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If you have a plan and know your tools then you need not fear the result of any project J Tamez [1]


Interview with Till Kamppeter, Linux printing guru and old-time Mandriva employee

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    Mandriva Flash recovery CD plans

Mandriva Flash recovery CD plans
由 awilliamson 于 Wednesday, January 10 2007 @ 11:10:50 CET 发布
Since the release of the Flash, we have found that some users Flash keys - through problems or experimentation - have been rendered unusable. We have therefore decided to develop a utility CD which will allow you to do several maintenance / repair operations on the Flash.

Mandriva Linux Community Newsletter #124
由 awilliamson 于 Wednesday, January 31 2007 @ 10:15:40 CET 发布
Welcome to the Mandriva Linux Community Newsletter - dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with the latest Mandriva-related news & info. Inside, the release of Mandriva Flash, the opening of the Mandriva Goodies store, and more.

Mandriva One 2007.0 Gaming DVD
由 Olivier Blin 于 Monday, January 22 2007 @ 12:02:10 CET 发布
To bring more fun in the Club, a new live system is available (in your "My Torrents" page): a Mandriva gaming release with the greatests games from Mandriva repositories, with only free software games!

Monthly payment method put on hold for new membership
由 imr 于 Tuesday, January 16 2007 @ 04:11:59 CET 发布
As you may know, at the request of many Club members, Mandriva launched some time ago the monthly payment method for the Club which makes it possible to subscribe for one year but pay every month with an automatic renewal. We are now at a point where we realise that this system creates a lot of complaints and problems:

Nepomuk first KDE4 commits spotted on KDE commit digest
由 imr 于 Monday, January 15 2007 @ 04:59:06 CET 发布
KDE's information site dot.kde exposed Nepomuks first commits into KDE4 on light during their news about the last KDE commit digest.

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