What Per Øyvind generally do
Per Øyvind's blog
What Per Øyvind worked on earlier months:
What Per Øyvind did this month:
With the major efforts around invested in the release of Mandriva Linux 2007, club packaging got put on hold to be able to participate more in final efforts of release while also awaiting new and improved, final system to be in place for packages.
Also did quite some i18n work with the translation of 2007 & club to Norwegian Bokmål and the launch of the Norwegian forum.
[What Per Øyvind generally do>http://qa.mandriva.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/MandrivaLinux?topic=PerOyvindKarlsen] > [What Per Øyvind generally do>http://qa.mandriva.com/twiki/bin/view/Main/MandrivaLinux?topic=PerOyvindKarlsen]
Version 1.2 last modified by dvalin on 14/10/2006 at 14:41
Version 1.2 last modified by dvalin on 14/10/2006 at 14:41