
HowTo get Internet Explorer for Mandriva Linux

For various reasons it may be helpful to have Internet Explorer installed on Mandriva Linux for instance I have a client whose website requires IE Oko.

Turns out its pretty easy

  1. Download the installation script and extract it
  2. Open a terminal and run the install script
  3. Follow on-screen directions and presto you're done


  • have an internet connection
  • have 'wget' installed -- true for most Mdv distributions
  • have 'cabextract' and 'wine' installed
    • # urpmi cabextract wine
  • run the install script in the extracted directory
    • # ./ies4linux



  • Contrary to defaults I installed ies4linux in my home directory
    • ~/local/ies4linux and ~/local/ies4linux/bin
  • All of IE 5, 5.5, 6 (default) are available but I only wanted 6
  • I accepted Flash but declined desktop shortcuts
  • See 'known issues'… use not recommended as primary browser!
KB - Tip > Get_InternetExplorer_for_MandrivaLinux
Version 1.26 last modified by dexter11 on 26/03/2008 at 01:42

Comments (7)

kilikopela | 29.11.2006 at 01:57 PM
Thanks for the news, it's a very usefull project for webdesign ;)

IEs4Linux can also run IE7 RC1 !

bluelagoon | 17.03.2007 at 08:10 PM
This just feels wrong on so many levels. Websites should not be browser specific, this defeats the open ideal of the WWW.

Eugene_Nyland_951 | 29.04.2007 at 12:34 PM
      • bluelagoon
You are so right, however as we all know, far too many people are not about that. Just look at how many people use flash content as thier primary design for the pages....

Mike Arnautov | 12.05.2007 at 05:40 PM
It is because websites should not be browser specific that I'll be definitely trying this out. It would be so much easier to to test my JavaScript Adv770 wrapper against IE without having to do it under Windows!

Mr. Rossi | 17.09.2007 at 10:29 PM
Internet Explorer Sucks!!!!!!!!!!

chatmann | 01.11.2007 at 09:18 PM
The only thing that someone should do with IE is putting it into a recyclable bin to transform it into firefox.

Flaviano E. Pires | 26.03.2008 at 01:42 AM
For any newbie who'd come here: Before using that awesome browser try to have the User Agent sending an "Internet Explorer® on a W Xp" identification. There are sites written for IE only, but some others are just written by rascals.


en el nl


Creator: Peter_1136 on 2006/11/20 01:49
(c) Mandriva 2007