
Monthly payment method put on hold for new membership


As you may know, at the request of many Club members, Mandriva launched some time ago the monthly payment method for the Club which makes it possible to subscribe for one year but pay every month with an automatic renewal. We are now at a point where we realise that this system creates a lot of complaints and problems:

  • in some cases, we can't process the debits every month
  • some people do not update their credit card informations and we have to close these accounts to those members dissatisfaction and surprise
  • some members are disatisfacted when they discover they cannot close their account before the end of the one year period, as the one year membership is not always understood
  • some people try to cheat the system by registering, getting the isos and cancelling their membership (yes, they exist and they cost us in legal fees)
  • our technical platform is suffering from problems that make those situations difficult to solve
People who are already using the monthly payment of course will continue to be members of the club and will continue to be debited every month but we won't accept any new subscriptions and renewals with a monthly fee until further notice, and we will start to do a complete audit of the situation from both commercial and technical standpoints in order to decide how we can provide you with a satisfactory service in the future.

If you have a comment that you'd like to pass on about this news, use the contact form and give us your feedback. We know this method of payment is important to some of you, we don't take this situation lightly and we'd like to hear from you. Use the subject "Other Subject" in the form and precise in the begnning of you mail that you want to give us feedback about this method and the Club fees.

We want the club to be simple and efficient, we want to improve your satisfaction level.

The Mandriva team.

Main - Monthly payment method put on hold for new membership
Version 1.22 last modified by goznet on 16/04/2007 at 02:43

Comments (14)

judland_sk | 17.01.2007 at 10:04 PM
It's unfortunate that some people have tried to take advantage of this service (in a negative way), but I understand the reasoning behind this decision. Thank you for informing us of the situation.

Bruno_3380 | 18.01.2007 at 01:54 PM
Ouf j'ai eu chaud car j'aurais eu du mal a payer l'abonnement pour un an entier. Espérant que vous puissiez trouver une solution. Tout nouveau j'ai bien réussi à installer Mandriva sur mon PC "fixe" mais me pose quelques problèmes sur mon portable au niveau des connexion internet. Je cherche encore un peu avant d'appeler au secours. Bravo et merci.

Aapje_Eksel | 21.01.2007 at 12:26 AM
Wat met de betalingen welke niet gedebiteerd zijn van Visa? Ik hoop dat het systeem toch blijft bestaan op termijn. Natuurlijk is het spijtig voor de jullie als er mensen zijn die misbruik ervan maken. Misschien is een 2-maandelijks of 3-maandelijkse betaling ook een oplossing.

bubar | 21.01.2007 at 06:16 PM
bonjour n' hésite pas à poster sur le forum ou sur la plateforme "expert", en décrivant le problème (wifi sur le portable ?) et en écrivant le résultat de la commande lspcidrake -v (qui va te/nous renseigner -précisement- sur le matériel) Merci, à bientôt

Bruno_3380 | 23.01.2007 at 04:09 PM
En fait j'ai réussi depuis à me connecter sur le serveur ADSL du boulot, quant à ma connexion privée en RTC celà ne marche pas car j'ai un softmodem. Je dois donc simplement acheter un modem. Merci et à bientôt.

Pierre_3629 | 24.01.2007 at 07:22 PM
je viens de découvrir Mandriva depuis 2 mois grâce au paiement mensuel et je compte bien garder cet abonnement.Bravo à toute l'équipe, et trouvez vite une solution pour tous ceux qui attendent. je compte bien supprimer Windows de mon ordinateur définitivement. Merci pour tout.

rodolphe_5105 | 28.01.2007 at 01:36 AM
J'aurai bien voulu payer par mensualité et je n'ai pas saisi tout de suite que mon paiement était pour toute l'année en utilisant payplay… Trop tard ! Est-il possible de payer mensuellement malgré tout ? Sinon, tant pis pour moi, j'aurai du faire plus attention. C'est sans aucune mauvaise intention que je m'apprettai à payer mensuellement…

Holger_2817 | 28.01.2007 at 11:52 AM
Nette Sache, wie man hier ausgesperrt wird… Habe diverse Male versucht meine Kreditkartendaten zu aktualisieren - ohne Erfolg (Fehlermeldung: "Credit Card Update (UDP) Unknow Codereponse ()"). Auf meine Anfrage per Kontaktformular gab es keine Antwort. Wenn sich jemand so weigert mein Geld zu nehmen, so werde ich mich nicht weiter aufdrängen…

buttshill | 05.02.2007 at 06:25 PM
I am sorry to hear of your monthly payments. From my side I only joined the club when monthly payments became available. If this facility was removed, I would probably drop my membership. I consider the ease of payment and small amount to be a big plus for joining. Please try and retain the monthly option.

Jacob_9615 | 09.02.2007 at 02:57 AM
I joined primarily because the monthly payment option is less felt than one single large payment. Might I suggest the use of paypal as a payment source so anyone who wants to login with their username has to "renew" their current or past due fee's via paypal per month or every few months. I love mandriva/mandrake linux over all other distro's for its focus on the user interface and support of the latest and greatest features as they are made available. It's ability to adapt and reliability in all area's of networking are no less than astounding.

Tom_3175 | 28.02.2007 at 08:25 AM
So far I have not found that I have recieved any extra benefit by joining club other than the satisfaction of supporting the company that provides the free distribution that I use. It is relatively easy to justify $10 a month on an expense report which I am more than happy to do, but justifying $120 for something that is available for free is a much harder sell.

WebHome | 28.02.2007 at 08:25 AM

Mark_3918 | 25.03.2007 at 10:53 PM
Too bad, maybe it's just easier to pay for the distro we want and then let Mandriva maintain it for a year. It would still be cheaper than Windoze and a better OS.

I happen to like the Mandriva Powerpack distro. The argument that this is a free distro is bull shit because we do have some commercially licensed software, eg LinDVD. Forget the expense reports, it is a really good distro and worth the money.

I do wish there were more packages for stuff like the Linksys wireless adapters. Outside of that there it's worth it. I have a 64 Bit dual core machine and I have3 a maintained OS that supports my 64 Bit graphics card and other goodies.

bluelagoon | 16.04.2007 at 02:43 AM
I agree with the earlier comments, I would probably not be able to contribute if the monthly option were not available. You should leave the boring financial stuff to your bank, and use your creativity to enhance the product.



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