
Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Edition Official Now Released!


Mandriva is pleased to announce the release of the Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring. Spring features a raft of improvements and enhancements over its predecessors, including the latest software, extended support for the latest 3D desktop technologies (including Metisse), enhanced and improved system configuration and software installation tools, cutting-edge hardware support, and a sleek new look. Please see the Spring product page and the Wiki page, where you can find download and installation instructions, the Release Tour, the Release Notes and the Errata.

Club members, you can download your torrents from the Torrents page. Public torrents - One and Free - are available here. The official documentation is available from this page. 2007 Spring is now also available from the Club HTTP download servers.

Early seeders, please stop your torrents, re-download the torrent files, and start your torrents again using your existing files.

Have a good Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring experience!

Mandriva Team

Main - Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring Edition Official Now Released!
Wersja 1.2 ostatnio modyfikowane przez MarekMalzahn w 22/04/2007 przy 22:43

komentarze (73)

Nikoo | 17.04.2007 przy 10:33 PM
Suis-je le seul pour lequel les photos du "2007.1 Tour" du wiki francais ne s'affichent pas ou mal ? Sur le wiki anglais, je n'ai pas ce pb…

dascritch | 17.04.2007 przy 11:04 PM
Suis-je le seul pour qui la lecture du flux rss se résume à «Version 1.26 edited by imr on 2007-04-17 21:56:26.0» et où il faut que je me ré-authentifie à chaque page ? Sur les autres sites, je n'ai pas ce pb…

Linegod | 18.04.2007 przy 01:11 AM

Naranjo Manuel Francisco | 18.04.2007 przy 02:55 AM
Great work, the only bad thing, was the mess that happened with the early seeders torrents. I had my pc ready to seed others, but I guess I will have to download again. Can't wait to get it and try it the best distro once again. Thanks, Manuel

Manoel_Pinho Pinho | 18.04.2007 przy 03:35 AM
Please make a torrent file for Mandriva 2007.1 Powerpack i586 CD version ! There is only a torrent for DVDs.

bob_walker | 18.04.2007 przy 05:30 AM
I second M_PP's request - CD's please.

Timothy_J_Campbell Campbell | 18.04.2007 przy 07:07 AM
I third the request - CD's please!!!

awilliamson | 18.04.2007 przy 07:58 AM
CD editions will be forthcoming soon, I'm trying to pin down an exact date.

jhaubeil | 18.04.2007 przy 09:15 AM
may be it's a great thing - like Naranjo Manuel wrote. But will I get it? KTorrent says: 5,6 MB in 1 hour 30 - 30 days to download :-(

bubar | 18.04.2007 przy 09:27 AM
we could note too a new tool in drakconf to have an easy management of virtual Xen machines

dascritch | 18.04.2007 przy 11:07 AM
CD's please : not having a DVD burner, and only a USB-HD in FAT32 !!!!!

akades | 18.04.2007 przy 11:33 AM
Ca a l'air top ! Mais la version ISO DVD 64 bits c'est pour quand ? Ceci étant j'ai des problèmes d'incompatibilité sur 2007.0x64 : vmware, cedega (aucun jeu ne marche). La version 32 bits est-elle un meilleur choix en version Powerpack pour une utilisation sur AMD64 ?

Gerdy Beeckaert | 18.04.2007 przy 01:10 PM
Man it takes a long time to download the iso also the torrent takes to long maybe ad more mirrors to download from :-(

lorencom | 18.04.2007 przy 02:46 PM
il y a une erreur de lien "rpms" sur la page torrents pour la version i586 :

Arkub | 18.04.2007 przy 02:53 PM
lorencom, vu merci, c'est corrigé.

lorencom | 18.04.2007 przy 05:06 PM
De rien, Arkub ; il parait que ça va être LA merveille … un autre problème, je crois, sur la même page : IfYouCannotUseBitTorrent ressemble à un lien, mais … sans lien ?? (ça pourrait m'intéresser, parce que j'en ai pour une dizaine de jours avec bittorrent).

Arkub | 18.04.2007 przy 05:31 PM
lorencom, oops.. il y avait un problème avec la version française, réglé à présent: cf la page torrents.

