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4. Install Oracle

4.1 Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)

You are now ready to start installing Oracle. If you find that the Installer will not function, turn off the ~NumLock key, the Java machine will not function correctly while the ~NumLock is active. If this fails, use a window manager like Sawfish.

Open a shell window and you should be in $ORACLE_HOME. You can change directory to your /cdrom-path, here you can start the install.

Do the following as oracle user.

  • ./runInstaller
  • OUI - Welcome screen - select Next
  • OUI - File Locations
    • Source = /cdrom-path/stage/products.jar
    • Destination = /usr/oracle
    • You should be asked to run a script as root from $ORACLE_HOME
    • OUI - UNIX Group Name = oinstall
    • OUI - Available Products = Oracle8i Enterprise Edition
    • OUI - Installation Types = Typical(540MB)
    • OUI - Privileged OS Groups
    • Database Administrator = sysdba
    • Database Operator = sysoper
    • OUI - Database Identification =
    • Global Database Name = oralin.yourdomainname
    • SID = oralin
    • OUI - Database File Location = /usr/oracle
    • OUI - Install watch the install window for any errors
    • OUI - You may be asked to run a script as root from $ORACLE_HOME
    • OUI - You may be given information about parts of the configuration that failed, the starter database probably did not run
    • OUI - End of Installation = select Exit
    This completes the main installation. You need to alter a symbolic link that is found in $ORACLE_HOME. The JRE link needs to point at /usr/local/jre.

    In $ORACLE_HOME type.

    • mv JRE JRE_orig && ln -s /usr/local/jre JRE
    You should now be able to run dbassist, the Oracle Database Assistant. Follow the intructions shown, you may need to re-enter data which is shown above. If all goes well, then you should be shown a screen which informs you of the default accounts and passwords.

    You should now be able to connect to the database. The Database Assistant should leave a database instance running (ps -ef|grep ora_).

    Enter in an oracle shell window.

    • sqlplus system/manager
    You should see something like the following:

    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Sep 14 15:38:21 2001

    (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Connected to:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production

    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production

    If you do not, then you may need to look at Oracle's own documentation/books as it is beyond the scope of this document to debug your personal installation. If all is OK, then proceed with the next section.

    4.2 Automating Oracle Startup/Shutdown

    Congratulations, if this howto has helped you get here first time, let me know. It was worth writing this howto. To know that the hassle I went thru to get this far was not in vain.

    What the next section will do is allow you to automate the start and shutdown of Oracle. There are two scripts which need to be downloaded and saved, these are:

    • dbora? - which should be saved as: /etc/init.d/dbora with permisions 755 owner root:root
    • dbstart?- which should overwrite $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart with permisions of 755 owner oracle:oinstall
    The original dbstart has a bug in it which is why you should replace it.

    You need to create a number of symbolic links, these are found below.

    • ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K05dbora
    • ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S95dbora
    • ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S95dbora
    • ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S95dbora
    • ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K05dbora
    To test the configuration, try the folowing(assuming the database is still running) as root user.
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora status
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora stop
    • /etc/rc.d/init.d/dbora start
    • (making sure you have no unsaved work) shutdown -r now
    Once the system reboots, you should see that Oracle and its Listener start.

    Hopefully you are happy, if not, find the answer using the WWW and let me know what you find, or write your own howto.

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