
Downloading ISOs


There exist a lot of servers all over the world from where you can download files with the distribution of Mandriva Linux in form of ISO files. This file contains all the information needed for a cd or dvd burning software to create the cds/dvds of Mandriva Linux. These versions are published under the GPL and it is allowed to copy them freely to others.

Here is one such mirror: Mirror

Just use your browser to navigate through the different directories and download the isos you migh want.

Mandriva Club members will get links where they can download the ISO files of the Mandriva Powerpack editions. However it is recommended to use the BitTorrent technology to download these files.

The commercial versions of the ISO files must not be copied or distributed to other people.


The internet addresses (URLs) of the Mandriva mirrors can be found with the web Mandrivalinux mirror page.

KB - Welcome to Mandriva Club Knowledge Base > Installation > Downloading ISOs
Version 1.28 last modified by F6HJP on 08/01/2007 at 08:22


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Creator: Flink on 2004/11/02 18:03
(c) Mandriva 2007