300 8.0 Works fine, once you get XFree right (must have vga=791 in Lilo) 3
same 8.1 I have problems with my LCD screen… Can't find out what it is exactly, but it's annoying. Hoping to fix it soon. Other than that it's working fine. 3 A1330 8.1 The ~SiS video accelerator is now supported. 4
B1000 8.1 everything works fine:sound,net,etc still haven't tried firewire,modem. 4
F7400B 7.2 I'm running XFree4.1.0 KDE2.2 and KOffice1.1 I have everything working: DVD, USB, pcmcia network + modem but not ir and DRI 4
L7000 8.0 none 4 same 8.1b Problems with my sound card which is an Intel 82440mx with ac'97 codec.
Rest is detected fine. 3
L7000G 8.0, 8.1 Works perfectly out of the box. Sound quality could be better, but that is due to the AC97
codec. 3
L7300 8.0 Only runs with XFree86 3.3.6… 3 same 8.0 Everything quite good, except the problem with fonts in the web browsers, as usual. I can't check it now (laptop broken), but I think I am using framebuffer, as graphic card is not supported. 3
L8200 8.0 none 3 L8400B 8.0 Buggy sound drivers (Aureal Au8810). 3
L8400K 8.0 Only winmodem doesn't work 4
M2400 10.1 All device working, touchpad is still having some problem on the censitivities. (Have not try out with 1394 & Ir)
M8300 8.0 The best distribution i 've tried. good looking, convenient configuration and excellent hardware compatibility(it can recognize the sound card and network card i 've installed). 3-4
P6300 8.0 Worked like a charm on right out of the box. 4 same 8.1 Smooth installation and running. Detected all hardware and PCMCIA cards during initial install. Other than tweaking, nothing else really required. 4
S5200N 10.0 Wifi is working (but some hang with ssh), winmodem is working well with SmartLink ( The rendering of videos are bad. It works bad with Totem and well with Mplayer. Then if you launch Totem it doesn't work anymore with Mplayer.

Z83Cseries avec cpu : T5300; écran : 17" WXGA+ ; carte graphic : ATI RADEON X1450; réseau : ethernet ; MANDRIVA 2007.1 PWP. Tout fonctionne exception faite de la webcam et des boutons ASUS spécifiques à cet ordinateur.


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark 6120n 6.5 none 1


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
MP-979 8.0 All works perfectly, except Yamaha OPL3-SAx sound hardware which is not
identified at all. 3


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Smartbook 400 7.0,7.2,8.0,8.1b2 Sound card is not supported. Except for that, everything is1.1 4


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
2700C 8.0 Was difficult to get the screen working, but eventually managed with help from Sound doesn't work yet though. 2


Laptop Date Release Comments
Presario V2000 September 2005 2006 Everything works in 64bits. The Broadcom wireless card needs ndiswrapper available at


Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
EZ Book 700 8.0 Worked great. Only need drivers for my Linksys Wireless NIC. 4
same 8.0 No problems - everything worked as expected. 4
EZ Book 700E series 7.1 none 3 same 8.0 doesn't have enough video drivers for Neomagic, only one generic that makes the everything on the screen BIG only one Resolution 800x600 3-4
EZ Book 800 8.0 Works good. I had 7.1 tweaked out better but just haven't had time to
tweak my 8.0 installation… There is a problem when shutting down and the floppy is removed. I can get around it by making the floppy manual mount and just making sure it is unmounted before shutdown. With 7.1 I even had the sleep with shutdown to disk working.
One note, I have to disable APMD in the kernel or the laptop will not boot––only numbers scrolling quickly on the screen… 4

Decision Maker

Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
DM 1009 8.0 Sound (ESS Solo-1)works some of the time. Prism 802.11b wireless works perfectly. Video works only with XFree 3. 3

Digital - Hitachi - ILuFa - Sharp - Sony - Xeron

KB - Mandrake Laptops: Airis - Cinet
Version 1.24 last modified by 060531-878F8F-680F de la CHENELIERE on 11/08/2007 at 14:17

Comments (4)

Vincent_Plagnol | 16.10.2005 at 07:02 PM
This page is totally outdated. As an experiment I wrote a table syntax. Feel free to revert to the old version if you think it is not woth it. But if one wants to keep this page one should find ways to incitate members to contribute. A lot of work to do here.

Vincent_Plagnol | 17.10.2005 at 04:12 AM
I also think one should get rid of the grade system. It's not informative. If some people agree (please comment on it) I'll remove it.

randembbcs | 24.10.2005 at 04:34 AM
How Do I add an: Acer Aspire 5024 AMD Turion 64 ML-34 1.8GHz; 1GB ram; ATI Mobility x600 64MBram; 100GB Hdd; Slot loading DVD-Dual; 802.11b/g Wireless Broadcom not yet verified?; 10/100/1000 Ethernet 8169 Realtek; Cardreader MMC/SD/SM/MS/MSPro/xD Firewire;

Vincent_Plagnol | 24.10.2005 at 08:49 AM
I guess your point is that it's too much to write in… I think we should erase everything (it's all old stuff anyway) and let people write things the way they want.

Wanna take the responsability to define a new type of entry?




Creator: AdminWiki on 2004/03/22 09:44
(c) Mandriva 2007