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1. Introduction - Oracle on Mandriva 8

1.1 What's in here?

This HOWTO is designed to help you install Oracle on your Mandrake 8 system. Oracle is by no means an easy software to install. However, with the right tools it can be done well quickly. By understanding the limitations and bugs with the software, configuration and installer, we can solve problems before they occur.

This release of Oracle now uses the Oracle Universal Installer which is Java based. The version of the JRE included on the Cdrom/tarball does not appear to work as intended. This precludes a number of problems with installing the software which I will overcome in this HOWTO.

Another problem is that Oracle attempts to link its libraries at install time using glibc version 2.1.x. Mandrake 8 uses glibc version 2.2.x. Oracle will not link with this version. Various methods were tried during my efforts to install Oracle, the method that worked for me is detailed in this HOWTO.

I use Cshell at work, so I use it at home. All environment settings found in this HOWTO are easily converted to Bash.

1.2 Who is this HOWTO for?

If you want to install Oracle8i Enterprise Edition release 2, version 8.1.6 for Linux.

If you currently have Mandrake 8 installed.

The Oracle documentation has failed you.

1.3 New versions of this document

The latest version of this document can always be found at my web site.

1.4 Disclaimer

If you use this HOWTO, then you are displaying acceptance that I am not responsible for what you do on you own system.

I cannot stress this enough, backup, backup and backup. During my installation saga, I restored my system from an image twice before I reached the method in this HOWTO.

1.5 Credits and Thanks

The following sources where used during the compilation of this HOWTO.

Oracle8i for Linux Starter Kit - Steve Bobrowski Osborne/Oracle Press

Oracle Magazine May/June 2001

Various sources found on web...if you recognize your hints/tips let me know so that I can add you here.

I welcome any constructive feedback. Email me at .

1.6 License

This document is copyright 2001 David Stevenson. You may use, disseminate and reproduce it freely, provided you:

  • Do not omit or alter this copyright notice.
  • Do not omit or alter the version number and date.
  • Do not omit or alter the document's pointer to the current WWW version.
  • Clearly mark any condensed, altered or versions as such.
These restrictions are intended to protect potential readers from stale or mangled versions. If you think you have a good case for an exception, ask me.

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KB - 1. Introduction - Oracle on Mandriva 8
Version 1.4 last modified by wpennington on 09/06/2006 at 18:32




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