Mandrake Laptops: iLuFa - Sharp
This file contains a list of laptops on which Mandrake Linux has been successfully installed on. All entries have been contributed? by Mandrake users.
Ratings ('Marks') range from 1, worst, to 4, best:
- Barely working, * Partially working, * Mostly working and * Perfectly working.
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
N20U - 8.0 - Seems all right but the Accton EN2242 ethernet card has problem when re-installing the device driver. - 3
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Modell Rel. Comments / URL Mark
~PowerNote500 Green795 - 7.2, 8.0 - 7.2: It was not possible to run XFree 4.x from startup. Only a warm reboot could start the XServer. 3.3.6 worked fine and with MDK8.0 XFree 4.x too.
8.0: Everything works fine. An USB Mouse works too. - 2, 3
same - 8.0 - none - 3
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Lap Power
Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Expander - 7.2 - out of prod. works with 8.0 but slowly - 4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark 660T 8.1 X only with framebuffer till XFree 4.2; PCMCIA only working after manually config; MM-Card and memory stick not supported :-( 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
A440+ - 8.0 - Works very well. - 4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
MD9307 - 8.0 - It works perfectly, except for the new KDE 2.2.1 (witch slows down performance- it is also in beta so I think it is normal) - 3
MD9399 - 8.0, cooker - none - 3
same - 8.0 - none - 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Transport GX+ 8.0 No problem installing except I had to disable the mouse pad (PS/2, relieves IRQ12). Maximum screen resolution is 800x600 (with an ~1" white square roughly centered which won't go away1 ) although my graphics card (S3 Savage/MX-IX) and screen can handle 1400x1050 (16 Mb of video RAM). I couldn't manage to fix the screen and PS/2 mouse. 2 same 8.1 I have installed MDK8.1 with very little problems. But I cannot get the trackpad to work. It works but looks
like a 72 image block, no cursor. Just a big white space. Pretty much everything works right out of the box execpt the trackpad and microphone. (pending the testing of the modem) 3 Transport NX 8.1 Installation was mostly successful. Mandrake fails to recognize PCMCIA card (3com 3CXM056B modem), but otherwise everything appears fine. 3 Transport Trek - 8.0 - Installation was flawless. All drivers and hardware were installed with no problems. - 4
Transport ZX - 8.0 - Version 8.0 does not easily install on this laptop. The keyboard and/or
touchpad is unoperable using the graphical installation interface. - 2
same - 7.2, 8.0 - none - 4,3
Transport XPE - 8.0 - Ran into a couple issues with X. Had to set console fonts after leaving X and had to add Weight 555 to my XF86Config file to make it display. Found the answers at
Sound and Network (3c589) worked right off the bat with the install. Need to try IR, TV out, etc. when I feel like messing with them.
Laptop only has 32Mb of ram and hits swap pretty hard if you do too much at once. I'm
running Blackbox wm to minimize the mem shortage. Max is 80Mb so I'll try that and
see how much it helps. - 4
same - 8.0 - MIDI sound OPL3 are not set up properly. - 3
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Model Rel. Comments /URL Mark
~MiNote - 8.0 - none - 2
~MiNote 5033 - 7.2, 8.0, 8.1b - Works very well. Does not start in 8.x (only with kernel from 7.2). - 4,1,1
same - 8.1 - - 4
~MiNote 6020 - cooker - mdk 8 and mdk8.1beta don't work. 8 have a kernel prob. 8.1beta don't know :( - 4(?)
