
Invalid "Mandrake" links : We need you !

#includeResource("Skel.ArticleHeader") After the name change from "Mandrake" to "Mandriva", numerous web sites worldwide have links which are no more reachable, We cannot redirect these links since we do not own any longer domain names "mandrake"

eg : - - – and so on

For this reason, Mandriva indexation in search engines, especially a seek with the word "Linux" is nearly non-existent (it was not the case previously, our sites audience has dropped for the same reasons)

We ask for help in order to identify these sites and send them an email to inform them for the right links to add :

eg : - - – and so on.

The old links to mandrakelinux must be replaced by links to

The task is huge and we today need the help of all club members and more largely the whole community.

To know the sites with bad links use easily google, for instance :

"" or "" and so on.

the list of all the sites with bad links appear.

Choose in the list below, copy / paste to google and send an email to the owner of the sites having bad links :

link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !
link: - Google - Yahoo !

Thanks to compile the contacted sites adresses and send us that list by sending an email to : "webmaster at mandrivaclub point com", with the following subject : indexation-mandriva

To sum up :

1- Identify sites with dead links
2- send them an email asking for the correction of the wrong links (if you cannot find an email to contact, send to [email protected]" + "[email protected]" + "[email protected]" + "[email protected]"
3- send us an email with the sites list you have contacted

The work you are going to do will be very useful for us and we will inform you of the evolution of that work

Thanks to all for your help
The Mandriva team

Main - Liens "mandrake" invalides : Nous avons besoin de vous !
Version 1.9 last modified by Arkub on 10/03/2006 at 14:04

Comments (32)

scalpo | 08.03.2006 at 05:23 PM
Mabye we should prefer yahoo than google to compare backlinks:

google = 3,220
yahoo = 71,800

coolwarrior | 08.03.2006 at 07:40 PM
Serait-il possible d' avoir un email type rédigé en anglais? Merci

scalpo | 08.03.2006 at 11:02 PM

"Mandrakesoft" changed its name and is now called "Mandriva". The Mandrake links provided on your website are no longer available (dead links). They should be change to

example: became became became became became became became became

Best regards."

ErwannRobin | 09.03.2006 at 02:20 AM
et peut-être aussi que le PR de serait meilleur si on enlevait le "new" de

en effet, les liens ne poitent jamais vers mais pointent tous vers

conclusion -> PR = 0

NB: le PR du Corporate Club est à 5 sur certaines pages, le PR du store est à 7, le PR de feu était à 8 (comme novell) et le PR de redhat est de 9
NB2: déja transmit à Kadjo, Ayo et Nico depuis longtemps.

Akinobu_1886 | 09.03.2006 at 03:19 AM
個人ページにも送った方がいいですか? If I found dead link in personal web pages, should I send the mail to it?

scalpo | 09.03.2006 at 08:28 AM
akinobu: yes, of course. Do you want them to link Mandriva to dead links? ;)

esfa | 09.03.2006 at 08:43 PM est un mauvais élève

On y trouve : "MandrakeSoft offers a wide range of support and services."

Et un lien (en bas de la page)

dascritch | 10.03.2006 at 08:32 PM
Another thing too for good rankig : please have RSS feeds that talks… having «Main.InvalidLinksMessage

Current version 1.2 edited by Arkub on »… in planets and others agregators is not very helpful :(

I'll add your links in my website, for the bonus.

stamy | 11.03.2006 at 06:08 PM
Ne peut-on pas contacter google ou Yahoo directement pour proposer une correction automatique comme ce qui se passe lors d'une faute de frappe ?

scalpo | 12.03.2006 at 11:53 AM
Une recherche "mandrakesoft" a tout sens sens, ce qu'il faut corriger ce sont les liens morts.

Didier_Herisson | 12.03.2006 at 11:28 PM
Voici un extrait d'une réponse que je viens d'obtenir: thanks for the list, I'll see if I can manage to do a search and replace. It should help a lot to do a man awk and man sed to get started. I'm very busy at the moment, so don't count on swift action....

Peut-être ce genre de chose pourrait-il être développé par Mandriva?

vincent_v | 14.03.2006 at 10:47 AM
I don't think that this is such a good idea.

If many members were to type in the same search into the same engines then they will get the same lists, and even across different engines the top ones will tend to be the same.

As most people will start at the top of the list, this means that those link owners will get a massive 'flame' from Mandriva users - not the best way of getting someone to help you, and it could even be seen as aggressive and loutish.

If these dead links are that important, it would be better for Mandriva to compile an initial list in a database that members could add to, where duplicates would be removed and the host sites identified (usefull to Mandriva for any purpose). Members wishing to help could ask the database for a list and would be given 25 un-actioned links randomly selected. A link would be marked as actioned when it, or its parent site had been given to 20 members - this should be sufficient to stress the point to the site owners without becoming a nuisance.

