

Hardware compatibility list

Most likely the best place to test and report your hardware is the Hardware Compatibility List.

Compatibility & Drivers

General Linux driver issues, general and special Linux hardware information and driver sites.

General statements

Type of harware

Hardware Configuration

Usually GNU/Linux should be able to detect and configure your hardware on its own. But what to do if not?

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Mandriva Laptops

Recent pages on hardware compatibility:

And some old notes: Laptop Notes {Dec. 18, 01}


Some info about compatible webcams

Mp3 players-iPod

What Mandriva users have to say about their mp3 player.

Printing With CUPS

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) replaces the ancient LPD printing subsystem in ML 7.2. Till Kamppeter, the CUPS man at M, has contributed this encompassing article explaining the ins and outs of this new system.
Due to the rather extensive nature of this article, it has its own index.

Index For 'Printing With CUPS'


How to set up wireless networking.

  • Prism: Devices based on Intersil's Prism chipset

Hardware Titbits

Hardware related tips by Mandriva-Linux users.

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Page Two Page Three Page Four Page Five Page Six Page Seven Page Eight 'Video Capture In Mandrake Linux 8.1' A two page article contributed by Mandrake user Roger {Dec. 18, 01}

'Scanning In Linux' Mandrake Linux user Marcel Pol talks about SANE, OCR and more {Mar. 19, 02}

nVidia On Mandrake

Installing and configuring the proprietary nVidia driver. Once you are done, you can play some nice games ;).

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Removable Storage Devices

Floppies, CD-R, ZIP, ORB … All of these and lots more are supported by GNU/Linux. These pages tell you the essentials.

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IDE Hard Drives

The most popular storage device in the PC world. Here you'll get to know some basics, limitations and - of course ;-) - tuning tactics.

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KB - Welcome to Mandriva Club Knowledge Base > Le support matériel
Version 1.20 last modified by Flink on 25/07/2006 at 12:27

Comments (1)

David_1979 | 31.10.2007 at 09:46 PM
I have successfully loaded both Mandriva Spring & 2008.0 Powerpack on a Fujitsu Siemens Amilo P1505. DVD read & write, Wireless LAN, Hard-wired LAN, X-windows & USB all work correctly. As expected WinMODEM does not work. A slight problem occurred after upgrading to 2008.0: apart from losing the battery charge applet, a disk corruption the day after upgrade was recovered easily by fsck & an rpm database rebuild. Since then all is well.


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Creator: yoho on 2005/06/10 22:07
(c) Mandriva 2007