You can get it from
extract using
- Run "gunzip " on all the files.
Follow the quick install guide to the letter (it matters1.1 ) except
Page 26 - Put the bash/c scripts in an exectable file in /etc/profile.d (see the others that and there and copy the naming).
Wherever you extracted Oracle to go to Disk1/stage/prereq and edit db_server_prereq.xml and change all instances of ~CertifiedVersions prereq to warning.
and in refhosts.xml add this
In install/oraparam.ini change certified versions to
~Certified Versions~?
Next run the installer as in the quickinstall instructions. It should be fooled into thinking Mandrake is a supported platform
Running it as a service
Oracle supply a scipt for this at but it needs rsh.
I changed it to this and it works #1.1 /bin/sh -x
- Change the value of ORACLE_HOME to specify the correct Oracle home
- directory for you installation
- change the value of ORACLE to the login name of the
- oracle owner at your site
- null
- null
- $1 innullnull
- null 'start') echo "$0: starting up" >> $LOG date >> $LOG
- Start Oracle Net
- Stop Oracle Net
As mandrake does not have rsh anymore.
Oracle Community Forums
Version 1.5 last modified by Flink on 04/01/2005 at 10:31