Didier_Herisson | 14.03.2006 at 10:58 PM est également un mauvais élève… Ah ces chercheurs, toujours la tête en l'air ;-)

jjorge | 21.03.2006 at 01:08 PM
Não vai ser simples : até o código Fonte do Bochs tem o endereço na licença.

BRUNO FRIEDMANN | 27.03.2006 at 05:57 PM
Mandriva invalid links and certificates.
I think you should really start to make some decision about your own links.

65% of certificates are expired ( on club, sp, store, etc etc ) For example has expire 9th December 2005.

Did you need some help to have a new one installed ??? After that try to have some standard or reverse-proxy www1 wwwnew etc … It would really help to have something different than dead link

unruh | 27.04.2006 at 07:43 AM
You also need to go through your own software. Mandriva 2006/i586/misc/README Also if I do grep -r 2006/i586 I get a huge list of files that match. (Many are the old email addresses of maintainers, etc.)

Eric_2955 | 03.05.2006 at 11:34 PM
Why in the world do you not have the mandrake domain aliased to automatically forward?

CHARLES M | 07.05.2006 at 06:25 PM

CHARLES M | 07.05.2006 at 06:30 PM
Bonjour, à ce sujet il serai bien bien que mandriva corrige aussi les mauvais liens sur son site.Effectivement logiciel commerciaux ,les liens pointent vers

Thomas_Spuhler_758 | 16.05.2006 at 06:46 AM

manille16 | 21.05.2006 at 10:48 AM

manille16 | 21.05.2006 at 10:49 AM
Je pensais que la parie "communication et lien avec la communauté n'était pas strétégique" chez Mandriva !!!!!

dvgevers | 22.06.2006 at 11:28 PM
hi, the question seems good, but it is incomplete: the "replace xx by yy is" missing (found only in scalpo's reply 08/03/2006 23:02:20, but still not good enough. For example the link: does still not work when you change 'linux-mandrake' to 'mandriva'. So the strucuture at the 'moved to' site must be consistently the same (or symlinked) as in the old in order for this mailing effort to work.

Cafetico | 03.07.2006 at 04:20 PM
The mandrivaclub site itself still links to mandrake on many occasions. for example, links to the original document in and mandrakesecure.

ericmariaud | 17.07.2006 at 02:29 AM
je voudrais bien faire quelque chose mais j'ai rien compris au problème

94 | 09.08.2006 at 11:59 AM
Trouvez vous ce lien drole: (et c'est mandriva ou mandrake)

et un peu plus bas

ou are building an unofficial package, please see n

Trouvé sur postfix 2007 (sources)

Markus_1132 | 22.11.2006 at 04:45 PM
It would be nice to fix this wiki...: e.g.

BRUNO FRIEDMANN | 29.11.2006 at 04:12 PM
Quelques 8 mois plus tard … :-((

Le certificat numérique pour le club est encore plus mauvais. Il est non reconnaissable et vérifiable par les navigateurs.

Fin de mes problèmes dans 33 jours car fin de l'abonnement.

Vraiment dommage, mais alors on ne saurait dire à quel point. En tant que VIP, je trouve ridicule de ne pas pouvoir shooté les agrèables post pourris précédents ...

M'enfin c'est la vie, un jour tout gris.

calligraphy | 07.02.2007 at 02:25 AM How about this one? It's a dead link from the Mandriva Expert page ;p

glyj | 29.03.2007 at 11:55 PM
mandrakesoft résiste toujours et encore à l'envahisseur mandriva ! ;-) je cite aussi : «We thank you for your interest in Mandrakesoft's offerings.» ++

Allen15 | 05.05.2007 at 06:20 PM
I have to wonder who and how many were 'asleep at the helm' when they chose to discontinue the domain names in the first place? I honestly don't think that all of the damage done by that can ever be undone, as it has forced many who might have been lukewarm about using Linux to give up, citing that it wasn't ready for production use… C'mon guys, even if Verisign was charging you overpriced fees for your name registrations, you could've switched to a discount registrar like and paid less than $9 USD/year/name to keep ownership of those domain names, and then you could have at least controlled what aliases they pointed to, for backwards compatibility with your installed userbase???? Trying to show my boss how their new server can get automatic updates as good as or better than the Microsoft solution that they were more comfortable with, and then having the server keep showing "Page could not be displayed" errors is not exactly the best way to keep customers. (Yes, this is an old example, but it is a real-life experience that didn't show good reason to keep faith in your product)...

Ultimately, the best solution may be to buy back those domain names and then redirect them yourselves to whatever they are now supposed to be pointed to.

050608-88G40F-F2FJ | 08.05.2007 at 09:29 AM
" How about this one? It's a dead link from the Mandriva Expert page ;p" Reported by calligraphy on 07.02.2007 and still is 8.5.2007 !!!!



Creator: scalpo on 2006/03/08 12:58
(c) Mandriva 2007