~MiNote 6120N - 8.0, 8.1b - Needs bios update to ver. 1.07a (for any flavor of Linux). The rest works well… - 4
~MiNote 7521 - 8.1b - ~SiS 630 display doesn't work well with XFree 3.3.6 and isn't supported in XFree 4.1. Sound card doesn't work. - 2 same 8.1 Had some trouble with the ~SiS 630 video card, had to install the XFree86-FBDev server, symlink that server to X and add vga=791 to lilo.conf and it works great. Sound and LAN were recognized fine. The winmodem doesn't work or the quick start buttons but… 3
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Model Rel Comments / URL Mark
8500 - 8.0 - needs to be able to turn itself off - 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Versa - 8.0 - Installed well a few adjustments to get x-configured right. Was my main
machine for last 4 months, new to linux and still only O/S on that machine(Dual
Boot on new Desktop). Great distro. - 3
same - 8.0 - Everything's fine, I just have to make a small manipulation to get my mouse back when I'm back from hibernation. Sound is a little low, I don't know if it's the same under Windows
(the machine has never seen it). - 4
Versa 6030 - 8.0 - Perfect, everything (even the built-in modem) is working properly. - 4
Versa 6200MX - 8.0 - The only thing that seems to make this laptop work properly (video & sound) is an XF86Config file that is a modification of 2 that are on the Internet. It is not
clear whether the NEC Versa 6200MX and the NEC 6200MMX are the same computer, but elements of the configuration file for each work excellently with my machine marked Versa 6200MX. - 4
Versa 6220 - 8.0 - none - 3
Versa Lite FX - 8.0 - I works, it worked with the 7.2 as well. - 4
same 8.0 It works also with mandrake 7.1 and 7.2. 4 Versa LX - 8.0 - Installed without a hitch. Sound works fine, and few video problems(my
fault). I'm using a Xircom 10/100 Ethernet adapter and it works flawlessly. - 4
same - 8.0 - none - 4
Versa LXi - 8.0 - The Savage card seems to imply some problems even if XFree takes it in charge. - 1
Versa SX - 8.0f3 - no problems - 4
same - 8.0 - Works in Mandrake but not in any other distro. - 4
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Packard Bell
Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Easy One 1550 8.0, 8.1 Mdk 8.0 has sound problems, solved in 8.1. ~WinModem problem. 3 Easynote - 8.0 - Works fine. Only missing support for Lucent ~WinModem chipset. - 4
Easynote VX - 8.0 - none - 4
same - 8.0 - Unable to turn off tapping on Touchpad (NEC ~VersaGlide, possibly ALPS compliant). TV Out not working. ACPI does not report time left on battery. Otherwise perfect. - 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
CF-27 - 8.0 - Sound needs some manual configuration. - 3
CF-47 - 7.1,7.2,8.0 - Occasional PCMCIA NIC errors (happens in Windows as well). Sound "issues". - 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
2276 - 8.1 - Works well, had to change the default video settings to 766 in the bootloader section of the installation.
The audio - ~SiS 7018 is detected, but I cannot get it to work. Also the integrated modem - ~SmartLink 56K is not detected, no Linmodem available. - 3-4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
982 Consul - 8.0 - none - 4
Consul - 7.0 - Using linux4Windows. no problems since install 1 year ago - 4
same - 8.0 - Dual booted with w98, installed OK, but currently have a problem with the X server. (I know it will work, just haven't had time to fix it yet). - 1 Graduate 8.0, 8.1 A leap of faith is required when installing X as part of the original install: essentially you get to the point where you are asked to test the configuration, you say yes and then it all locks up. Beyond this point, if you do not start with vga=791 as an option, X is a mess. It took me a few installs and a lot of trawling the email lists to find that out. However, everything is now groovy… apart from the winmodem1.1 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
924 - 8.0 - Everything works, except the SMSC IR port and the TV out of the Neomagic VGA chip. - 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
1200 - 8.0 - Install went easy enough, and everything except sound worked when the machine booted the first time. After a little tinkering everything is very smooth. I'm really looking forward to running 8.1 when it is available. - 4
2200c - 8.0 - Once Mandrake stats up the top half and the bottom half of the screen swap places. - 2
