
High-profile reviews of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring

Published by awilliamson on Thursday, May 29 2008 @ 08:39:40 CEST

New reviews of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring appeared on two high-profile sites recently. ZDnet noted that "Mandriva Linux is popular with developers and enthusiasts, and there’s a thriving community ready and able to help with problems," and concluded "Overall we liked what we saw. Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring may not be the best distro for the newcomer moving over from Windows, but if you're used to the way Linux works and want to try something different, give it a try." praised the hardware support and the Control Center, and declared that "despite a few minor glitches, after several weeks of testing the two Mandriva flavors, I have finally come across a distro that gives you the best of the GNU/Linux and proprietary worlds in terms of ease of use, range of software, and stability on hardware that ranges from old Celerons to newer multi-core machines."

Main - High-profile reviews of Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring
Version 1.4 last modified by awilliamson on 30/05/2008 at 04:34

Comments (1)

Dark Star | 30.05.2008 at 04:34 AM


en ja nl


Creator: awilliamson on 2008/05/29 20:39
(c) Mandriva 2007