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RPM Request - Beagle

Name Beagle
License(s) QPL
Category(ies) SystemFileTools
Short description The beagle desktop search tool.

Software Beagle
Version 0.1.2
Target distribution 2006
Processor type x86-32
Comments Beagle 0.0.12 (as included in 2006) doesn't actually work! However, on the 11/Nov, version 0.1.2 was released, and this would probably be much better.

I've tried to compile from source, but there are so many dependencies on other packages with versions more recent than the ones in 2006. There is a 0.1.2 package in cooker, but that would break the 2006 stable system.

Status Requested

Votes count:  44
Volunteer No volunteer for now. Please login to enroll.
Status: Requested

Comments: 1 comments ...

1132041165279550910986 ()
Creator: Richard_Neill  Date: 2005/11/15 08:52
Last Author: Richard_Neill  Date: 2006/09/05 08:03
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