TOnin | 18.04.2007 przy 06:53 PM
La taille de la Discovery est elle juste ? 4500 M ? dans mon Azureus y'a écrit 2,11 Gio !

BRAINSPEAKS | 18.04.2007 przy 09:36 PM
Brainspeaks - Need Http or Ftp access to CD version. Don't have a DVD burner, just a DVD player. Please give us access to HTTP sites with powerpack downloads. Thank You..

Jaime_3060 | 18.04.2007 przy 10:52 PM
Ya estaba desesperado por que saliera, no veo el momento de bajarlo y probarlo, aunque parece que hoy el servidor está saturado.

Provecho para todos y felicidades por esta nueva distro.

chromium Holmes | 19.04.2007 przy 04:07 AM
I'm waiting for the CD version too, I have a DVD playere/writer on my laptop but not on my desktop and the two are not connected. I've been checking the mirrors at kddlabs and riken in Japan but the iso folder is still empty at both places . . . :-(

psxndc | 19.04.2007 przy 04:14 AM
I'm really not trying to be a grouch, but I'm paying $120 USD to get a torrent with 22kB/s?? It's been running a day and I've only got 12%. With the HTTP downloads I get it in like 20 minutes. Leave the torrents to the masses and give the silvers and up a quick download.

That said, I love Mandriva and gladly pay to support the project. A truly excellent distribution. Thank you for all your work.


psxndc | 19.04.2007 przy 04:18 AM
btw, the 2007 Spring directory was empty when I checked the HTTP mirror before; hence my griping.


gnuoulipo | 19.04.2007 przy 01:29 PM
Téléchargée et installée spring. Constats : lles sources du dvd ne sont pas installées automatiquement dans drak. Lindvd n'est plus ni installé ni disponible ?

N_A_Mitchell Mitchell | 19.04.2007 przy 02:40 PM
Which version is which? As a club member do I download the Discovery edition or PowerPack? Which one has the extra commercial packages?

Gerdy Beeckaert | 19.04.2007 przy 03:13 PM
the mirrors are to slow in mandriva i just download kubuntu feisty and this with a speed of 1700kb/s here on mandriva i'am trying on a speed off if i get lucky 250kb/s and half the way it gets stuck in the download and i have a silver account sorry but that isn't the way to download i started yesterday with downloading mandriva spring 2007 and still i have nothing to install

yespapa | 19.04.2007 przy 10:17 PM
N_A_Mitchell : the powerpack version has the extra commercial packages!

chami78 | 19.04.2007 przy 10:25 PM
Existe-t'il quelque part un texte avec les principales recommandations, par exemple, bogues connus (et correctifs associés), principales nouveautés (services lancés par défaut, à quoi ça sert), etc… ? Merci.

Peter_1136 | 20.04.2007 przy 12:30 AM
I did not start up my Early Seeding until last night 4/18/07 using KTorrent -- great app; and it was all done in a few 3 or 4 hours I forgot to time it. I suppose your mileage will vary. I wanted it known there must be thousands of satisfied downloaders out there as well.

itsthemedication | 20.04.2007 przy 02:23 AM
I did my early seeding duty, and then re-downloaded the torrents and boom - gone (using bittorrent). Not sure what I did wrong, but how about a little tutorial on reseeding…

Gerdy Beeckaert | 20.04.2007 przy 10:14 AM
whoaw i got mandriva power spring 2007 and i finally have it on my notebook . Nice work it is really good . There is 1 bad thing on it the soundcard for a hp pavillion dv9000 isn't fully suported my headphone still isn't working but i have a solution for this i hope that in the near future it is supported fully :-)

mikaonik | 20.04.2007 przy 11:01 AM
Problème de démarrage avec GRUB (bootloader par défaut) sur un DELL Latitude D505. J'ai installer LILO à la place pour démarrer correctement. ;-)

StigHansen_1 | 20.04.2007 przy 03:57 PM
CD's please.

vatbier | 20.04.2007 przy 05:45 PM
Today Friday 20/4/7 with Azureus I see 25 seeds and 25 peers. I hope there are a lot more Mandriva users than those 50. How many Mandriva installations are there on this planet? 50? 50000? 5 million?

rhickers | 20.04.2007 przy 07:38 PM
Maybe only 50 of the installations were done with DVDs. The rest of us are WAITING FOR THE CD ISO SET. :-O

psxndc | 21.04.2007 przy 04:41 PM
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but if the commercial PowerPack is listed as a dual arch DVD (32 and 64 bit), why are there two arch DVD isos, i.e., i586 and x64 - I ask because I have both 32bit and 64bit comps at home and would rather just burn 1 DVD if possible. Thanks.

