Pictures of the staff!

Now updated with pictures from the Brazil office! We have just published the first pictures of Mandriva and Conectiva's team.
From left to right : Here is the Account team: Mikael, Mérieme, Thierry, José.
Here is Ganael (consulting team) and Viet (R&D)
David (Technic director)
Blino, Pixel, Titi and Warly (R&D)
Arnaud, Frédéric and Rafael (R&D)
Laurent, Gwenole, Samir (R&D)
François (CEO)
Gaurav (Partner team)
Estelle, Alexandre, Maxime, Katy et Nora (Marketing)
Paul (Sales Manager)
Nicolas and Damien (QA team)
Ayo, Sébastien, Romain and Nicolas (Webteam & ISteam)
And here is finally the store/club team! Arkub, Per Oyvind and Adam will be added later.
Emilie, Nadège, Tux, scalpo and Jordan
Rick James Club moderator
Per Oyvind Karlsen rpm builder for the Club
Rémi Mathieu, french moderator (the old man on the picture!)
Adam Williamson Club moderator
Brazil office:
Administrative Director - Rafael Levy
Finance and accounts department- Diego Lopes, Lariessa Czlusiniask, Márcia Lisboa and Elisete Marinho
Engineer Area: Helio Castro, Cláudio Matsuoka and Gustavo Boiko
Engineer Area 2:
Left: Bogdano Arendartchuk
Back Right: Cristiano Trompczynski
Front Rigth: Gustavo De Nardin
Engineer Area 3
Back Left: Eduardo Habkost
Front Left: Wanderlei Cavassin
Back Rigth: Luiz Fernando Capitulino
Middle rigth: Leonardo Chiquitto
Front Rigth: Andreas Hasenack
QA LABS (quality assurance):
Marcelo Ricardo Leitner
Ariel Forzza
Arthur Renato Mello
Andréa K. Ishii in Marketing Area
Products and training management
Fabíula Olinkevicz, Rodney Miyakawa, Priscila Stremel, Débora Waz and Simone Reverte
Conectiva's reception:
Suporte area:
UP - Paulo Junior, Márcia Hoshi, Rodrigo Polesso, Tiago Souza, Túlio Munhoz and Luiz Radomanski
DOWN - Tiago Salem and Rafael Cardoso
They are administrative area:
Danielle Ramos, Alex Koziel, Magda Jungles, Danielle Habkost, Michele Miranda and Klber Brunelli
This is Márcia Hoshi and Felipe Arruda in Documentation Area.
This is Marcos Polidoro and Márcia Hoshi, in Project Office.
Version 1.21 last modified by Arkub on 31/10/2007 at 19:04
Document data
- Lost account?
- Join the community, be part of the Club: it's free!
- Get the PWP Download Subscription!
Comments (48)
Merci pour votre travail à toutes zé à tous.
(and yes, my desk is always that messy)
* qui est en cravate ?
* que font les filles ? (je dis fille parce que ces demoiselles ont l'air d'être toutes récemment sortie de l'école -sauf peut être mérieme, à la compta, et encore, elle est un peu en retrait sur la photo, je peux me tromper -)
* comment sont habillés les développeurs
Bref, finalement, copinedegeek et autres caricatures des tenues vestimentaires des "libristes" ont longtemps à vivre :
* pas de développeuses chez mandriva
* pas de cravate chez les codeurs
(PS : message écrit avec beaucoup d'affection, j'espère que personne n'y verra malice, sinon, qu'un admin l'efface)
And Adam's a redhaed, whodathunk?! ;)
Sorry… it was just a joke. It seems a nice people team.
Pavel Maryanov aka Acid Jack
broken links :)
Russian Localization Team:
Alice Lafox
Pavel Maryanov aka Acid Jack
Hi Estelle … :)
P.S. chouettes photos sinon
Oi que galera mais impresionante! Mais a gente precisa de comer - você ja assinou ao club Mandriva?
Impresionante la cantidad de gente que hay trabajando para mejorar lo que es el Mandriva Linux. Pero falta poner la comida en la mesa - usted ya se abonó al club de Mandriva?
Vraiment, j'épreuve une sensation de fierté en Mandriva quand je vois tous ces gens réunis pour pousser de l'avant le Mandriva Linux. Mais les gens ont soif, ils ont envie de la bouf - vous êtes bien membre déjà du club Mandriva?
Da gibt es viele Leute mitarbeiten für Mandriva! Aber diese Leute haben viel Hunger - sind Sie shon mitglieder des Mandrivaclubs?
Stewart in Calgary
I still have my retail box of Mandrake, purchased over the internet back in 1999. The version being shipped back then was 6.1. Was my first Linux purchase.
As a Brazilian born out of French parents I can't tell you how proud I'm seeing Mandrakesoft with Conectiva.
From the nice pictures above, we can only see that the people running Mandriva are talented, dedicated persons with a successful future ahead.
My best wishes to all of you and may God give you the strength necessary to run such great, bright job.
God speed Linux and Mandriva! :)
bon okok je sort
SODIX from