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Worldwide 2007 Mandriva Linux Install Fest

Published by scalpo on Wednesday, October 11 2006 @ 03:57:56 CEST

Paris, October 10th 2006 - Mandriva rallies the community of Linux users in many cities across the globe on October 21st 2006. In order to bring Linux to new users and present the new features and technologies available in Mandriva Linux 2007, Mandriva is mobilizing its network of Linux User Groups (LUGs) to coordinate a worldwide Installfest on October 21 2006.

Installations of Mandriva Linux One and Free will take place all around the world, thanks to the Linux community. Major participating locations will include the United States, China, Poland, Argentina and France. Last year, Mandriva install fests gathered more than 1,500 participants in more than 60 cities in 20 countries such as the United States, Argentina, China and Morocco. This major event was covered on TV, radio and in the press.

Expert Mandriva Linux users are invited to assist beginners to help them get started with the operating system. Participants will be able to:

  • Get help on installing Mandriva Linux 2007 on their laptop or desktop free of charge. They will also have the opportunity to install Linux
and keep their Microsoft Windows installed for a soft migration.
  • View demonstrations of all that can be done with Mandriva Linux 2007 thanks to a Live CD that launches the operating system without any need for installation.
  • Get answers to their questions.
  • Meet other Mandriva Linux users, and chat with their local community.
The installation is often the toughest step for a beginner willing to adopt a new operating system. This is why Mandriva invites anyone wishing to know Linux better to join the free install fests on October 21st. These installfests are made possible thanks to the power of the knowledge sharing spirit, one of the keystones of the open source community.

Be sure to check where installfests are located within your area:

Get more information about Mandriva Linux:

Have a look at our Mandriva Club with all the information you need to get started:

"The 2006 Mandriva Installfest was a success! We had a really good time. We even had someone drive 200 miles from Idaho to Utah to get help with his Mandriva install, we had him up and running in no time", says Dr. Matthew Roller, installfest organizer in Utah, USA.

Event Manager: CĂ©line Harrand: leeloo at mandriva dot com, +33 1 40 41 97 29

Press contacts: Estelle Estrabeau: eestrabeau a_t mandriva d_ot com, +33 1 40 41 17 64

Emilie Ngo-van Do: engovando a_t mandriva d_ot com, +33 1 40 41 67 67

Guillaume Martin: gmartin a_t mandriva d_ot com, +33 1 40 41 17 64

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Worldwide 2007 Mandriva Linux Install Fest (en)
Creator: scalpo  Date: 2006/10/11 15:57
Last Author: awilliamson  Date: 2006/10/30 20:48
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