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RPM Request - Zimbra

Name Zimbra
License(s) Unknown
Category(ies) InternetInstantMessaging
Short description Zimbra is actually a colaboration software based on AJAX. A demo can be found at or test it for yourself on

Software Zimbra
Version 2005
Target distribution 2006
Processor type x86-32
Comments Zimbra is an open source server and client technology for next-generation enterprise messaging and collaboration. Zimbra delivers innovation for both the administrator and the end-user as well as compatibility with existing infrastructure and applications (both open source and proprietary). Zimbra is open source in order to leverage the collective talent of the greater community, and to ensure investment protection for Zimbra partners and end-users.
Status Requested

Votes count:  58
Volunteer No volunteer for now. Please login to enroll.
Status: Requested

1131859994046108305349 ()
Creator: WebHome  Date: 2005/11/13 06:34
Last Author: rbinz  Date: 2006/04/20 19:19
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