Robert_Courtright | 21.04.2007 przy 05:08 PM
I don't need cd's at the moment but I will at a later date. Wouldn't just as been easy to supply the cd's with a script (That I Have) to convert those into dvd for the rest of us? This is what I had been doing in the past. DL the cd's & run a script so I had dvd iso.

mtp3b | 22.04.2007 przy 09:22 AM
The powerpack ISO is too large to be burned to a DVD using the K3b version available on 2007.0. How about instructions on how to perform this feat available at the download page or so?

abro | 22.04.2007 przy 10:09 AM
Hi Mtp3b, I burned the ISO using the gnome CD burner application, if you have gnome you could try that. It is very simple but it works.

erwan-yves | 22.04.2007 przy 06:31 PM
Hi abro, I have the same problem than mtp3b I have tried brasero from KDE environment, but it still not work Have you some trick?

mtp3b | 22.04.2007 przy 08:53 PM
Here is the command line magic you need:

growisofs --dvd-compat -Z/dev/dvd=

mtp3b | 22.04.2007 przy 08:54 PM
… -Z/dev/dvd=name-of-isp-file

BRAINSPEAKS | 22.04.2007 przy 10:30 PM
BRAINSPEAKS - I have been using Mandrake/Mandriva Linux since the '90s and have been very pleased with the progress. I joined the Silver Club several years ago so that I would have access to the various versions of new and upcoming Mandriva/Mandrake Linux. I cannot understand why the CD Power Pack edition is not available for download. Certainly more members use a CD burner than a DVD burner. There are probably many of us waiting with no word when it will be available to us. Please let us know when we can download the CD Power Pack edition of 2007.1 using Http sites. I would like to break away from having to use Windows in the future, but this delay isn't helping. Thanks..

Rougi | 23.04.2007 przy 02:15 PM
My Download using Opera did not work. Nor with Konqueror… then what to to do for the dvd isos ?

To avoid the problem shall us be able to rsync a directory?

=== For information I saw : Warning: Many browser don't support large files (> 2GB), Internet Explorer(tm) is know to failed up to Windows XP (Vista is still untested). Also, Fat and Fat32 filesystem don't support file greater than 2GB. Happy download.

Tad_Mannes | 23.04.2007 przy 05:20 PM
This is rediculous. I like the Mandriva distribution a lot, but I don't think I'll be renewing my membership next time. Every single time a new version of the distribution comes, we have to beg and plead to get access via http, for those of us whose ISP won't allow Torrent. For those who can use Torrent, it takes forever to download.

And now you add insult to injury by negelecting to even provide access to CD images… This is not the way to win hearts and minds. Fix this problem now. We are losing our patience!

ben713 Brown | 23.04.2007 przy 05:27 PM
Tell me what I need to be a seed and I'll set up a box. I am getting ready to load a 64 bit on my main box and can set up the 32 bit version on a spare box for seeding.

gowaddle | 23.04.2007 przy 05:34 PM
Tad_Mannes: Beg and plead for http access? You mean clicking on Downloads and clicking on http access is too hard? No offense, but that's just FUD.

And people, Mandriva provides guides on how to handle slow torrents. You can even find them on Google. My torrent came down and saturated my bandwidth here, so I think that blaming Mandriva for slow torrents is a bit on the wrong side.

I mean, I get frustrated with Mandriva as well, and have had my share of nasty postings, but please make sure you understand what you're doing before you go flaming, even if it is the easy way out.

jkenney | 23.04.2007 przy 06:56 PM
Is there a way to let the Torrents work even if you cannot get past the firewall. I know it works somewhat, because I downloaded the DVD in about 3 days, but the new mini CD will not even start as a torrent, and it is not available on the mirrors.