same - 8.0 - To install must use 'linux mem=120M'. also use framebuffer. winmodem not supported. - 4
same 8.1 After a few minutes, the keyboard stops working. 2 3500 - 8.0 - Had to buy a different modem, but otherwise, everything seems to be working so far. Works fine with my Zip drive and printer. Took a few tries to edit the lilo.conf file to give me more time to choose which OS to boot. Otherwise, so far so good. - 4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
I-1510 - 7.1, 7.2, 8.0 - Please oh please oh please let me configure my pcnet.o driven pcmcia card
during recognize it and it is up, but you just won't give me the
option to configure it. - 2,3,4
N30W - 8.0 - Everything works great except for TV out. Haven't tried to get winmodem working as I don't use it. - 4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Pegasus - 8.0 - Windows Modem, some problems with graphics card after machine has been on for a while, and then starting X. - 3
Sigma 433 - 8.0 - Build in modem is an LT ~WinModem. You can download drivers, but it does
crash regularly. - 3
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Model Rel Comments / URL Mark
np8550 - 8.0 - none - 3
np8560 - 8.0 - Won't setup X @ 1400x1050. A manual edit of the horiz sync from 60 to 85 in XF86Config-4 fixes the problem (along with the appropriate modelines entries for 1400x1050. voila` 24 bit color at 1400x1050). Copy of my XF86Config file available upon .
On board modem will not work. Everything else does1.1 - 4
Family Model 8 - 8.0 - Had to install in unorthodox manner. Did not recognize LCD. Still having problems with running / keeping it up. - 2
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
GT6360 - version 8.1b - Some problems with PCMCIA cards: when I install with Dynalink FE1500 10/100 Ethernet Card and Melco WLI-PCM-L11 Wireless Network Card and there is no DHCP server present (at home), the attempt to start X-windows environment fails with Segmentation Fault. Without cards or in a network (at work) it works. Other than that, the display refresh rate is frequently off when switching between text/graphical display modes. - 3
VM6000 - version 8.0 - The install freeze with the default kernel. An "unpatch" of the kernel is needed if you want the 2.4 kernel. - 4
X15Plus - 10.0 Official - Major stuff works fine with PowerPack edition (with NVidia drivers). APCI don't work. Winmodem needs slmodem driver?
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Gem GN-6150 - 7.2, 8.0 - No problems with installation, although there does seem irregularities in recognizing a USB hub and attached printer. Also some problems for a while in recognizing the floppy drive (only with 8.0) but this was overcome by installing autofs. - 4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Soundex 6600T - 8.0 - Xircom 10/100 model RBE-100 doesn't seem to work - 3
same (?) - 8.0 - 8.0 recognised all hardware correctly during install. - 4
Soundex 6600 (N30W) - 7.1 - 8.0 - 8.0 found my Kingston KNE-2 LAN card on install 8.1 BETA did not and doesn't have compatible driver. Everything else works great1.1 - 4
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
Designote - 8.0 - Sound and Graphics work. But ~DecChip PCMCIA network cards and Xircom IIps do not work at all - 3
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Model Rel. Comments / URL Mark
PC-A280 8.1 This went beautifully with a network install. The sound did not work until I ran the hardware configuration utility in drakconf. 3 PC-AX20 - 7.2, 8.0 - mkd 7.2 works fine, apart from the display being 2cm to the top, mdk 8.0 is a
dead duck, it stops at init2.78 booting. I got round the problem by installing the 2.18 kernel, but the sound does not work, so I went back to 7.2.
Hoping 8.1 will be better - 2
Model Mdk Release PC-RD10 10.1 This went really well. It was a breeze. Installing the nVidia Driver went without a hitch. The wireless was a little touch and go, but it was 'Microsoft' Router Problem. The only configuration problem was with the Synaptics Touch Pad. The scroll and tap features were very touchy. Tried the drivers from the net, but ended up editing the xorg.conf file. I can say more on these edits later if it is requested.
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Version 1.7 last modified by MarkLines907 on 15/03/2005 at 07:19
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