HowTo get Internet Explorer for Mandriva Linux
For various reasons it may be helpful to have Internet Explorer installed on Mandriva Linux for instance I have a client whose website requires IE Oko.
Turns out its pretty easy
- Download the installation script and extract it
- Open a terminal and run the install script
- Follow on-screen directions and presto you're done
- have an internet connection
- have 'wget' installed -- true for most Mdv distributions
- have 'cabextract' and 'wine' installed
- # urpmi cabextract wine
- run the install script in the extracted directory
- # ./ies4linux
- Contrary to defaults I installed ies4linux in my home directory
- ~/local/ies4linux and ~/local/ies4linux/bin
- All of IE 5, 5.5, 6 (default) are available but I only wanted 6
- I accepted Flash but declined desktop shortcuts
- See 'known issues'… use not recommended as primary browser!
Tip > Get_InternetExplorer_for_MandrivaLinux
Version 1.26 last modified by dexter11 on 26/03/2008 at 01:42
Version 1.26 last modified by dexter11 on 26/03/2008 at 01:42
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Comments (7)
IEs4Linux can also run IE7 RC1 !