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Personas from case study

Two personas has been developed for the Mandriva community, Kim and André. The personas are part of the September 2006 deliverable. They are both presented here. Pictures of Kim and André are added as attachments.

Persona description of André

André lives in Karlstad, a small Swedish city close to the Norwegian border. He is 58 years old, married and has three grown-up children. He is a member of an aeroplane club and is certified for flying a small Cessna, which he likes do on holidays. He almost finished a PhD in mathematics long time ago, but had to drop it when he moved back to Karlstad for family reasons.

On workdays, André drives his old Opel to work. He's in a large defense industry company, in a group developing software for management of aircraft documentation. The system (which has both military and civilian customers) is SGML based, and runs on both Linux and Windows NT. For maintaining the Linux version, André uses a Mandriva Linux server.

In spite of the often secretive and closed culture of the defense industry, André has a passion for open source. Since he is benefiting from open source software almost on a daily basis, he is allowed by his employer to contribute actively in the community during work hours (as long as he is keeping company secrets in house).

André contributes to the Mandriva community when he can help others with advanced programming issues, and has even contributed some of the kernel code since he needed that for his own system to run smoothly.

He is hoping to get an early retirement offer, so that he can spend more time with his hobby, and perhaps take care of grandchildren.


  • Current goal: Continuously improve the documentation management system
  • Current goal: Have a smoothly and securely running Mandriva installation
  • Long-term goal: Make his code maintainable and sustainable so that his successor will have no problems with it.
Persona description of Kim

Kim is 38 years of age. He and his girlfriend, whose name is also Kim (!), have two kids, 3 and 5 years old. They live in a small yellow "radhus" in Slagsta, a working class suburb just south of Stockholm.

Since childhood, Kim has been playing with all kinds of technical equipment. At high school, he took the electrician's programme, and after that he did his military service in a tele-warfare unit. He never went on to higher education, since he doesn't like reading books. Today, Kim works in a small company called MekanoData, together with 3 colleagues. His main task is to install and repair automatic ticket control machines at the Stockholm subway system.

There are two PCs at home. One of them is connected to the 30" flatscreen TV and surround stereo system and is used for watching downloaded movies and listening to mp3s. Sometimes the 5-year-old uses it to play games. The other (older) computer is used as an always on file server. Both run Mandriva Linux.

For work purposes, Kims girlfriend has a laptop computer running Windows XP. Kim would like for her to switch to Mandriva, too, but has not yet been able to persuade her. He likes the open source software philosophy, and argues that a switch could save in on anti-virus software cost.

Kim would like to be able to use the Mandriva Club as a help desk when running into problems with his system. He finds it quite difficult, but a few times he has found answers, posted questions and once he even answered a question by another user.


  • Current goal: Have a cheap but well functioning computer system
  • Long-term goal: Learn more, so that perhaps later he will be able to get jobs related to computer configuration and networking
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Attachments: 2 Attachments by Kicki ...

Personas ()
Creator: Kicki  Date: 2006/11/29 06:30
Last Author: Kicki  Date: 2006/11/29 09:18
Copyright (c) 2006 Mandriva