Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Edition Official Now Released!
Mandriva is pleased to announce the release of the Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring. Spring features a raft of improvements and enhancements over its predecessors, including the latest software, extended support for the latest 3D desktop technologies (including Metisse), enhanced and improved system configuration and software installation tools, cutting-edge hardware support, and a sleek new look. Please see the Spring product page and the Wiki page, where you can find download and installation instructions, the Release Tour, the Release Notes and the Errata.
Club members, you can download your torrents from the Torrents page. Public torrents - One and Free - are available here. The official documentation is available from this page. 2007 Spring is now also available from the Club HTTP download servers.
Early seeders, please stop your torrents, re-download the torrent files, and start your torrents again using your existing files.
Have a good Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring experience!
Mandriva Team
Wersja 1.2 ostatnio modyfikowane przez MarekMalzahn w 22/04/2007 przy 22:43
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komentarze (73)
Provecho para todos y felicidades por esta nueva distro.
That said, I love Mandriva and gladly pay to support the project. A truly excellent distribution. Thank you for all your work.
growisofs --dvd-compat -Z/dev/dvd=
To avoid the problem shall us be able to rsync a directory?
=== For information I saw : Warning: Many browser don't support large files (> 2GB), Internet Explorer(tm) is know to failed up to Windows XP (Vista is still untested). Also, Fat and Fat32 filesystem don't support file greater than 2GB. Happy download.
And now you add insult to injury by negelecting to even provide access to CD images… This is not the way to win hearts and minds. Fix this problem now. We are losing our patience!
And people, Mandriva provides guides on how to handle slow torrents. You can even find them on Google. My torrent came down and saturated my bandwidth here, so I think that blaming Mandriva for slow torrents is a bit on the wrong side.
I mean, I get frustrated with Mandriva as well, and have had my share of nasty postings, but please make sure you understand what you're doing before you go flaming, even if it is the easy way out.
No worrys, I'll take my money elsewhere.
All you need is a working Linux system on your machine.
This works for all other machines at your place or even at friend's which are connected. No wasted CDs or DVDs.
I've downloaded the boot.iso and while it seems to work OK, I have repeatedly tried to install using this method and it borks at the start of installation.
The files causing the problems are:
MDK::Common::Various mygtk2::
install::steps_gtk install::pkgs
and a few others.
I have now an inoperative Mandriva installation on the notebook I use at work and cannot use it until either there are CD ISOs available or I choose the DVD version.
Thanks, Mandriva. here we go again . . . :-(
regards, glyj
All I can say is that taking over a week to provide CD images is unprofessional. Mandriva has been in this business long enough to know that they need to provide CD images at the launch, alongside the DVD images. Duh!!!
| W H E R E A R E T H E P W P C D I S O 'S?????????????????????????|
I have downloaded the DVD version the day before yesterday, it just took some hours. I've done the installation yesterday, all run smoothly, without any problems.
I'm really satisfied - this version is the best I ever had from Mandrake/Mandriva!
Metisse is great! An perfect eye catcher to show to others.