
Wanted: 3D effects videos

#includeResource("Skel.ArticleHeader") We are looking for people who would like to produce videos about the Mandriva Linux 2007 3D desktop and have them freely available. There is already such a video on Dailymotion but we would like to have higher quality videos. The goal is to generate buzz around those videos: links, downloads, emails ...

You would be kind to send those video by emails (or a link toward them)to webmaster at mandrivaclub dot com with (videos effet 3D) as subject.

File Format : flash (we know!) and avi. Weight :

  • Email: around 1 Mo
  • As a download link: a much bigger size is acceptable.
Thanks a lot, you're the best community there ever was!
Main - Recherchons video sur effets 3D
Version 1.24 last modified by imr on 27/10/2006 at 22:42

Comments (15)


en en fr de nl cs es nb


Creator: scalpo on 2006/10/10 12:03
(c) Mandriva 2007