3D effetcs - Keybord shortcuts
#includeResource("Skel.ArticleHeader") If you need, as i need :) keybord shortcuts tu have fun with the 3D accelerated desktop, here is a list. You can find more information here: AcceleratedDesktop
Move a window anywhere within its canvas. Move window = Alt + left-click
Resize a window anywhere within its canvas. Resize window = Alt + right-click
Places windows at the appropriate positions when mapped.
Fade Windows/tooltips/menus fade in/out when opened/closed.
Switch windows = Alt + Tab
Wobbly Makes windows wobble like jelly when moved or resized.
Minimize Renders windows from and to the Window list during minimizing and maximizing them.
Cube Provides the cube the virtual desktop is mapped upon. You can also configure svg slides on the top (as shown in the offical xgl presentation). This is (currently) a necessary prerequisite for rotate. Switch desktops on cube = Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Arrow Switch desktops on cube - with active window following = Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
Rotate Enables 3d desktop rotating via keyboard+mouse shortcuts. Rotate desktop cube = Ctrl + Alt + Left-click on wallpaper and drag
Enables zooming in and around desktop. Zoom-in once = Alt + right-click Zoom-in manually = Alt + wheel mouse up Zoom-out manually = Alt + wheel mouse down
Scale Exposé-like window-switcher.
Opacity The plugin allows you to change the currently focused window's opacity Make window translucent/opaque = Ctrl+Shift+Mouse wheel
Other keyboard shortcuts Snap Move window (will stick to borders) = Ctrl during move (either by Alt + left-click or by title bar) Arrange and View All Windows = F12 turns on or off; clicking a window will zoom it to the front
Version 1.8 last modified by scalpo on 17/10/2006 at 23:04
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Comments (3)
I mean I don't have a video camara.
DemoRecorder - http://www.demorecorder.com/
Wink - http://www.debugmode.com/wink/
To name a few.