Tad_Mannes | 23.04.2007 przy 07:16 PM
gowaddle: Sorry to annoy you with my raving lunatic rantings. I recall quite recently when it wasn't as simple as clicking on the Downloads. We had to send a message asking for access. Admittedly this is not the case this time, but then again, I'm here begging and pleading for CD images, aren't I...

No worrys, I'll take my money elsewhere.

BRAINSPEAKS | 23.04.2007 przy 11:09 PM
BRAINSPEAKS: I don't think there is a question about HTTP sites. The question is when will the CD Power Pack Edition be put on those HTTP sites. Those of us who have been using Mandrake/Mandriva Linux for years and who help to support the club deserve to have the CD version, just as those using the DVD version. Does anyone know when the CD Power Pack will be released to the HTTP site? Many of us are in the dark here. We deserve to know. Why weren't they made available at the same time as the DVD edition? Thank You.....

wobo | 24.04.2007 przy 09:50 AM
Hmm, I'm one of those guys who count their money coinwise. That's why the question "DVD or CD" doesn't bother me - I use none of them. I mean, I do not burn ISOs to real DVDs or CDs. I install from the ISOs themselves.

All you need is a working Linux system on your machine.

  1. Mount the iso somewhere like 'mount -o loop iso_file /mnt/iso'
2. Copy /isolinux from the iso to a new directory. 3. Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add a new entry "title mdv-spring-install" 4. Reboot and do a HD installation from the ISO. Done.

This works for all other machines at your place or even at friend's which are connected. No wasted CDs or DVDs.


wobo | 24.04.2007 przy 09:51 AM
Sorry for the chaotic format of my previous comment - this system needs a preview function!

swap38 | 24.04.2007 przy 01:20 PM
Existe t'il une version CD (et non DVD) de la Spring ?

fabien_6848 | 24.04.2007 przy 03:54 PM
Bravo à mandriva pour sa nouvelle version… Je crois que je rester longtemps avec mandriva.. Meilleur version de linux. Et gulse lolll

PHARDFR Hardyn | 24.04.2007 przy 05:17 PM
Hello à toute l'équipe. Bravo pour cette release ! Ayant quitté le club silver depuis la 2006.0 et utilisant Ubuntu depuis, cette 2007.1 m'a fait revenir en silver et l'installation s'est passée comme une lettre à la poste.. :-) Cela m'a fait oublier tous les soucis que j'ai eu avec la Feisty....

chromium Holmes | 24.04.2007 przy 09:20 PM
Oh, I give up . . .

I've downloaded the boot.iso and while it seems to work OK, I have repeatedly tried to install using this method and it borks at the start of installation.

The files causing the problems are:

MDK::Common::Various mygtk2::

install::steps_gtk install::pkgs


and a few others.

I have now an inoperative Mandriva installation on the notebook I use at work and cannot use it until either there are CD ISOs available or I choose the DVD version.

Thanks, Mandriva. here we go again . . . :-(

glyj | 24.04.2007 przy 09:53 PM
there is now the mini iso available !

regards, glyj

remaros | 25.04.2007 przy 01:06 AM
Bravo! Mandriva,je fais parti de mandriva club depuis que j'ai ma Madriva Flash 2Gig (malheureusement)environs 6 mois et j'ai pris un abonnement d'un an silver. J'appuis linux. Il me reste 300 jours et je renouve pour un autre année avec MANDRIVA! L'UNION FAIT LA FORCE! un LINUXCOUSIN du Quebec

Leo_1717 | 25.04.2007 przy 03:40 AM
Aide-moi… Je fais parti de MDV Club Silver, avec 180 jours encore, mais je ne peux pas entrer sur les torrents pour télecharger MDV 2007.1, il y a un message que dit que je n'ai pas le droite d'entrer, que je dois m'inscris au club… Pourqoui ?

ShiyuTang | 25.04.2007 przy 07:30 AM
When will release the PowerPack CDs?

WebHome | 25.04.2007 przy 07:30 AM

ShiyuTang | 25.04.2007 przy 07:31 AM
When will release the PowerPack CDs?

rtzed | 25.04.2007 przy 06:14 PM
I am surprised that so many are in a knot over CD ISO access when a dual layer dvd burner is sold for about $35.00.

Tad_Mannes | 25.04.2007 przy 06:51 PM
rtzed: Since buying a DVD burner does not seem to be that big a deal to you, then perhaps you won't mind buying one for each of us who don't have one?

All I can say is that taking over a week to provide CD images is unprofessional. Mandriva has been in this business long enough to know that they need to provide CD images at the launch, alongside the DVD images. Duh!!!

rtzed | 26.04.2007 przy 05:37 PM
Can't argue with that logic.

BRAINSPEAKS | 26.04.2007 przy 11:27 PM
BRAINSPEAKS - I remember back in the 90's when I would go to Office Max or Staples and look for Mandrake and I purchased every new version that they had. I have several versions tucked away in a closet. Then the Club came around, and I thought great, I will get to see Mandrake/Mandriva before anyone else. Now we can't even seem to get the CDs. I don't understand. No one from the company has even explained why or when we will get them. Certainly CDs could have been made at the same time as the DVDs. When will we get the Mandriva. Is the Club still important? I don't know. How 'bout it Mandriva when will we get our CDs? Don't keep us in the dark. We deserve our shot at Linux too. We have all been faithful members of the Club.

Joseph_Lewis_94 | 26.04.2007 przy 11:58 PM
At the risk of repeating numerous earlier commenters,
| W H E R E A R E T H E P W P C D I S O 'S?????????????????????????|

Joseph_Lewis_94 | 27.04.2007 przy 12:12 AM
Actually, why not a script to take a dvd iso apart and build cd iso's?? Possible??

BRAINSPEAKS | 27.04.2007 przy 04:53 AM
BRAINSPEAKS - Please Note: I just got a letter from Walt Pennington of Mandriva. I have been trying to get someone to tell us when the CDs would come out. Walt tells me that a CD version may not come out at all and that if they do, they don't know when they will be available. Walt says that new hardware manufacturers are standarizing new computers with DVD players and that may be the new standard media. I suggest to all those of us who need CDs, to pass on that need to the Mandriva staff. Most people that I know still use CDs as their primary media hardware. Please write to [email protected] regarding your concern. Maybe that will work. I have suggested to him that they make a CD Power Pack set for 2007.1 and then let members know that they will be going with DVD only. Then we can opt to continue membership in the club or not. Then we can decide whether to go out and get a DVD burner or not. I hope everyone who needs CDs will let Mandriva know that. Thanks....

jfbiganos | 27.04.2007 przy 10:00 AM
Pourquoi Mandriva ne livre pas la version Spring en format CD ISO ?? L'abandon de la livraison des images CD en téléchargement devrait au moins faire l'objet d'une communication !! Je suis certain que beaucoup d'adhérents club sont actuellement pénalisés par cette décision. cordialement

rhickers | 27.04.2007 przy 01:27 PM
I think any decision to not produce CD ISOs would be decidedly unGreen. My legacy hardware works just fine, thank you. With CD-ROM drives, floppy drives (gasp!) and limited storage. Why provide incentive to toss it out just because newer hardware all have DVDs. Why should I have to spend more time and money? I already spent the money to be a Club member.

underworld | 30.04.2007 przy 12:17 PM
As there are so many comments about slow download etc., I want to add a positive comment now:

I have downloaded the DVD version the day before yesterday, it just took some hours. I've done the installation yesterday, all run smoothly, without any problems.

I'm really satisfied - this version is the best I ever had from Mandrake/Mandriva!

Metisse is great! An perfect eye catcher to show to others.

Thanks! Walker | 09.05.2007 przy 05:56 PM
Is there away to get the 2007.1 PWP DVD as a purchase item from the Mandriva Store? I have a Silver account and have downloaded the DVD.iso twice with "NO JOY". It burns okay, but is then unreadable. I would really like to update. Thank You


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Autor: MarekMalzahn w 2007/04/22 22:43
(c) Mandriva 2007